Roman Egypt [37 Coins]
Created: 13 Jun 2023 ; Last Updated: 30 Oct 2024 [Change Log]
(Recent: Alex-Mamaea [“Roman style”], Commodus, Trajan, Gordian III Caesar, L. Verus, Maximinus, Numerian)
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See also:
- 20th Century Sales of Alexandrian Coins Online (my annotated bibliography w/ links to important auction catalogs & collections available online, meant for provenance research & finding specimens for study that don’t appear in indexes like ACSearch, Coinarchives, or Sixbid Archive)
Contents of This Page:
Second Century, Adoptive Rulers: Trajan [3]; Hadrian [6]; Aelius [1]; Antoninus Pius [3]; L. Verus [1]; Commodus [3];
Third Century, Severan & Crisis: Severus Alexander [2]; Sev. Alex. & J. Mamaea [1]; Julia Mamaea [1]; Maximinus [3]; Maximus [1]; Gordian III [3]; Philip I [1];
Third Century, Recovery: Gallienus [1]; Tacitus [1]; Claudius II [3]; Numerian [1]; Carinus [1]; Maximian [1].
Trajan AE Drachm (35mm, 27.35g), 108/9 CE. Nike in biga, L IB (Year 12).
(Photo credit: Astarte.) Collection History:
Giovanni Dattari (1853-1923) Collection;
Ricardo Sarti Collection (Milan);
Giovanni Maria Staffieri (1944-) Collection [Astarte XXIII (28-29 Oct 2024), 302; acq. 1976 from Sarti].
Published: (2017) Duemila Monete della Collezione Dattari, No. 150 (this coin illustrated);
Dattari-Savio (2007) Catalogo completo della collezione Dattari – Numi Augg. Alexandrini, No. 947 (this coin illustrated).
See also: Dattari (1901) Numi Augg. Alexandrini, v. 1, No. 947 (this coin cited on p. 61);
Vogt I (1924), Alexandrinischen: p. 29 (this coin cited).
RPC III 4308, ex. 12 (this coin cited online).
Trajan AE Drachm (34mm, 27.00g), 108/9 CE. Propylaeum (ΒΑΛΑΝΗΟΥ?), L ΙB (Year 12).
(Photo credit: CJJ.) Collection History:
Johns Hopkins University / “Garrett” Collection No. 83.92 (C. Carlson, curator*) [Part III, NFA & Bank Leu, 29 Mar 1985, 484i (part, 3 of 11)];
Kerry K. Wetterstrom Collection, Part I, w/ various tags [CNA 12 (26 Sep 1990), 53];
HJB BBS 225 (20 Nov 2023), 507 [superb unnamed coll. of architectural types].
Published: Kampmann & Ganschow: 27.205 (this coin illustrated);
RPC III 4287.3, ex. 5 (this coin illustrated online);
RPC III 4337.2, ex. 2 (this coin in error, corr. online [Archived], poss. in print vol. III?).
Notes (Substantive): Fascinating & controversial rarity: Different from the anepigraphic arcade-style “Triumphal Arch,” also struck by Trajan that year (RPC III 4337.2), and from Domitian to Hadrian (Kleiner 1989). RPC suggests ΒΑΛAΝΗΟΥ (here, off-flan, see RPC 4287.2.4) is for the Thermae Traiani in Rome, Trajan’s bath complex dedicated that year (RPC 4287.1; the genitive form [for ΒΑΛAΝEION?] is a mystery no matter what).
I also wonder if it’s related to Trajan’s unique RY 12 Nymphaeum type (RPC III 4317 = RPC III Online 4317.1, -.2 & -.3; Vogt I: 76; Staffieri, 2014, QT 43: 255-264).
* Provenance Note: Certain coins from the joint NFA-Leu Johns Hopkins sales are only from the “Garrett Collection” in the abstract sense, esp. the Alexandrian AEs, added c. 1960s-70s by curator Carl Carlson (obit: The Celator 16.4 [Apr 02]: p. 32), who published & corresponded about them with K. Wetterstrom (who later bought this coin & others). Their “accession numbers” (“83…”) must actually refer to their 1983 deaccession. (See, e.g., ASW [incidentally, JHU grad.] in Nomos 24, 336.)
Or larger image: on Imgur (external)
Trajan Billon Tetradrachm (24mm, 11.80g), 111/2 CE. Canopus, L IE (Year 15).
(Photo credit: Agora Auction 100.) Collection History:
Robert L. Grover (1910-1998) Collection;
Art Institute of Chicago (reference / accession number 1979.1203), with tag;
Ex Gemini XIII (Harlan J. Berk, cat. by Curtis Clay; 6 Apr 2017), Lot 451 (part of, not illustrated).
Published Online: RPC III 4756, ex. 28 (this coin illustrated online).
Hadrian Billon Tetradrachm (24.5mm, 13.35g), 119/20 CE. Eagle, L Δ (Year 4).
(Photo credit: Naville.) Collection History:
Giovanni Dattari (1853-1923) Collection [Naville 64 (21 Mar 2021), 337].
Published: Dattari-Savio (2007) Catalogo completo della collezione Dattari – Numi Augg. Alexandrini, No. 1558 (this coin illustrated).
Cited: Dattari (1901) Numi Augg. Alexandrini, v. 1, No. 1558 (this coin cited on p. 99);
Milne, J.G., 1917, “The Alexandrian Coinage of the Early Years of Hadrian,” Numismatic Chronicle vol. 17: p. 50, no. 48, 4th example (this coin cited);
Vogt II (1924), Alexandrinischen: p. 43 (this coin cited).
See also: RPC III 5200, example 12 (this coin illustrated online).
Hadrian AE Drachm (34mm, 18.00g), 120/1 CE. Nike & trophy, 2 captives, L E (Year 5).
(Photo credit: Leu.) Collection History:
Giovanni Dattari (1853-1923) Collection [Naville 41 (24 Jun 2018), 326];
Eric ten Brink Collection [Leu e-26 (10 Jul 2023), 2797].
Published: Dattari-Savio (2007) Catalogo completo della collezione Dattari – Numi Augg. Alexandrini, No. 1775 (this coin illustrated).
Cited: Dattari (1901) Numi Augg. Alexandrini, v. 1, No. 1775 (this coin cited on p. 113);
Emmett (2001), Alexandrian Coins, E 1007.5 (this coin cited on p. 240, only example).
Vogt II (1924), Alexandrinischen: p. 44 (this coin cited).
Also: RPC III 5294, ex. 2 (this coin illustrated online, I haven’t checked a hard copy yet).
Notes: Hadrian’s “captives coinage” is remarkably rare. There are none for Imperial coins (just a few ambiguous images, probably not “captives”). For Provincials, only a pair of Alexandrian Drachms (RY 5) & Tetradrachms (RY 6), totaling only about 14 known specimens, 8 in museums. (This coin’s previous owner, ETB, owned four! That’s two-thirds of all Hadrian captives coins know to exist in private collections.)
Hadrian AE Drachm (36mm, 24.49g), 121/2 CE. Euthenia, L ς (Year 6).
(Photo credit: Kuenker.) Collection History:
Giovanni Dattari (1853-1923) Collection;
Anonymous German collection, formed late 1960s-1970s [Kunker 389 (23 Jun 2023), 2026; Peus 283 (14 May 1974), 213 (corr.)].
Published: Dattari (1901) Numi Augg. Alexandrini, No. 1703 (this coin illustrated in vol. 2, Tav. II, described in vol. 1, p. 118);
Dattari-Savio (2007) Catalogo completo della collezione Dattari – Numi Augg. Alexandrini, No. 1703 (this coin illustrated on Pl. 81);
Figari-Mosconi (2017) Duemila Monete della Collezione Dattari, No. 312 (this coin illustrated).
See Also: RPC III 5253, ex. 9 (this coin illustrated online);
Vogt II (1924), Alexandrinischen: p. 45 (this coin cited).
Notes: An interesting bust of Hadrian with prominent shoulder & chest. I’m not entirely sure it should be considered the same bust type as others of RPC 5253. I haven’t found another in this style for Hadrian, although it was used widely on Drachms of Trajan, Antoninus, and Antinous.
Interestingly, Peus Auction 283 got the description & Dattari number wrong, errors duplicated by the collector’s tag.
Hadrian AE Obol (20mm., 4.99g), 126/7 CE. Chuit-Hathor, LIA (Year 11), Athribite Nome.
(Photo credit: Leu.) Collection History:
AK Collection [acq. Münzen und Medaillen AG 1972; Triton XVIII (6 Jan 2015), 983, K46 (part of 48)];
Eric ten Brink Collection [CNG EA 404 (23 Aug 2017), 404; Leu e-26 (10 Jul 2023), 2967].
Published: Wendelin Kellner (2009) Die Münzstätte Alexandria in Ägypten, p. 106, 19 (this coin illustrated);
Kellner, “Die Muenzstaette Alexandria in Aegypten – 5. Teil: Hadrianus (bis zum Jarh 11),” MoneyTrend (10/2003), pp. 166-170: p. 168, Abb. 19 (this coin illustrated).
Also: RPC III 6466, ex. 44 (this coin illustrated online).
Notes: It’s rare to find Alexandrian Obols so little circulated. Unusually crisp rendering of Hadrian & Chuit-Hathor (patron deity of town of Athribis & Athribite Nome). Pierced carefully to avoid legends & devices. (Maybe for the same use as the pierced Antoninus Drachm below?)
Hadrian AE Drachm (35mm, 25.75g), 134/5 CE. Zeus & Eagle, L ЄNNЄ AKΔ (Year 19).
(Photo credit: Nomos AG.) Collection History:
Giovanni Dattari (1853-1923) Collection;
Jean-Pierre Righetti Collection of Alexandrian [Nomos 24 (22 May 2022), 299];
Published: Dattari-Savio (2007) Catalogo completo della collezione Dattari – Numi Augg. Alexandrini, Supplement Pl. 12, No. 138 (this coin illustrated).
See Also: RPC Online III 6058, example 3 (“digital plate coin”);
Ex NGC Choice VF 4/5 – 2/5, scratches [4285761-012], since removed & professionally cleaned by J.P.R. [acq. Heritage 231947 (22 Nov 2019), Lot 63128].
Notes: Where was this coin before Heritage in 2019? It is not from the Naville consignment. I have not been able to check Figari-Mosconi for possible sales in the 1970s.
My hunch: Likely ex Art Institute of Chicago / Grover Collection deaccession sale at Gemini XIII (2017), group lots (not illustrated): prob. Lot 547 (>10 ex Dattari Hadrian Drachms), or Lot 548 (>3 ex Dattari Hadrian Drachms). I don’t understand why, but a high proportion of the Grover-AIC Dattari’s were illustrated in 2007 Supplement (like this coin).
Hadrian Billon Tetradrachm (24.5mm., 12.06g), 136/7 CE. Demeter, L K-A (Year 21).
(Photo credit: Naville.) Collection History:
Elvira Clain-Stefanelli (1914-2001) Collection [Naville 36 (2 Dec 2017), 316];
M.N. Collection.
Aelius AE Diobol (25mm, 8.73g), 136/7 CE. Euthenia (RY 21 of Hadrian).
(Photo credit: CNG.) Collection History:
Giovanni Dattari (1853-1923) Collection [Kunst und Münzen FPL 42 (1980), 78 ; Münzen und Medaillen GmbH Auktion I (16 Sep 1997), Lot 333 (?)];
Rocky Mountain Collection of Alexandrian [CNG EA 484 (27 Jan 2021), 582 (& later sales) ; acq. William M. Rosenblum].
Published: Dattari-Savio (2007) Catalogo completo della collezione Dattari – Numi Augg. Alexandrini, No. 7999 (this coin illustrated);
Figari-Mosconi (2017) Duemila Monete della Collezione Dattari, No. 424 (this coin illustrated);
RPC III 6242, ex. 33 (this coin cited, illustrated online).
Note: Interesting rev. legend: “ΔΕΜ(APXIKHC) ΕΞΟVC(IAC) ΥΠΑΤ(OC) (TO) Β = Tribunicia Potestas Consul for (the) Second Year” (Emmett 2001: p. 282). The only Alexandrian coin dated to a Consulship in the style of Roman Imperial Coinage.
Note also the unusual object in the field below the patera. It appears on no other specimen & is difficult to interpret as an intentional part of the design.
Antoninus Pius AE Drachm (35mm, 22.25g), 146/7 CE. Zeus & Eagle, L ΔƐΚΑΤΟV (Year 10).
(Photo credit: Kölner.) Collection History:
Hans Steger (1875-1937) Collection [Münzhandlung Basel, Auktion 6 (1936), 725 (not ill.)];
August Voirol (1884-1967);
Frank Sternberg (1912-1994) (Collection?);
AK Collection [acq. Sternberg 1985; Triton XIX (4 Jan 2016), 448 (part)];
Kölner Auktion 117 (28 Oct 2022) [PDF Catalog], Lot 220 [selection of 40 well-provenanced Alexandrian].
Published: Wendelin Kellner (2009) Die Münzstätte Alexandria in Ägypten, Teil 7, No. 26 (this coin illustrated);
Kellner, “Die Muenzstatte Alexandria in Aegypten – 7. Teil: Antoninus Pius (bis zum Jahr 10),” MoneyTrend (12/2003), pp. 162-167: p. 165, Abb. 26 (this coin illustrated).
See also: RPC IV.4, 1010, ex. 75 (illustrated online).
Antoninus Pius AE Drachm (34mm, 23.79g), 150/1 CE. Nemesis as Griffin, L ΙΔ (Year 14).
(Photo credit: Heritage/NGC) Collection History:
Virginia Ruzicka (1915-1984) Collection [Malter 28 (8 Dec, 1984), 460];
Kerry K. Wetterstrom Collection, Part I [CNA 12 (26 Sep 1990), 213];
Phil Peck / “Morris” Collection [Heritage 61151 (26 Jan 2020), 97082];
Al Kowsky [AWK] Collection [CNG e 483 (6 Jan 2021), 357].
Published: Kampmann & Ganschow: 35.511 (this coin illustrated);
RPC IV.4 (Temp.) 14916, ex. 2 (this coin illustrated online).
Antoninus Pius Billon Tetradrachm (23mm, 12.6g), 154/5 CE. Sarapis, L IH (Year 18).
(Photo credit: zumbly/Minotaur [ed.]) Collection History:
Giovanni Dattari (1853-1923) Collection;
Robert L. Grover (1910-1998) Collection;
Art Institute of Chicago (reference / accession number 1981.460), with tag;
Ex Gemini XIII (Harlan J. Berk, cat. by Curtis Clay; 6 Apr 2017), Lot 460 (part of, not illustrated);
Zumbly Collection [Minotaur Coins, Singapore].
Published: Dattari-Savio (2007) Catalogo completo della collezione Dattari – Numi Augg. Alexandrini, Supplement, Pl. 14, No. 17 (this coin illustrated).
See also: RPC IV.4 1658 (this coin cited in refs.) & ex. 5 (illustrated online).
Lucius Verus AE Drachm (31mm, 18.15g, 12h), 167/8 CE. Tyche on Lectisternium, L H (Year 8).
(Photo credit: Kolner.) Collection History:
Marcel Jungfleisch (1879-1958) Collection, Part II [Sotheby’s, 9 Mar 1972, Lot 134 (illustrated)].
Sammlung Dr. Victor Wishnevsky, Teil III [Kölner Münzkabinett Auction 122 (4 Oct 2024), 578; acq. Sotheby’s, 28 Sep 1973, 99].
Published Online:
RPC IV.4 3092, ex. 15 (this coin).
Commodus AE Diobol (22mm, 8.51g), 182/3 CE. Lion, L KΓ (Year 23, of Marcus Aurelius [posthumous]).
(Photo credit: Astarte.) Collection History:
Giovanni Dattari (1853-1923) Collection;
Slg. Öhrl* [Heidelberger Münzhandlung Grün Auktion 20 (22 May 1997), lot 41];
Giovanni Maria Staffieri (1944-) Collection [Astarte XXIII (28-29 Oct 2024), 447].
Published: Dattari (1901) Numi Augg. Alexandrini, No. 3963 (this coin illustrated in vol. 2, Tav. XXXII [reverse], described in vol. 1, p. 268);
Dattari-Savio (2007) Catalogo completo della collezione Dattari – Numi Augg. Alexandrini, No. 9675 (this coin illustrated);
Figari-Mosconi (2017) Duemila Monete della Collezione Dattari, No. 953 (this coin illustrated);
RPC IV.4 3420, ex 2 (this coin illustrated).
Notes: Dattari Collection numbers usually match between his 1901 catalog and the 1999/2007 Savio publications of the Dattari collection pencil rubbings — but not always. Rarely, the same coin is numbered differently. Mine is Dattari (1901) 3963 = Savio (1999/2007) 9675. The Savio 3963 coin was in the “AK Collection,” erroneously labeled “Dattari 3963” in Kellner (p. 116, Figure 14; see Wildwinds: photo, text; Triton XX, Lot 622 [part, rev. visible]).
Commodus Billon Tetradrachm (25mm, 10.94g), 186/7 CE. Wreath & inscription, L KZ (Year 27).
(Photo credit: CNG.) Collection History:
Dr. Thomas E. Beniak Collection, w/ collector tag [CNG EA 566 (21 Feb 2024), 374, corr. (see below) ; acq. Beast Coins, 27 Jul 2009, w/ tag #C0230];
Keith Emmett Collection, w/ collector tag [cataloged by Zach “Beast” Beasley (n.d., ca. Summer 2008) ; acq. Frank S. Robinson, Sep 1994];
John Aiello Collection [duplicates, Alex G. Malloy XIV (2 Jul 1979), 386]
Published: James W. Curtis (1990) Tetradrachms of Roman Egypt [Durst Expanded Reprint], Supplement “C”: p. 307, No. 386 (this coin illustrated from Aiello sale).
See also: K. Emmett (2001) Alexandrian Coins, Pl. 8: No. 153. Given that it was in his collection, one could be forgiven for suspecting his line drawing was modeled on this coin, but it actually comes from Feuardent’s (1870) Demetrio catalog.
Note (Prov.): Incorrectly identified as ex Col. James Curtis Collection (No. 861) by CNG (I bid knowingly), Beniak (tag), Beasley’s Emmett catalog (“Curtis 861 (this coin)”). (Emmett’s tag, however, is correct!) Coins in the 1990 reprint are often mistakenly assumed to be from Curtis’ collection; most are not. See also Note: Curtis tags.
Notes (Substantive): Emmett 2562 (for type), ΠΕΡΙΟΔ ΔΕΚΑΕΤ in wreath, a unique spelling issued only for Commodus’ Vota Decennalia which, Head (1911: 861) writes, was “commemorated by the placing of a palm in the field of the rev.” (RY 27 is from start of M. Aurelius’ reign.) Several rulers have similar reverses, but none spelled in this way (e.g., ΠΕΡΙΟΔOC ΔΕΚΑTH).
Commodus Billon Tetradrachm (24mm, 10.70g), 189/90 CE. Helios, L Λ (Year 30).
(Photo credit: C.J.J..) Collection History:
Giovanni Dattari (1853-1923) Collection [Naville 51 (21 Jul 2019), 365].
Published: Dattari-Savio (2007) Catalogo completo della collezione Dattari – Numi Augg. Alexandrini, No. 9612 (this coin illustrated).
Also: RPC IV.4 3550 (this coin cited in refs.), example 25 (this coin illustrated online).
Severus Alexander, as Caesar, Billon Tetradrachm (25mm, 12.12g), 221/2 CE. Athena, L Є (Year 5, Elagabalus).
(Photo credit: CNG.) Collection History:
Dr. Thomas E. Beniak Collection [CNG EA 558 (20 Mar 2024), 507];
ex Bill Kalmbach [Nilus Coins, 1 Oct 2009, from his Collection?];
NFA Fall MBS 1990 (18 Oct 1990), 2443.
Published: SRCV 8108 (this coin illustrated), in: Sear, David R. (2002) Roman Coins and Their Values, Volume II: The Accession of Nerva to the Overthrow of the Severan Dynasty.
See Also: RPC VI (Temp.) 10213, ex 24 (this coin illustrated).
Severus Alexander Billon Tetradrachm (24mm, 12.44g), 227/8 CE. Elpis, L Z (Year 7).
(Photo credit: CNG) Collection History:
Giovanni Dattari (1853-1923) Collection;
Rocky Mountain Collection of Alexandrian [CNG EA 505 (1 Dec 2021), 361 (corr., unrecognized as Dattari specimen, erroneously described as 2nd known); acq. from Harlan Berk (n.d., correctly identified); unknown dealer tag (n.d., Inv. [?] “779 – HZHQANUSB”)].
Published: Dattari-Savio (2007) Catalogo completo della collezione Dattari – Numi Augg. Alexandrini, No. 12335 / 9892bis (this coin illustrated);
RPC VI Temp 10362 (this coin illustrated online);
Emmet (2001) Alexandrian Coins, 3101 (7), pp. 153 & 254 (this coin cited).
Notes: Unique! The only known specimen of Elpis coinage for Severus Alexander before Year 10 (but there is a matching Julia Domna Elpis Tetradrachm of Year 7 [RPC 10376], known from perhaps 3 specimens — reportedly two in the Col. J. Curtis Collection [not photographed, disposition unknown] & one Dattari [Savio 10046]).
Years 6 and 7 were particularly turbulent in the reign of Severus Alexander: Orbiana was exiled and replaced on Alexandrian coinage with Domna in RY 7, and the revolt instigated by Epagathus and murder of Ulpian. The Severans had plenty of reasons to invoke “Hope” for a better future in 228.
Severus Alexander & Julia Mamaea Billon Tetradrachm (25mm, 14.60g), 224/5 CE. ΤЄΤΑΡΤ (Year 4).
(Photo credit: CNG.) Collection History:
Giovanni Dattari (1853-1923) Collection;
Ex Carlo Fontana Collection [Finarte 1996, lot 1137];
Ex Lanz Numismatik 154 (11 Jun 2012), lot 414.
Giovanni Maria Staffieri (1944-) Collection [Astarte XXIII (28-29 Oct 2024), 452].
Published: Dattari (1901) Numi Augg. Alexandrini, No. 4251 (this coin illustrated in vol. 2, Tav. V [rev.], described in vol. 1, p. 294);
Dattari-Savio (2007) Catalogo completo della collezione Dattari – Numi Augg. Alexandrini, No. 4251 (this coin illustrated);
Figari-Mosconi (2017) Duemila Monete della Collezione Dattari, No. 1113 (this coin illustrated).
Julia Mamaea Billon Tetradrachm (21mm, 12.49g), 234/5 CE. Trophy & captives, L I∆ (Year 14).
(Photo credit: CNG.) Collection History:
Dr. Thomas E. Beniak Collection [CNG EA 563 (5 Jun 2024), 605; Empire 8 (7 Dec 1987), lot 665 (w/ J. Curtis’ holder, since lost; see Note: Curtis tags)];
Gordon Dickie (1924-2006) Collection [Empire 7 (2 May 1987), lot 208; Olympus FPL 5, Winter 1982/3, 175 (reprinted in Curtis 1990)];
Col. James W. Curtis (1913-1994) Collection, no. 1138 [H. Schulman (17 Jun 1958), 352 (part of 3, not ill.)].
Published: Curtis 1138 (this coin illustrated), in: James W. Curtis (1990) Tetradrachms of Roman Egypt [Durst Expanded Reprint], Supplement “A” (Olympus sale): p. 192, No. 175;
this coin cited (not illustrated) in: Curtis, James W. (1957) Tetradrachms of Roman Egypt (& 1969 edition);
RPC VI (Temp.) 10656, ex. 11 (this coin illustrated online).
Maximinus Billon Tetradrachm (24mm, 13.60g), 235 CE (Mar – Aug). Eirene, L A (Year 1).
(Photo credit: CNG.) Collection History:
Dr. Thomas E. Beniak Collection, w/ collector tag [CNG EA 565 (3 Jul 2024), Lot 543];
Empire Auction 8 (7 Dec 1987), lot 667, w/ blue collector tag & Dennis Kroh’s original cut-out photos used for the plates;
Hess Auktion 251 (Lucerne, 8 May 1981), lot 190 (p. 29 & pl. VIII);
Harmer-Rooke “Dattari Sale” (27 May 1971), 645 (part, not ill.);
Giovanni Dattari (1853-1923) Collection [Harmer-Rooke Dattari Sale (27 May 1971), 645 (part, not ill.)].
Published: Dattari (1901) Numi Augg. Alexandrini, No. 4570 (this coin illustrated in vol. 2, Pl. V [obv.] & Pl. XII [rev.], described in vol. 1, p. 313);
Dattari-Savio (2007) Catalogo completo della collezione Dattari – Numi Augg. Alexandrini, No. 4570 (this coin illustrated on Pl. 245);
Figari-Mosconi (2017) Duemila Monete della Collezione Dattari, No. 1324 (this coin illustrated);
RPC VI (Temp.) 10660, ex. 12 (this coin illustrated).
See also: Vogt II, p. 134 (this coin cited);
Geissen III, p. 202 (this coin cited: “Datt. 4570, Taf. V (Vs.) u. XII (Rs.)”);
Milne, Index: p. 138, Eirene, standing <c1> (this coin cited: “D. xii. 4570”).
Maximinus Billon Tetradrachm (13.80g, 22mm, 12h), 236/7 CE. Trophy & captives, L Γ (Year 3).
(Photo credit: CNG.) Collection History:
Rocky Mountain Collection of Alexandrian [acq. CNG MBS 79 (17 Sep 2008), 742].
Published Online: RPC VI (Temp) 10711, example 25 (this coin illustrated online);
Notes: The following coin (Dattari 4613) is of the same type, but from different dies.
Coin Project ID = 79000742.
Maximinus Billon Tetradrachm (12.80g, 23mm, 12h), 236/7 CE. Trophy & captives, L Γ (Year 3).
(Photo credit: Kölner) Collection History:
Giovanni Dattari (1853-1923) Collection;
Sammlung Dr. Victor Wishnevsky, Teil III [Kölner Münzkabinett Auction 122 (4 Oct 2024), 720];
Bayerische Vereinsbank, Münzschätze Lagerliste 6, 1974, Nr. 216.
Published: Dattari-Savio (2007) Catalogo completo della collezione Dattari – Numi Augg. Alexandrini, No. 4613 (this coin illustrated);
Dattari (1901) Numi Augg. Alexandrini, No. 4613 (this coin described in vol. 1, p. 316);
Geissen III, p. 210 (this coin cited: “Datt. 4613”).
See also: RPC VI (Temp) 10711, ex. 26 (this coin illustrated online & cited in ref. line: “D 4613”).
Maximus Billon Tetradrachm (23mm, 13.13g), 236/7 CE. Helios, L Γ (Year 3).
(Photo credit: HJB) Collection History:
Giovanni Dattari (1853-1923) Collection;
Sammlung J.-P. Righetti, Teil I [Münzen und Medaillen GmbH 12 (10 Apr 2003), 638];
Peter Lowrek Collection [HJB 228 (30 Jul 2024), 586, corr. (K&G ref. no.)].
Published: Dattari-Savio (2007) Catalogo completo della collezione Dattari – Numi Augg. Alexandrini, No. 12382 (this coin illustrated);
Kampmann & Ganschow 67.14 (this coin illustrated, after Righetti – needs verification);
Forthcoming: new Emmett vol. on 3rd cent. Alexandrian (this coin to be cited).
See also: RPC Online VI (Temp) 10719, ex. 17 (this coin cited from DS);
FAC 89908 (iwaniw, 29 Jul 2013, w/ Curtis Clay, me [Curtis JJ], Roberto [AlfaOmega]), this coin ill. from DS & MM 12.
Gordian III Billon Tetradrachm (23mm, 12.82g), 238 CE. Eagle, L A (Year 1, as Caesar under Balbinus & Pupienus).
(Photo credit: CNG.) Collection History:
Dr. Thomas E. Beniak Collection [CNG EA 569 (28 Aug 2024), 515];
Gordon Dickie (1924-2006) Collection [Empire 7 (2 May 1987), 215];
Giovanni Dattari (1853-1923) Collection.
Published: Dattari-Savio (2007) Catalogo completo della collezione Dattari – Numi Augg. Alexandrini, No. 10187 (this coin illustrated).
See also: RPC VII.2 3690, ex. 15 (this coin illustrated online).
Gordian III Billon Tetradrachm (24mm, 13.97g), 239/240 CE. Trophy & captives, L Γ (Year 3).
(Photo credit: CNG.) Collection History:
Dr. Thomas E. Beniak Collection [CNG EA 560 (17 Apr 2024), 523];
NFA Fall MBS 1990 (18 Oct 1990), 2475.
Published: SRCV 8839 (this coin illustrated), in: Sear, David R. (2005) Roman Coins and Their Values, Volume III: The Third Century Crisis and Recovery;
See also: RPC VII.2 3758, ex. 14 (this coin illustrated online).
Gordian III Billon Tetradrachm (23mm, 12.35g), 243/4 CE. Helios, L Z (Year 7).
(Photo credit: Naville.) Collection History:
Giovanni Dattari (1853-1923) Collection [Naville 60 (27 Sep 2020), 308].
Published: Dattari-Savio (2007) Catalogo completo della collezione Dattari – Numi Augg. Alexandrini, No. 4731 (this coin illustrated).
Also: RPC (VII, 2) 3874, ex. 8 (this coin illustrated online);
Dattari (1901) Numi Augg. Alexandrini, v. 1, No. 4731, corr. (this coin described on p. 324, misplaced legend break);
Klose & Overbeck (1989) Ägypten zur Römerze, p. 36, No. 97 (this coin cited);
David Sear (2005), Roman Coins and Their Values, Vol III: No. 8858 (this coin cited);
SNG Hunterian, part 2 (2008), p. CCCVIII (this coin cited);
Vogt II (1924), Alexandrinischen, p. 140 (this coin cited).
Note: Although this obv. die is also paired w/ other Year 7 types, this is the only specimen of either die for this type. Furthermore, this obv. legend variant is very rare (Γ-OPΔ, rather than ΓO-PΔ). Only one other specimen is known (Col. J. Curtis #1265 = CNA XVIII [3 Dec 1991], 443).
Over a century ago, Milne’s (1918, JSTOR 370158), hypothesized that these legend break variants represented “The Shops of the Roman Mint of Alexandria.” To my knowledge, no one ever took up the question (or even cataloged the variations). However, the new edition of Emmett will reportedly catalog the legend breaks, citing this coin & the Col. Curtis specimen (personal communication, 2023).
Philip I Potin Tetradrachm (24.5mm., 13.8og), 245/6 CE. Eagle, L Γ (Year 3).
(Photo credit: CNG.) Collection History:
J.S. Wagner [JSW] Collection [CNG EA 169 (25 Jul 2007), 145];
Stein A. Evensen Collection [CNG EA 496 (21 Jul 2021), 365].
See Also: RPC VIII (Temp.) 2796, ex. 38 (this coin illustrated online);
Manfred Miller (2020), Römische Provinzialprägungen (Band II: Ägypten bis Kolchis) [self-published e-book]: pp. 138-139, Abbildung 344 (this coin illustrated).
Gallienus Potin Tetradrachm (24mm, 11.26g), 264/5 CE. Athena, LIB (Year 12).
(Photo credit: CNG.) Collection History:
Col. James W. Curtis (1913-1994) Collection, no. 1579 [H. Schulman (17 Jun 1958), 518 (part of 4, not ill.)];
Dr. Thomas E. Beniak Collection [acq. from CNA XV (5 Jun 1991), 418, sold w/ Col. Curtis’ holder, apparently lost in the meantime].
Published: Curtis 1579, this coin cited (not illustrated) in: Curtis, James W. (1957) Tetradrachms of Roman Egypt (and 1969 & 1990 editions). See also Note: Curtis tags.
Tacitus Potin Tetradrachm (21mm., 8.84g), 275/6 CE. Eagle, ETOVC A (Year 1).
(Photo credit: Naville.) Collection History:
Elvira Clain-Stefanelli (1914-2001) Collection [Naville 38 (10 Mar 2018), 351].
Claudius II Gothicus Potin Tetradrachm (21mm, 10.91g), 279/80 CE. Homonoia, LB (Year 2).
(Photo credit: C.J.J..) Collection History:
AK Collection [acq. Münzen und Medaillen AG 1969; Triton XXVI (10 Jan 2023), 813 (part), F19].
Published: Wendelin Kellner (2009) Die Münzstätte Alexandria in Ägypten, p. 140, No. 11 (this coin illustrated);
Kellner, “Die Muenzstatte Alexandria in Aegypten. Teil 17: Claudius Gothicus Jahr 2 – Vaballath,” MoneyTrend (2/2005), pp. 148-153: p. 150, Abb. 11 (this coin illustrated);
RPC X (Temp) 75612 (this coin illustrated online).
Notes: Unusually “silvery” in appearance. Is this a high silver-content surface layer? (An edge chip suggests a core of typical base metal.) Or made of some other white metal?
Claudius II Gothicus Potin Tetradrachm (20mm, 7.53g), 279/80 CE. Dikaiosyne, LB (Year 2).
(Photo credit: Naville 87.) Collection History:
AK Collection [acq. Münzen und Medaillen AG 1969; Triton XXVI (10 Jan 2023), 813 (part), F15].
Published: Wendelin Kellner (2009) Die Münzstätte Alexandria in Ägypten, p. 140, No. 12 (this coin illustrated);
Kellner, “Die Muenzstatte Alexandria in Aegypten. Teil 17: Claudius Gothicus Jahr 2 – Vaballath,” MoneyTrend (2/2005), pp. 148-153: p. 150, Abb. 12 (this coin illustrated).
Claudius II Gothicus Potin Tetradrachm (21mm, 7.63g), 279/80 CE. Poseidon/Neptune, L B (Year 2).
(Photo credit: Naville 81.) Collection History:
AK Collection [Triton XXVI (10 Jan 2023), 813 (part), F22];
Markus R. Weder (1953-2016) Collection [private sale to “AK,” 2005].
Published: Wendelin Kellner (2009) Die Münzstätte Alexandria in Ägypten, p. 139, No. 6 (this coin illustrated);
Kellner, “Die Muenzstatte Alexandria in Aegypten. Teil 17: Claudius Gothicus Jahr 2 – Vaballath,” MoneyTrend (2/2005), pp. 148-153: p. 149, Abb. 6 (this coin illustrated).
Numerian Potin Tetradrachm (19mm, 8.21g), 283/4 CE. Athena Nikephoros, LB (Year 2 of Carus).
(Photo credit: CNG.) Collection History:
Niall Campbell (1872-1949), 10th Duke of Argyll Collection [purchased before WWII for sixpence at the old Caledonian Market in London (see note);
Gordon Dickie (1924-2006) Collection [Empire 7 (2 May 1987), 256];
Dr. Thomas E. Beniak Collection [CNG EA 571 (25 Sep 2024), 613].
Publication Hist.: RPC X 5110, ex. 36 (this coin illustrated online).
Note: This coin was once purchased under Market Overt – an obsolete legal principle that “provenance could not be questioned” for goods bought at “designated markets between sunrise and sunset” (Wiki)! Despite its medieval origins (the French Marché Ouvert), it survived in London until the end of the 20th cent.
Predictably, Market Overt was viewed as an invitation to sell stolen goods. One market’s infamy stood out: “New Caledonian” or “Bermondsey Market” (today, one of London’s oldest street markets). It became the face of Market Overt when two important 18th century British portraits were stolen and sold at Bermondsey Market for a pittance in 1992.
In the subsequent court case, the buyer managed to keep the paintings and scandalize the British public by invoking Market Overt! (“Ludicrous legal anomaly,” complained The Independent.) The outcry prompted British lawmakers to finally abolish it in 1994.
From his collector tags, the Duke of Argyll was a frequent buyer at the old Caledonian Market near Kings Cross in the 1930s. (It would close during WWII, reopening at Bermondsey.) Not yet stained by ill-repute, the old Caledonian was known as a hub for antiques and “bric-a-brac.”
The Duke – Niall Campbell – had another personal connection to it. Though active since the Anglo-Saxon period, the market was only officially recognized (allowing Market Overt to apply) in 1855 when Prince Albert and Queen Victoria opened it as “Metropolitan Cattle Market.”
Albert and Victoria were, as it happens, the Duke’s great-uncle and great-aunt. (His uncle, the 9th Duke of Argyll, married their daughter.)
Carinus Potin Tetradrachm (20mm, 7.10g), 284/5 CE. Homonoia, ETOYC Γ (Year 3).
(Photo credit: Astarte.) Collection History:
Giovanni Maria Staffieri (1944-) Collection [Astarte WA 2 (9 Dec 2023), 265];
Bono Simonetta (1903-1987) Collection [acq. by GMS in 1976].
Note: Staffieri & Simonetta were friends through the Swiss Numismatic Society in the 1970s and 1980s, until Simonetta’s death. (Staffieri wrote his May 1988 obituary for the SMB [to PDF].)
Simonetta also acquired a coin from Staffieri in 1976 (not mine): Ariarathes VI Drachm (Simonetta 1977, p. 33, n. 24 = Parthica 2007, Ar. VI 39/1). Perhaps these two coins were a trade?
Maximianus Potin Tetradrachm (20mm, 8.85g), 294/5 CE. Hercules, L I (Year 10).
(Photo credit: CNG.) Collection History:
Col. James W. Curtis (1913-1994) Collection, no. 1579;
acq. from Fratelli Bajocchi (Raoul Bajocchi, Cairo, Egypt), Dec 1955;
H. Schulman Lee – Curtis Sale (17 Jun 1958), Lot 618 (“unique,” not ill.);
Keith Emmett Collection [cataloged by Zach “Beast” Beasley (n.d., ca. Summer 2008), illustrated w/ photograph of Curtis’ holder (see Note: Curtis tags) ; acq. Olympus, Feb 1983, Nr. 424];
Dr. Thomas E. Beniak Collection [CNG EA 560 (17 Apr 2024), 547; acq. Beast Coins, 5 May Jul 2009].
Published: Curtis 2080 (this coin illustrated), in: James W. Curtis (1990) Tetradrachms of Roman Egypt [Durst Expanded Reprint], Supplement “A” (Olympus sale): p. 198, No. 424;
this coin cited (not illustrated) in: Curtis, James W. (1957) Tetradrachms of Roman Egypt (& 1969 edition);
RPC X (Temp.) 76191, ex. 7 (this coin illustrated online).
Notes: Described as “unpublished” variant in Curtis (1957, 1969, 1990), but see Dattari-Savio (1999/2007), 10717 (apparently the same dies).
Note: Curtis tags (return to Commodus [corr.], to Julia Mamaea, to Gallienus, to Maximian):
Sadly, Col. Curtis’ distinctive coin holders have rarely survived to the present. Few of his coins were photographed, so the holders would provide valuable evidence of their coll. & pub. history. It is common to see coins described as “reportedly ex. Curtis Collection,” but in cases where they can be checked, this attribution often turns out to be mistaken or unlikely (see, e.g., my Commodus [ex Aiello et al.] above).
They originally accompanied the coins when dispersed by Hans M.F. Schulman c. 1958-1961. In the 1980s and 1990s, it was still common for Curtis coins to be advertised as for sale “with his holder” (see my Gallienus above, w/ CNA XV excerpt).
When Emmett acq. them from Olympus (c. 1982), Bart Lewis passed many (but not all) along; at least eleven are photographed on Zach Beasley’s page cataloging Emmett duplicates sold c. 2008-9 (see, e.g., my Maximian). Those bought by Beniak (whether via Emmett or elsewhere), though, were apparently not preserved.
The next best thing to the physical holder is a photo of it, but that’s uncommon outside the Emmett-Beasley coins. Following that, an old auction catalog with a photo of the coin and description of the coin as accompanied by Curtis’s holder provides some degree of assurance (such as the Gallienus or Julia Mamaea above).
Of those coins illustrated in the Supplements to Durst’s 1990 reprint of Tetradrachms of Roman Egypt (J. Curtis), only those specifically described as ex-Curtis come from his collection. Most are in Supplement A (Olympus FPL 5 [Winter 1982/3], misdescribed as Empire Coins). But note that only some of the Supplement A coins are described as “Ex CURTIS” (see the and my Maximian); many came from other, unknown sources.
Change Log (return to top):
12 Jun 2023 (draft created); 13 Jun 2023 (page published, initially with 10 coins, many more to add!); 24 Jun 2023 (additional coins to 14); 12 Jul 2023 (added 4, incl. 2 Hadrian ex ETB Collection); 8-11 Mar 2024 (5 Added: Trajan Drachm ex JHU-Wetterstrom; Commodus ex Beniak et al.; Claudius II ex AK & Weder; Carinus ex Simonetta & Staffieri; Aielus ex Dattari); 22 Mar 2024 (Sev Alex Caesar & Gallienus, ex Beniak et al.); 19 Apr 2024 (Gordian III & Maximianus, ex Beniak et al.); 10 Jun 2024 (Julia Mamaea ex Curtis, Dickie, Beniak); 11 Jul 2024 (Maximinus Eirene ex D4570, Beniak); 4 Aug 2024 (Maximus ex Dattari, Righetti, Lowrek); 2 Oct 2024 (Numerian ex Beniak, Dickie, Argyll); 30 Oct 2024 (L. Verus & Maximinus ex Wishnevsky et al; Gordian III Caesar ex Beniak et al; Commodus, Trajan, Alexander-Mamaea ex Staffieri et al).