Created: 3 Sep 2022 / 9 Jun 2023 (major revision) ; Last Updated: 6 Mar 2025 (Change Log).
ca. 300 private coll. entries (~60% w/ bios added so far)
selected recent updates: Gorringe, King, Hatie, Boyd, Lyne, Helbig, Hoge, Wüthrich, C. Clay, Este & “Gonzaga,” M. Molnar, T. Cheesman, R. Plant, Lindgren, K.G. Elberling & GTI de la Fontaine, A. Milavic
The “Top Shelf”: Object Biography & Provenance Glossary
“Collect the collectors….
John W. Adams’ advice to Joel Orosz (2020), The Asylum 38 [2]: p. 51.
[Each coin will represent] a tangible link to the great dealers and collectors in…numismatic history.”
- Introduction: Object Biography
- Visualizing Object Biography
- Provenance Glossary [note]:
- Index of Private Collections; Institutional Collections; Hoards; Publications [TO ADD]
Coins on the pages below are linked to Provenance Glossary on this page [123 total coins]:
- Page I (Greek, West: Celts through Central Greece) [40+ Coins]
- Page II (Greek, East: Asia Minor, Persia & Jewish Coinage) [27 Coins]
- Page III (Roman Provincial Europe & Asia) [21 Coins]
- Page IV (Roman Provincial Egypt, Alexandria) [37 Coins]
- Page V (Roman Republican & Imperial) [24+ Coins]
- Page VI (Byzantine & Contemporaries) [10 Coins]
OBJECT BIOGRAPHY: The Modern Social Lives of Ancient Coins
On these pages are my coins with the most interesting (modern) “object biographies”: hoard provenances, private and institutional collections, museum exhibitions, publication in the literature, and/or other important “life events.”
Conceptually, what separates object biography from “provenance” is the focus not only on ownership and collection history, but any notable event in the life of the coin.
Ancient coins tend to have bifurcated biographies, divided sharply between the ancient world (c. 600-2,600 years ago) and their modern social lives after being unearthed (usually in recent decades or centuries).
In antiquity, we may know only when and where a coin was struck. Countermarks, findspots, and hoards may tell us where it circulated and when it was buried; we gain additional bits of information from physical details like graffiti, cutting, piercing.
But we can often construct a much more detailed modern object biography. The focus is on what ancient coins meant to modern collectors, scholars, and other social actors; how different audiences received and used the them; and, what role they played in the history of thought about antiquity.
VISUALIZING OBJECT BIOGRAPHY: Provenance Network & Diagrams
“When determining the provenance, it was repeatedly found that the really good coins can be traced back from auction to auction….”
“Vorwort,” Sammlung Frank Sternberg (1973, trans./orig.)
Aside from the textual representation below (the “provenance glossary”), there are ways to visually represent numismatic object biography.
A distinctive feature of classical numismatics is that much of the data itself is distributed throughout many private collections across the world. Those collections are periodically sold, the contents reinterpreted and constituted as new collections by subsequent generations. For this reason, we can also think of “collection history” as a flow of information over time, space, and social networks.
A few possibilities for visualizing the flow of numismatic object-data through social networks:

In the network diagram above, each of the 38 coins serves as a node connecting at least two collectors by serial ownership. (Some coin-nodes connect as many as five collectors, plus me, each of whom is connected to yet other collectors by additional coins.)
Across the network shown, at least 58 collectors/collections are inter-connected (with 1 to 10 degrees of separation). (Think “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” — but for ancient coin collectors!)
Each of the provenance diagrams below represents a single coin’s object biography (see also my blog post on “Provenance Diagrams” [12 Aug 2022]):

The purpose is to illustrate movement from one collection (and country) to the next, and to document the sequence of publications and other important events in the life of a single coin.
London (June 2, 1863): “…as the auctioneer hinted to me beforehand there was no name to make it attractive, so the very same things which last year I saw sold at one price, now brought less than half as much.”
Charles Francis Adams, discussing the value of “pedigree” in a diary entry after a Sotheby’s auction while serving as U.S. Minister to the U.K. during the American Civil War. The Civil War Diaries. Mass. Hist. Society.
- Private Collections
- Institutional Collections
- Hoards
- Publications [TO ADD]
I have borrowed the phrase provenance glossary from Hadrien Rambach’s work (2016; see Terminology Note for more background). See also the “Bibliography: Numismatic Sale Catalog Research, Resources” on my Catalog Library page.
incl. Ex-Libris, Author Signatures & Inscriptions
(see also John Quincy Adams & Henry Adams)
American politician & diplomat, Minister to UK during the Civil War, son of 6th Pres. John Quincy Adams. Inherited & further built the JQA Collection. Responsible for the vast majority of coins in the “JQA Collection” — probably added all of the ancient coins (JQA’s ancients were lost [!]; CFA inherited 265 coins, died w/ c. 10,000; HA did not collect or add; by the de-accession sale, many were already exchanged, leaving 5,375 in 1971). Many coins acq. at Sotheby auctions, 1862-8 (his copies of the catalogs housed w/ MA Hist. Soc.; recounted in The Education of Henry Adams, p. 213; mentioned repeatedly in diaries).
[See esp.:Friedlaender (1974) ; Markowitz (2025), “The Adams Family Collection of Ancient Coins” ; Stack’s (MHS Sale) 5 Mar 1971 ; MHS “Adams Papers” ; Smith (ANB 2023) – ; see also: Stack’s (Sawhill-JMU Sale) 15 Mar 1979 ; Malloy FPLs (Catalog Library).]
Related Literature (secondary sales): >1/4 of coll. acq. by J. Sawhill (my copy ex BCD Lib.): 265 Lots (650 coins) of original 971 Lots (in Stack’s MHS 1971) cataloged again in Stack’s 1979 Sawhill-James Madison University sale. Those coins NOT illustrated — BUT, very importantly, Alex G. Malloy was a major buyer at BOTH sales, many ex-Adams-MHS (1971)/Sawhill-JMU (1979) later ill. in his FPLs, c. 1971-early 1980s (ancient & Medieval FPLs). Even my partial Malloy FPL set (ex libris ANS, M. Shubin, & BCD) has >103 Adams-MHS coins cataloged, >57 ill. (i.e., for the first time ever!). RBW also competed on RRC & was one of the few buyers besides Sawhill & Malloy; he later bought more of the Adams-MHS coins from the Sawhill sale, probably from Malloy as well (since RBW was a frequent customer of his)! (Catalog Library: Malloy, Stack’s, Sawhill notes.)
Coins: Rubria Quinarius (RBW 1325) ; Diocletian BI Radiate (reportedly).
ADAMS, HENRY (1838-1918)
(see also John Quincy Adams & Charles Francis Adams)
American historian (son of CFA, grandson of JQA), author of memoir The Education of Henry Adams (which mentions CFA coin purchases). Inherited CFA’s collection but didn’t add to it (“I care nothing for them…”; Friedlaender 1974: 4-5). Donated the collection (and family papers) to Mass. Hist. Soc. in 1913.
[see refs. for Adams, C.F.]
Coins: Rubria Quinarius (RBW 1325) ; Diocletian BI Radiate (reportedly).
Related: secondary sales, Malloy & Sawhill-JMU (see Adams, Charles Francis)
ADAMS, JOHN QUINCY (1767-1848)
(see also Charles Francis Adams & Henry Adams)
6th President of USA. Active numismatist much of his life. Personal collection inventoried for his 1817 Report on Weights and Measures (w/ much discussion of Greek, Hebrew, Roman coins), an important chapter in the hist. of numis. thought, illustrating how early American gov. & soc. were influenced by personal collecting & sense of connection to the Classical world (it clearly felt much closer then). Often called the “JQA Collection” (or, “and descendants”), it appears all Greek & Roman were added by CFA; that portion of JQA’s original coll. was lost c. 1835 (Friedlaender 1974: 6 n.9). Nonetheless, the multi-generational Adams coll. existed continuously from 1804-1813 (or earlier) until its 1971 sale.
[see refs. for Adams, C.F.; Smith (ANB 2023), p. 4.]
Coins (added by Charles Francis Adams): Rubria Quinarius (RBW 1325) ; Diocletian BI Radiate (reportedly).
Related: secondary sales, Malloy & Sawhill-JMU (see Adams, Charles Francis)
ADAMS, JOHN WESTON [alt: John W. Adams] (1936-)
Notable collector of American coins/medals & author of important works of numismatic literature, esp. re: U.S. coins, American/European medals & numismatic bibliography. Subcollections of his coins/medals & books have been cataloged & sold multiple times by American firms, spanning at least 1982 to 2019 (incl. Bowers & Ruddy, Stack’s, Kolbe, Money Tree). Past officer in many numis. orgs., incl. being simultaneously President of Numis. Bibliomania Soc. (NBS, 2007-9) & Medal Collectors of America (MCA, 2005-9); recipient of ANS Huntington (2014) & Trustees’ (2016) Awards; Trustee of the Mass. Hist. Soc. (MHS), Fellow of the American Antiquarian Society (AAS), Board of the ANS.
(To my knowledge, not related to the previous Adamses despite various biographical coincidences!)
[Smith (ANB 2023), p. 4; ANS Authorities; Stack’s 14 Nov 2019 (PDF Catalog).]
Literature: Signed Bibliography (No. 268/500, also signed by Kolbe)
AIELLO, JOHN = Gianni Aiello
American ancient coin dealer (active c. 1960s-1970s, Hewitt, NJ) & collector, known esp. for Alexandrian, many from important prior colls. (e.g., Dattari, Slocum, Curtis) & cited in RPC Online & other refs. His collections of Roman Egypt (duplicates) & Roman Imperial sold by Alex G. Malloy. One of the catalogers of AGM Library in 2008 (Malter 89).
Fitzwilliam lists catalogs published 1965-1973 (as Hellenic-Roman Coins Ltd., Hewitt, NJ; my one Aiello FPL gives no business name other than “John Aiello”). As of March 2024, his site for Educational Coin Co. (About Us) is still active.
[Fitzwilliam Catalogs (A-D); Malloy XIV (Alexandrian Coll. Duplicates, reprinted in Curtis 1990); Malloy LX (RIC Coll., many later sold by FAC)]
Coins: Commodus Tetradrachm (ex Beniak, Emmett, ill. in Curtis 1990: 386) ; Hadrian AE Sparta (acq. from BCD, Petsalis, Hirsch Estate [?]) ; Phlious AE (acq. BCD [Pelo 107]) ; Euboea Federal AE (acq. from BCD, Warren, IGCH 230) ; Boeotia Federal AE Overstrike (ex Hirsch Estate w/ old tag, maybe acq. from BCD?) ; Boeotia Federal AE (acq. from BCD, Petsalis, Hirsch Estate [?]) ; Boeotia Orchomenos AE (acq. from BCD, Lindgren [II 1513]) ; Thessaly AE (acq. by BCD Dupl.) ; Literature: Mabbott Greek Catalog (ex Aiello Library) ; Related: Aiello FPL 5 (Nov 1972): Morris Coll. Greek AE, >52 ex-Mabbott (acq. by BCD Library Duplicates).
AK COLLECTION [alt: A.K. Collection]
(see also Kellner, Wendelin [1931-2023])
Large coll. of RRC, RIC & RPC, formed 1960s-2000s (esp. German firms 1960s-70s). Sold primarily in groups at CNG Triton sales, beginning w/ Triton XII (2009) to present; individually cataloged in separate “AK Supplement” catalogs (hard to find in print; a few online). The Alexandrian published in large part in Wendelin Kellner’s (2009) Die Münzstätte Alexandria in Ägypten. Many RIC in Kellner’s “Ungewöhnliche und irreguläre Römermünzen” series in MoneyTrend.
Reviewing Kellner’s Alexandria book in The Celator (May 2010, 25 [4]: 46), Martina Dieterle called Kellner “a numismatist, also a renowned collector,” but commented that “most of [the coins] are in private collections” without indicating whether they might belong to the author.
[Fitzwilliam Catalogs (E-G; under England, Victor)]
Coins: Antoninus Zeus Drachm (Sternberg, et al.) ; Hadrian Nomes Obol (Brink) ; Claudius II Tetradrachm (Kellner 11) ; Claudius II Tetradrachm (Kellner 12) ; Claudius II Tetradrachm (Kellner 11, ex Weder) ; Sev. Alex. Denarius
AL THANI, SHEIK SAOUD = “Man in Love with Art” (1966-2014)
Qatari prince, collector, Minister of Culture w/ legendary appetite for ancient art, incl. coins (along w/ others of the family). His NYT obit called him “a behemoth in the world marketplace of art and artifacts…courted by art dealers, auction houses and museum curators, and resented by competing collectors, who complained that his unlimited resources and single-mindedness inflated prices ludicrously.” It was often unclear which coins were purchased for his priv. coll. & which for the national museums in Doha, using gov. funds. (Scandals surrounded possible misappropriation & unpaid auction invoices.) He purchased an inordinate proportion of the BCD Thessaly I (Nomos 4) sale, including the coin below, driving the prices to excess. (Most of them were sold after his death for considerably less than he paid.)
[NY Times Obituary (17 Nov 2014) ; Wikipedia ; NAC 92, Part I: Foreword (pp. 7-8) ; The Al-Thani Collection Foundation]
Coins: Pelinna Obol (Pozzi, BCD Thessaly 1433.7)
ALBA LONGA COLLECTION = José Fernández Molina (d. 2003)
Spanish collector & author of numismatic books. Most of the coll. published in FFC (Fernández, Calicó & Carrera), Catálogo Monografico de los Denarios de la República Romana (incluyendo Augusto) [Engl. trans. as A Guide to the Denarii of the Roman Republic to Augustus].
[Aureo y Calicó 319 (17 Nov 2018); Aureo & Calicó, Auction 339 (14 Nov 2019)]
Coins: Thorius Balbus Brockage
Aleph Collection
Coins: Apollonia-Mordiaeum Homonoia AE (ex Mabbott, Peck/”Morris”)
Sotheby’s London Sale No. 6395 (7 Mar 1996), “Sale of an Anonymous Collection” (274 Nos. on 12 Pl. + 7 Pl. Enlgmt.). Many important prior provenances; dispersed to mult. important colls. I’ve been unable to find the coll. name.
(I haven’t found a copy of the print catalog, so there may be clues there, as well as the timing of how the collection came to market. This is based on secondary records.)
Secondary records show many purchases c. late 1940s & early 1950s. Multiple acq. ex Pierre Strauss (c. 1949-1954), ex Ciani (1947, 1950). But one coin ex Hess-Leu 28 (1965), Lot 11 (ex Ciani, Feb 1950). Possibly others, w/ only the earlier sale records preserved?
[ANS Library – DONUM Record]
Coins: Thessaly AE X2 (ex BCD)
ARLUK, ANGELA (née Samel) (1920-2015)
Collector of ancient Jewish coins, with her brother Josef Samel and husband Arnold Arluk (1920 – 2007). Born in central Poland, survived the Nazis, immigrated to Munich after the war. Collection exhibited at SMM (w/ Israel Museum) in 1993, curated by Meshorer & Overbeck, pub. as Das Heilige Land.
[Künker Auktion 334; Künker bio]
Coins: Hyrcanus Prutah (Samel, Overbeck-Meshorer 58)
ASHTON, PHILIP (1934-2017)
Collector (mainly Roman, some Greek) & engineer who worked in the energy industry in the American northeast. Acquisitions came especially from H.J. Berk – among other U.S. firms such as Pegasi. Collection sold in many Berk Buy-Bid-Sales and Gemini sales from 2018.
[Gemini XIV (2018): p. 6 bio]
Coins: Gallienus Captives Antoninianus
ATHENA FUND (formed 1980s-1990s)
Merrill-Lynch’s “Athena Fund” was the first & best-known ancient coin investment fund, managed by Bruce McNall (owner of Numismatic Fine Arts & major owner in Superior Galleries & NHL hockey team, LA Kings), who was imprisoned for financial crimes & wrote an important autobiography about the ancient coin & antiquities market (see below). Aside from the scandal of adjacent financial crimes, controversy followed rumors of illegally excavated, undeclared hoards. In 1993 (26 Oct, 27 Oct, 9 Dec), Sotheby’s held a famous series of liquidation sales when NFA & Athena Fund collapsed, incl. 100s of the world’s finest ancient coins & many 1,000s of simply “high end” coins (see my Catalog Lib.). In Classical Numismatic Review 19.1, England & McFadden wrote “1993 saw the liquidation of the Athena Fund. What was expected to set the market reeling actually stimulated activity.”
[McNall (2003) Fun While It Lasted (NY: Hyperion); see also: Athena Fund II, Limited Partnership (1988), video narr. by C. Vermeule (David Lisot Video Library) ; Merrill-Lynch published a prospectus (Philadelphia: 16 Aug 1988), The Athena Fund II, L.P. An Historic Investment Opportunity (rare, Bourne 16, 25 Oct 2002, Lot 946, cover ill., biblio. details unclear: 16 pp. or 100 pp.?)]
Coins: Mazaios Tarsos Stater (Seventko, J.B. Collection, “Tarsus Hoard”) ; Samaria Ma’eh/Obol (Galst, Samaria Hoard 165)
(see von Aulock, Hans)
B.G. COLLECTION (previously “la Collection Olbia en Provence”) [alt: BG Collection, B. G. Collection]
Francophone collection first formed between the 1990s & 2008. The first collection of 87 high end Greek (and a few RRC) coins were then sold at NAC Auction 46 (2 April 2008). They were interspersed through the auction, only identified in the catalog by an asterisk by the lot number, not distinguished in auction lot databases. The collector’s own photographs of the coins appear on 4 plates at the back of the catalog. (See also the collector’s poetic reflections on Greek coinage in a preface on p. 4.)
A second collection was formed by same collector, 2008-2018, c. 100 relatively high quality Greek, RRC, RIC coins, and sold by CNG, 2020-2021 (Triton XXIII [“B. G.”], CNG 114 [“B.G.”], CNG e-Auctions). Three unsold lots from NAC 46 appeared again at CNG, confirming that the two B.G.’s are one and the same.
Coins: Halved Punic AR Shekel (Melqart-Hannibal [?] / Horse, CNG 88, 2 on ACSearch)
BAKER, RICHARD (c. 1948-)
Born Boston, lived in Southern California from childhood. Formed an important collection of countermarks, especially on Roman Imperial and Provincial Coinage. Long active in Ancient Coin Club of Los Angeles (ACCLA) as member, officer (Vice-President), and presenter.
Author of “The Countermarks Found on Ancient Roman Coins: A Brief Introduction,” in SAN XV (3): 52-58 (avail. from ACCLA: HTML or PDF). Since c. 2003, many coins included in Pangerl’s “Museum of Roman Countermarks” and on Hannes Mayer’s website (archived).
Collection reportedly for over more than 50 years, stemming from a general interest in ancient history and art (first coin reportedly 1960). Majority of the noted countermark coll. sold by CNG, 2018-9 (Auctions 111, e-434, e-443, e-469 to 471) and, from 2022, other Greek, Roman, Byzantine coins. Most provenances cataloged by CNG record purchases c. 1981-2011 (esp. 1984 – 1987; few post-2003). (Bill Dalzell cataloged much of the countermark coll. at CNG.)
[Personal Bio in ACTA ACCLA (Mar 2003) ; Introduction/bio on Moneta-L (25 Aug 2004) ; earlier (24 Nov 2001) Moneta-L intro from fellow ACCLA member K.L. Friedman]
Coins: Claudius Sestertius NCAPR (ex Kowsky, featured in his 9 Mar 2019 CoinTalk Post) ; various Greek/RPC AE (countermarked & otherwise)
BAR, MARC (1921-2015)
Notable Belgian numismatist. Editor of BCEN. Author of numismatic vols. & numerous articles on Greek coins. A posthumous festschrift was published in 2017, Hekátê triformis (Doyen & Genviève, eds.). Priv. coll. sold at Elsen 155 (16 Jun 2023). Coll. of Greek AE donated to Roy. Belg. Lib. (2002) & pub. (2007) as SNG Bar (Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique, La Collection de Bronzes Grecs de Marc Bar).
[Elsen 155 bio (PDF); CEN Memoriam; Biblio from RBNS]
Coins: Olympia Obol (BCD Olympia 126 = HGC 472)
BARTLETT, ROBERT W. (Bequest to ANS) (1924-2017)
San Diego, CA. 350 Greek & Roman bequeathed; ANS accessioned some in 2018 (esp. Sestertii), consigned most to CNG Keystone. Unfortunately CNG didn’t produce a catalog, as the provenances are a wonderful snapshot of the U.S. coin market in the early 1980s, post-“Silver Thursday” & “Stinkin’ Lincoln” (CSNS 1980).
ANS bio: “particularly strong in Roman sestertii. Robert Bartlett clearly was an avid record keeper, and his collection came with a full catalogue and an almost complete record of his invoices and correspondence with many well-known dealers in the US and in particular London from the 1960s onwards.”
[ANS Magazine, Jan. 2018, v.17 (1), p.62 (or PDF); CNG Keystone Sale 4]
Coins: Brettii AE Didrachm (ex Muñoz, ANS) ; Divus Augustus Sestertius (ex ANS)
Bastien, Pierre (1912-2010)
Literature: Glendining-Lockett XII (bound w/ his bookplate)
BAUER, HORST-ULBO = H. U. Bauer Coll. = Slg. Dr. Ulbo Bauer, Köln
Cologne, Germany. At one time, curator at Römisch-Germanische Museum in Cologne (c. 1950s, then connected to the Wallraf-Richartz Museum). Awarded 1941 Reisestipendiat from Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts (DAI), but could not be used due to war. Published several articles (c. 1950-60s) on numismatic topics & antikekunst in Swiss & German periodicals. Later, an art & antiquities dealer (Kleinkunst der Antike, Köln). Various antiquities from his private collection & commercial inventory now in Swiss & German institutional collections, incl. some purchased from or sold to H. von Aulock. Was married to ballerina Inca Bauer.
Coins: T. Carisius Cr. 464/4 Denarius (Simpson, d’Este) ; Related: MMAG Auction 52 (1975), part of (unnamed colls. of d’Este & Antinous)
Vast scholarly collection of Greek coins (prob. the most important priv. coll. ever formed), widely referenced in literature & catalogs on coins of Central Greece. Best known for the 10 major sale catalogs (which are also major standalone refs.) covering Akarnania & Aetolia, Boiotia, Corinth, Euboia, Lokris-Phokis, Olympia, Peloponnesos (2), and Thessaly (2).
The BCD Library (dispersed beginning 2024) was long reputed to be the most complete in the world for Greek numismatics (at least for a priv. lib.) — especially in the area of sale catalogs, which are essential for provenance research & die studies.
[For a fuller writeup, see my BCD Annotated Bibliography; Andrew McCabe published a “travelogue” re: BCD Library : NBS summary, Flickr photos; see also his website.]
Coins (selected, ~30 of >100): Herakleia Trachinia Obol (ex Lambros, Jameson, Hirsch Estate, Gilman) ; Krannon AE [Thess. II 115.4] ; Krannon AE (ex Rogers, Empedocles) ; Larissa Drachm [Th II 218] (CH IX, 64 [Thessaly 1993 Hoard]). ; Pelinna Obol [1433.7] (ex Pozzi 1236, Al-Thani) ; Nero Thess [Burrer 1.1] ; Akarnania Federal AE [42] (ex Michel Thys) ; Leukas Stater [278.1] ; Lokris Chalkous (SNG Cop Duplicates) ; var. Lokri Opountian AEs (H-D “plate coins” & Jarman) ; Phokis Hemiobol [197] ; Phokis Hemiobol [198] ; Phokis Triobol [229.3] ; Phokis Triobol [281.3] ; Eretria Obol (ex WP Wallace) ; Karystos Dichalkon [587] ; Chalkis Hemiobol [133] (CsP 956) ; Euboea Federal AE (Aiello, Warren, IGCH 230) ; Phlious AE [107 = HGC 172] (Aiello) ; Sikyon AE [317.3] ; Sikyon AE [328.11] (Warren “plate coin”) ; Messenia Hemidrachm [P II 2327] (H. Otto, Sawhill/JMU) ; Epidauros Chalkous (Rhousopoulos [?], Maleatas) ; Megalopolis Hemidrachm [1560] (Traeger 466) ; Megalopolis Hemidrachm [1561] (Traeger 454, CH VIII, 338 = “Peloponnesos Hoard,” Spring 1985) ; Hadrian AE Sparta (Aiello, Petsalis, Hirsch Estate [?]) ; Olympia Obol [126] (HGC 472, ex M. Bar) ; Elis AE Apollo (Petsalis, Cohen) [external FAC Gallery w/ tag] ; M. Aurel [Corinth 721] ; Tanagra Obol [Boiotia 277] ; Boeotia Federal AE (Aiello, Petsalis, Hirsch Estate [?]) ; Boeotia Orchomenos AE (Aiello, Lindgren [II 1513]) ;
Literature (selected): BCD Olympia (BCD Bound, signed & inscribed to A. Milavic) ; BMC Thessaly & Peloponnesos & C. Greece (BCD Bound, annotated) ; SNG Berry (BCD Bound), SNG Levante (vol 1 + Suppl.), and SNG Righetti (all Kolbe & Fanning 169) ; numerous sale catalogs ex BCD Library Duplicates (provenances noted in Catalog Library, right column; some detailed in Catalog Favorites) ;
Related (selected): BCD Collection Catalogs (10 major catalogs + duplicates, 9X ex Wenninger, 4X ex Hendin)
BEHNEN, BILL = William Behnen (c. 1943-)
American collection of Trajan Decius & family, both Imperial & RPC. Primarily sold 2017-8 by Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. at Buy-Bid Sales 201 & 202, and Gemini XIII & XIV (I’ve spotted a few other coins in later sales, some unidentified as such), cataloged by Curtis Clay.
Previously sold a collection of Roman Republican coinage through Freeman & Sear (MBS 17, 15 Dec 2009), in at least 52 lots.
Freeman gave no indication of when/where the RRC were acq., but the coll. of the Decii was formed since the early 1960s, a few as late as 2009 (many acq. from Christian Blom & other US coin dealers, e.g., Joel Malter, Empire, Lindgren/Antioch Assoc., CNG, Pegasi, Jencek; only post-FS MBS 17 purchase I find is a Byzantine weight acq. in 2012).
[Behnen Coll. Part I, Gemini XIII (6 Apr 2017): p. 5 (intro), Lots 283-377 ; Part II, HJB 201 (13 Jul 2017), Lots 377-481 ; HJB 202 (26 Oct 2017) not online (& among the few absent from my Catalog Lib.): 47 Lots (351-397) on ACSearch ; Gemini XIV (18 Apr 2018): 11 Lots, 582-592]
Coins: Decius DACIA Ant. (ex C. Blom 1964, not listed as Behnen, I believe erroneously) [external ACSearch]
BEMENT, CLARENCE SWEET = C. S. Bement (1843-1923)
Important Philadelphia industrialist & collector. Before coins (the coll. of which he assembled over “only” 15 years), he formed one of the world’s greatest mineral collections (a common theme: G. His, A. Lang, J. Sermarini). The Bement ancients were sold in 3 parts by Naville (Ars Classica VI & VII, Greek; VIII, Roman & Byzantine). (The European coins & literature were sold by American firms, Chapman & Elder.) As BCD noted of the Bement Greek catalogs (my pair here, ANS Lib. Dupls.): “Mr. Bement, like many other collectors who built important collections of Greek coins, developed an interest in them rather late in life. However, unlimited funds can sometime achieve spectacular results in a relatively short period. And here is the end product, a record of a great collection immortalized on 68 excellent plates.” Many of his finest Greek were also published in a 1921 vol. by T. Comparette, incl. the coin below.
[Rambach’s Bement Bibliography (all avail. online but Peters-Pearson, which ASW [2008: 607] dismisses anyway!) ; Rambach “Prov. Gloss. I,” NAC 91, p. 70 ; Walker (2008: 607-8) “Catalogues and Their Collectors” ; BMC Bio ; CW Kuenker/Kampmann “Fourth Dimension” ; Newell “Notebooks” (71 & 87) ; Naville Ars Classica VI (Greek I), VII (Greek II), VIII (Roman/Byz) ; Chapman Auction (26 Jun 1918) Bement European ; Elder Auction (29 Mar 1923) Bement Numis. Lib. ; Spring (2009: 182) 476-478 ; Clain-Stefanelli 1922, 1942* ; Daehn 2037, 2086 ; Comparette (1921) Greek Coins…Bement Collection]
Coins: Hidrieus Tetradrachm (ex Weber, Whittall, Lockett, von Aulock) ; Related: Ars Classica VI & VII (ex ANS Library Duplicates)
BENDALL, SIMON (1937-2019)
Born in UK, also worked at numis. firms in USA (incl. at NFA). Preeminent scholar of late Byzantine coins (esp. Palaeologan & Trebizond), author of books & articles. Private collection(s) famously stolen – twice (Los Angeles, 1989; London, 2018)! Parts of his coll. survived (some included in his 1988 Private Collection of Palaeologan Coins, published before the thefts) & were sold at CNG (starting at Auction 115). Cataloged the N.B. Hunt Collection for Sotheby. Hon. Fellow of RNS. Fellow of Soc. of Antiquaries.
Small portion of his priv. collection sold by CNG, 2020-2; Bendall Library sold by Bertolami Fine Arts, e-Auction 80 (25 Apr 2020), in 544 lots.
[BNS bio (PDF) ; ANS Authorities ; In Memoriam, Cécile Morrisson, RN 2020 ; Biblio from Digital Library Numis (archived) ; Jarrett Blog Memorial ; NBS Bio ; Wiki ; CoinsWeekly ; CoinsWeekly (bis) ; CoinsWeekly Who’s Who (bis2) ; P.A. Clayton’s Eulogy reprinted by Bertolami (PDF)]
Coins: Andronicus II & Michael IX AE Trachy (SB 2458 type)
Beniak, Thomas E. = Dr. Thomas Edward Beniak
Coins: Commodus Tetradrachm (Curtis 1990: 386, ex Aiello, Emmett) ; Severus Alexander Tetradrachm (Sear RCV 8108) ; Julia Mamaea Tetradrachm (Curtis 1138, Dickie) ; Gordian III Tetradrachm (Sear RCV 8839) ; Gallienus Tetradrachm (Curtis 1579) ; Maximian Tetradrachm (Emmett, Curtis 2080)
BENSON, FRANK SHERMAN = F.S. Benson (1854-1907)
Important American numismatist at the turn of the 20th cent. Cataloged portions of John Ward Collection for Metropolitan Museum of Art. Wrote at least 16 articles (c. 1900-1906) published in the American Journal of Numismatics on Greek coins, ill. w/ his coll. Priv. pub. 4-vol reprinting (Boston: 1901-4) as Ancient Greek Coins (Daehn 2633). Coll. sold at Sotheby 3 Feb 1909 (Spring 797; CS 1943) & 16 Jun 1925 (Spring –; CS 2155). “Between 250 and 300 volumes of numismatic books” from his library donated to Long Island Historical Society in 1910, where he was director & board member. Fellow of RNS.
[Clain-Stefanelli: 17078; AJN (1907) 41: 79-80 (bio); NC (1907) 7: 20, 35 (RNS brief death notice); BMC bio]
Literature: Ashburnham Cat. (Exlibris)
BENZ, LEO = Leo Benz, Jr. (1906-1996)
Swiss collector, owner of electro-technical firm Zettler (as his father, Leo Benz, Sr.). Personal (religious & educational) connections to Rome & Munich. Important collection of Roman coins cataloged by Hubert Lanz (1998-9) & sold in 3 pts.: Lanz 88 (RRC), 97 (RIC I), 100 (RIC II). The catalogs are sought-after refs. Andrew McCabe includes Pt. 1 in “Top 10 Auction Catalogs” for RRC.
[NAC 105 = Rambach (III): 83-4 = CoinsWeekly bio.]
Coins: L. Julius Caesar Denarius ; See also: Hardcover set of 3 sales, ex Lanz Lib. (ex. rare as hardcover, poss. only complete set?)
Bérend, Denyse (1920-2019)
[“Une des Grandes Dames de la Numismatique Grecque Nous a Quittés,” C. Arnold-Biucchi, RN 2020]
Coins: two Greek AR fractions ; Related: Pour Denyse & Festschrift für Leo Mildenberg (both ex Bibliothek Wenninger)
BERRY, BURTON YOST (1901-1985)
American diplomat & collector of coins & art. Served at multiple stations c. 1928-1954, incl. Athens, Instanbul, and, most importantly (geo-politically), as Ambassador to Iraq at the time of the 1953 coup in Iran. Collection published in SNG Berry, part dispersed privately or in fine but little-known sales by Numis. Art & Anc. Coins (Zurich, by adopted son, Azzedine el-Aaji), some held by ANS. Published notable memoir, A Numismatic Biography (1971).
[Wikipedia; NYT Obituary (26 Aug 1985); mult. interesting details in BCD Lib. Sales ; Daehn 2030 ; Clain-Stefanelli 17093]
Literature: Numismatic Biography (signed/inscr. hardcover) ; Related: SNG Berry (custom bound ex BCD Library)
Important Jewish German-American archaeologist & historian of art. Received the Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts prestigious Reisestipendium in 1909 (see also W. Helbig, 1863; E. Meyer, 1924; H.U. Bauer, 1940). Fled Germany in 1933 with the rise of Nazism (first to Oxford, then Barnard Coll., Columbia U.). One of the first women profs. in archaeology & classics. Scholarship focused especially on Hellenistic & Roman period sculpture & classical theater. Recipient in 1974 of the AIA Gold Medal Award (see also M. Thompson, 1984).Collector of ancient coins (acq. by Harvard Art Mus., 2005).
[Bonfante & Recke (n.d.), Breaking Ground: Women in… (archived) (PDF bio) ; see also Cohen & Joukowsky (2004), Breaking Ground: Pioneering… (loanable, Archive) ; Arnold-Biucchi & Beckman (2018) ; Elkins (2019) BMCR review of last ; her Wikipedia page ; bio]
Literature: Cybele (inscr. to Thompson-Margaret)
BISHOP, ERRETT (1928-1983)
Notable American constructivist mathematician & UCSD prof. Collection sold by Forum (Joe Sermarini), whose bio notes: “The Errett Bishop Collection includes over 1000 Ancient Greek, Roman Republic, Roman imperial, Roman provincial, Celtic, Judaean, Byzantine and other ancient coins collected from about 1960 to 1982. The collection includes 136 coins from Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt.”
[Wikipedia; FAC Bio]
Coins: Severus Alexander Alexandrian Tetradrachm
(see Imhoof-Blumer, F.)
(see Langnas, Robert)
BOYD, WILLIAM CHRISTOPHER = W.C. Boyd (1841-1906)*
British gentleman & partner in his family’s drapery business, important amateur (in the proper 19th century sense) entomologist & important numismatist. (In addition to insects and coins he collected various archaeological & ethnographic objects.)
Justice of the Peace in Hertfordshire, where he was born and died. Elected to Entomological Society of London, 1867. Active in the Royal Numismatic Society from 1892 (Honorary Treasurer, 1902-6). Began collecting coins, c. 1880, upon inheriting the collection of his uncle, George Henry Gaviller (many of whose tray tags remain with the coins today).
Published articles and hoard reports, donated to the British Museum, and contributed specimens to reference literature (including Webb’s important study of Carausius).
After Boyd’s death, his collection of Greek, Roman, and British coins remained with his descendants until being sold at AH Baldwin Auction 42 in 2005. He carefully recorded prior provenances, making his collector tags an important record of coin dealers & collectors in late 19th cent. London. (Examples illustrated in the Baldwin’s catalog & Brit. Num. Soc. catalog of coin tickets, linked below.)
* Elsewhere 1840 or 1842, notice of birth (29 Nov 1841) reportedly pub. 4 Dec 1841 (The Atlas [London]).
[Baldwin’s 42: pp. 3-5 (bio) ; Wikipedia page ; BNS Coin Tickets (see Main List)]
Coins: Carausius Ant. (M. Lyne)
BRACE, BRUCE R. (1932-2007)
Collected Roman coins since 1954, founded and/or was active in multiple numismatic associations, and authored many articles, and regularly presented papers on Roman Republican coins. He was Honorary Curator of the Numismatic Collection at McMaster Museum of Art, 1991-2007. Portion of coll. held at McMaster University. Most of the collection sold at CNG Auction 90 (23 May 2012). The Bruce R. Brace Library sold by ANE (Svetolik Kovačević, Toronto).
[RCNA E-Bulletin Vol. 3, No. 25 (24 April 2007), Obituary (PDF) ; bio blurb by Kolbe: The Celator 23.7, p. 32 (PDF Archived)]
Literature: Williams Confederate (Bookplate)
BRESSETT, KENNETH = Ken Bressett (1928-)
Important & highly accomplished American numismatist (w/ an esp. long career, active mid-20th cent. to present). Editor & author of important monographs & series on U.S. coins, and several volumes on ancient Biblical, Greek, and Roman coins. Collection of ancient coins sold by CNG, starting w/ Keystone Sale 6 (11 Mar 2022). Past President of American Numismatic Association (ANA, 1995-7).
[Wikipedia; Smith (ANB 2023), pp. 57-58; Clain-Stefanelli (1985) p. 1647 (9 entries in Author Index).]
Coins: Vespasian Judaea Capta As (ex Salton) ; Edessa, Gordian III AE ; Philip I AR Antoniniani (ex Dorchester 1939 Hoard) & Constantinian AE X10 (ex Higgie, 1967 “Higgie Hoard”)
Bricault, Laurent (1963-)
Coins: Myndus AR Drachm (ex Karl, GTP)
BRINK, ERIC TEN = ETB Collection (1968-)
Specialized collection of Hadrian, formed c. 2009-2022 (most c. 2014-). Extensive gallery on Forvm, begun in 2014. Active on CT (@okidoki) & FAC (okidoki).
Almost 1,800 coins sold at Leu Web Auction 26 (8-13 Jul 2023): 915 single lots, >20 groups, & several non-Hadrian lots.
Dozens of coins (mostly Denarii) cited or ill. in RIC. Highlight of the collection: spectacular galley Sestertius = RIC 1282, ex Abbé Visconti & Museo del Padri Corsini, c. 1740s. For Alexandrian: beautiful bust of Ares on unique tetradrachm pub. by collectors Dattari 1271 (1901: Pl. VIII; D-S 2007: P. 63), Staffieri (QT,1993: Fig. 1; AIN, 2017: 57), and others.
Over half the single lots (478) were RPC, 205 from Roman Egypt, Alexandria. At least 96 ex-Dattari Collection; many ex Staffieri, AK & other notable Alex. colls. &/or ill. or cited in various important refs.
Almost every possible specimen is cited in RPC. Acknowledged in final two RPC Supplements (2017, 2019): “[to] CGT, ETB, and A. Tricarico … a special debt of gratitude … every morning we all await the welcome arrival of several emails from each of them!” [RPC Supplement 4, “Preface” (p. vii); see also RPC Supplement 5, “Preface” (p. vii); and, 1 of 16 priv. colls. on RPC Online Acks. pg.]
Leu’s bio noted (PDF bio) major interests in Cistophori & Eastern mint Denarii.
I don’t know if a print catalog (commercial or otherwise) was ever produced. But it should be!
Note: Two other important Hadrian Collections (not represented here, but at least the latter in ETB) were Harvey J Hoffer (Harmer-Rooke 12 Dec 1986) & Robert O Ebert (Stack’s from Jan 2013).
[Leu Numismatik’s 1.5-page coll. bio (to PDF), reprinted CoinsWeekly (4 Jul 2023) ; Leu WA 26 Lots]
Coins: Hadrian Alexandrian “Captives” Drachm (Dattari 1775) ; Hadrian Nomes Obol (AK, Kellner 106, 19)
BRUNK, GREGORY G. = Greg Brunk (1949-2020)
American political scientist & prof. Numismatic author of important books & articles, cataloger & collector. Pre-eminent expert on world countermark coinage, antiquity to present. During his lifetime, sold portions of coin coll. (Hartzog MBS 10 [29 Jun 1999]) & library (Katen 67 [2 Dec 1988] & 68 [14 Jul 1989]). Large quantity of his unpublished research & his library dispersed (privately?) after his death, incl. manuscripts; many of his custom bound auction cats. were (or are) offered for sale by Bryce Brown. Fellow of RNS (UK) & Can. Num. Res. Soc., among many other memberships & honors.
[Waterloo Courier (25 Oct 2020) Obit, incl. in his NBS / E-Sylum memorial pg.; Hartzog 10 (1999), p.8, collector/collection bio]
Literature: Sale Catalog (ex-library, Katen 68, 650 [part], BCD Library Duplicates)
BULLOWA, DAVID M. (1912-1953)
Noted Philadelphia numismatist, author, coin dealer, publisher, with particular contributions in the area of U.S. coins, and, over 70 years later, remarkable influence for such a short life. Contemporary of E.T. Newell & A.M. Huntington, Bullowa donated his first coin to ANS at age 17. Credited by many American numismatists (incl. J. W. Adams, above) as having personally influenced their careers as collectors, dealers, or scholars. Married to Catherine Bullowa-Moore, who carried on the business & became an accomplished numismatist. Many of his coins & books were later donated to ANS or Smithsonian. Many vols. incl. his small addressed, named bookplate and/or embossed stamp & also a custom ANS “in memory of” bookplate (see photos below). Archives at the ANS. Life Fellow of the ANS. ANA Hall of Fame.
[ANS Archer Authority ; ANS Mag. 2018-2 (pp. 46-53, Hill, “David Bullowa…”) ; Smith (ANB 2023), p. 58 ; Fitzwilliam Catalogs (A-D)]
Literature: Renauldin 1851 (bookplate) [photo] ; Sydenham 1933 (bookplate) [external Imgur photo]
BULLOWA-MOORE, CATHERINE = Catherine Bullowa (1919-2017)
Well-known Philadelphia coin dealer (Coinhunter), active in trade for well over 50 years. Published many coin lists through 2008. Notable donor to ANA, ANS (incl. the deaccessioned books now in my coll.), and Nat. Numis. Coll. during the Clain-Stefanelli curatorial regime (V.C.-S. 1970: 71 [PDF]). Fellow of RNS, Life Fellow of ANS, founding member of PNG, officer in the IAPN, U.S. Assay Comm., and others. On the occasion of her 50th year in the trade, the ANS Magazine published in its inaugural issue a warm & detailed profile or her career, beginning with her marriage to DMB, continuing with many numismatic honors & contributions, describing her as a “benefactor, consultant and fellow of” the ANS.
[NBS E-Sylum 20 (21): A9 ; ANS Magazine 2002 (1): 7-8 ; ANS Magazine 2018 (1): 62 ; Smith (ANB 2023), p. 58 ; Fitzwilliam Catalogs (A-D)]
Literature: Renauldin 1851 (bookplate) [photo] ; Sydenham 1933 (Bookplate)
American collector of Roman Provincial Coins from Reno, NV. Much of coll. sold at Peus Auktion 366 (25 Oct 2000, w/ Frank Kovacs), once described by Sveto Kovačević (ANE) as “one of the best-ever sales of Roman Provincial coins.” Additional coins were dispersed privately (incl. to fellow collector G. Drewry, as one of mine below). Portions of his library w/ blue ink stamp were sold at CNG EA 410 (29 Nov 2017).
[Brousseau “Annexe” p. 576 (cited) ; Numiswiki (FAC) “Important…” (cited)]
Coins: Thyatira (Lindgren A831A, Thys) ; Grimenothyrai (Lindgren 955, Drewry)
CAHN, HERBERT A. = H. A. Cahn (1915-2002)
Important Jewish German-Swiss numismatic prodigy of the WWII era & post-war 20th cent., major dealer, author of many books & articles (first in 1929 at age 14), cataloger of many classic sales (Haeberlin at age 18). Left Germany in 1933 to escape the Nazis (like others here). By then, already a teenage working numismatist w/ his brother & uncle Julius Cahn in the Frankfurt firm founded in 1874 by Adolph E. Cahn (Julius’ father, H.A.’s grandfather). Founded Münzhandlung Basel w/ brother Erich in 1934 (Prince W.’s coll. as initial inventory), which became Münzen und Medaillen AG in 1942 (supported by Voirol et al, hiring P. Strauss in 1951). Founded (1949) & edited (through 1964) Gazette der Schweizerischen Numismatischen Gesellschaft (later Schweizer Münzblätter). A founding member of IAPN in 1951. Numerous honors from RNS, SFN, ANS. Coins from his priv. coll. of ancients sold at Numismatica Genevensis 7 (27 Nov 2012). (European & med. at M&M 87 in 1998.)
[Spring 2009: 21-22 (Adolph & Julius), 162-5 (H.A. & Erich) ; Rambach Prov. Gloss. ; Künker 102 (2005) Biblio. M&M (but absent: pp. 1-10, foreword?) ; ICN – Boehringer Bio (PDF, German; Eng. trans. avail by email)]
Coins: group of 18 low-grade Archaic fractions (de Wilde)
CEDERLIND, THOMAS BENTLEY = Tom Cederlind (1959-2015)
Well-known & widely liked American ancient coin dealer in Portland, OR. Produced 181 catalogs, c. early 1980s-2015 (FPLs, BBS, MBS all in one series). Mentor to dealers Ken Dorney, 1980s (valuable source for info re: Cederlind’s practices) & Michael Bezayiff. “Cederlind Estate” coins sold at CNG auctions starting 2016. (Others by Bezayiff, who then opened in Portland under own aegis.) Incl. many fine Republican & dozens from Caria, both of which TBC must have collected. The cats. also incl. >30 coins from 5 BCD Catalogs, likely his personal coll. (M&M 23, LHS 96, NAC 55, Triton IX, Lanz 105, almost all apparently purchased directly, not acq. later from other colls.), and >9 more “BCD Duplicates.” Cederlind “inventory” & “collection” overlap substantially, but may ultimately be indistinguishable. (Dorney once commented, “Tom priced his coins two ways. One to sell, one not to sell. When he had coins that seemed astronomical, it was his way of saying this one is mine, for my collection…”) Library sold by Kolbe & Fanning, start. by Auc. 145 (22 Apr 2017) [PDF cat.].
[CoinsWeekly, “Tom Cederlind (1959-2015),” incl. nice extended remembrance from BCD ; NBS Death Announcement ; Smith (ANB 2023), pp. 68-9 (corr., citing only the 3 early sales in Gengerke [2009]: p. 90 [as “Cederling”!], which inexplicably overlooks numerous Buy-Bid & M.B. Sales through 2015) ; Fitzwilliam Catalogs (A-D) ; CT 271994]
Coins: Rhodes Chalkous (Slg. Karien) ; Literature: Baranowsky 1931 Traverso-Martini-Sale (Joel Malter Lib. 641, ex K. Davis, Bass, Schulman Libraries) [cat. lib. pg.]
CHAMBERLAIN, CHARLES = Charles T. Chamberlain (1946-) [?]
Presumably (but unconfirmed) the University of Arizona & UCSD Classics prof., with a focus on Greek & Latin literature. Authored textbook Beginning Latin for College Students (2021). Collection of 109 Roman Republican & Imperial (through Flavian) silver coins sold at CNG EA 509 (9 Feb 2022).
[The Classical World (1992) 85: 5, “Biographical Index” & “Index of Special Interests”]
Coins: Vespasian Denarius (Huntington, ANS, HSA)
CHAMBERLAIN, GEORGIA STAMM (née Stamm) = Georgia S. Chamberlain (1910-1961)
Noted portrait sculptor & historian of American art. Studied at the legendary NYC Art Students League. Namesake since 2004 of the Medal Collectors of America’s Georgia Stamm Chamberlain Award for medals research. Wrote dozens articles on American medals & medalists, published in The Numismatist, SAN Journal, TAMS Journals, Numismatic Scrapbook, The Art Quarterly, and many other numismatic & art periodicals.
Her husband, Robert Stoner Chamberlain (1903-1981; noted Latin American historian [Wiki ES]), collected & posthumously published many of her articles in three volumes: Studies on John Gadsby Chapman, American Artist, 1808-1889 (1962) American Medals and Medalists (1963), Studies on American Painters and Sculptors of the Nineteenth Century (1965). (Not my field, but all three seem well-received & widely used.)
The University of South Carolina holds Robert S. Chamberlain’s “Collection of Military Medals and Coins,” Greek to modern, formed 1960s-1970s (after GSC’s death), donated 1979 (to PDF Catalog & bio).
[Clain-Stefanelli 17187 (Obituary) = Numismatist (1962) 75 (5): p. 613 ; Smith (ANB 2023), p 79 = NNP People, 416 ; MCA Award Bio ; ANS Library (DONUM): 23 Records ; New York Times (3 Sep 1941), “Connecticut Girl Will Be Bride of Robert S. Chamberlain“]
Literature: Newell (1937, 1st ed.) Royal Greek Portrait Coins (ex Library, her signature)
CHEESMAN, TERENCE = Wild Rose Collection = Maple Leaf Collection (1951-2024)
Canadian collector, worked at Canada Post. Active in the Canadian numismatic world & well-known in online ancient coin circles. Frequently exhibitor/presenter on Greek & Roman coins at local clubs, universities, and other venues. His last (19 Oct 2023) may have been “Ancient Greek Portraits on Coins,” for “The Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies Colloquium” at St. Thomas More College, University of Saskatchewan.
Life Member & longtime officer in the Edmonton Numismatic Society (ENS). Since October 2008 (vol 55, n7), authored regular Ancient/Medieval column for the award-winning ENS magazine, The Planchet, frequently publishing coins from his collection, photographed by friend & fellow member Wayne Hansen.
Collection sold pseudonymously by CNG as “Wild Rose Collection,” starting w/ 289 lots in Auction 126 (28 May 2024). Portions of his collection had previously been sold both anonymously & as “Maple Leaf Collection” by Triskeles over multiple auctions, 2017-9.
[CoinTalk Thread: “Terence Cheesman” (Death Announced by WWE) & CT Profile ; NumisForums “INTERVIEW WITH A MEMBER: kapphnwn …” & NF Profile: “kapphnwn” ; The Planchet Archive from ENS]
Coins: Decius Tetradrachm (Prieur, McAlee) ; Related (cataloged by): Mazaios Tarsos Stater (JB Collection, Seventko, Athena Fund) ; Metapontion Stater [on ACSearch] (JB Coll. or Cheesman Coll.?)
Christensen, Henry (1915-1979)
[Smith (ANB 2023), pp. 83-4; Christensen MBS 70 (17 Apr 1979) (to PDF/Archive), intro essay by son, W.B.C.; E-Sylum 12 (29): Art. 18 (19 Jul 2009), 12 (30): Art. 11 (26 Jul 2009), 12 (31): Art. 22 (2 Aug 2009)]
Literature: Weaver FPL 2 (BCD, W. Christensen)
Christensen, William B. “Bill” (d. 2009)
[E-Sylum 12 (29): Art. 18 (19 Jul 2009), 12 (30): Art. 11 (26 Jul 2009), 12 (31): Art. 22 (2 Aug 2009)]
Literature: Weaver FPL 2 (BCD, H. Christensen)
CLAIN-STEFANELLI, ALEXANDER A. = Alex Clain-Stefanelli (1943-2014)
(see also: “Demarete Collection” & Clain-Stefanelli E.E. & V.E.)
Teacher in Virginia, born in 1943 Germany (possibly in Ravensbrück or Buchenwald Concentration Camps) to Romanian parents who would become prolific & celebrated numismatic scholars. Inherited family numis. library & coin coll. Toward end of life (c. 2012-4), worked w/ museums, made donations & archived family papers (ANS, Smithsonian); cataloged & consigned library to Kolbe & Fanning; consigned coins ( “Demarete Collection”) to Stack’s, where V.E. & E.E. worked c. 1950s. Prior to 2012 ANA sale, Stack’s described the Demarete Collection as “one of the most diverse properties we have had the pleasure of handling…assembled [c.] 1930’s to the 1970’s, by a family of devoted numismatic scholars.” Renamed “Elvira Clain-Stefanelli Collection” (sometimes “Elvira Elise” or “E.E. Clain-Stefanelli Collection”) when NAC & Naville (in collab. w/ Stack’s) assumed sale of the ancients, c. 2016.
[Ute Wartenberg’s (2014) bio ; NBS (2015) E-Sylum 18 (2): A6 bio]
Coins, Literature: (see Clain-Stefanelli, E.)
CLAIN-STEFANELLI, ELVIRA E. = E.E. Clain-Stefanelli = Demarete Collection (w/ V.E.C.-S.) (1914-2001)
(see also: “Demarete Collection” & Clain-Stefanelli, A. & and V.E.)
Distinguished numismatist, author, long-time curator w/ husband Vladimir, then first Executive Director, of the National Numismatic Collection at the Smithsonian. Though Elvira’s official title was “Assistant Curator” during Vladimir’s curatorship, they were viewed as single unit; the co-curators responsible for transforming the national coin collection into a world-class collection; co-authors of many important works on numismatic history, banking. Born in Romania, Elvira (w/ Alex & Vladimir) emigrated to USA after WWII (and 1.5 years imprisonment at Buchenwald), worked at Stack’s (she & Vladimir started the “Coin Galleries” division) before Smithsonian. Active until her death, involved w/ every major U.S. numismatic institution & many smaller ones. Wrote the classic Numismatic Bibliography (Battenberg: 1985), among many other monographs & articles. Private collection & library inherited by son Alexander, later sold by Stack’s (initially dubbed the “Demarete Collection”) w/ NAC & Naville, and multiple sales at Kolbe & Fanning. Collection begun by Vladimir c. 1930s, last known additions by Elvira, c. early 1990s. Archives (correspondence, manuscripts, etc.) housed at ANS & Smithsonian. ANS Fellow from 1963-. Numerous memberships & honors. An ANS endowment sponsors “Lecture in memory of Vladimir and Elvira Clain-Stefanelli,” incl. the “Money Talks” series.
[Smith (ANB 2023), p. 73; Smithsonian, “Rich Legacy of…” (w/ add. refs.) ; The Numismatist [Aug 1996] 109 (8): 943 ff. ; ANS Archives w/ bio (see also: ANS Magazine Summer 12[2]: 48ff, 67. [PDF] & Kolbe & Fanning NY Book Auction [12 Jan 2013], pp. 14-17, Lots 34-7); ; NAC 92, Part I: Foreword (p 6) ; Washington Post obit ; wikipedia entry]
Coins: Rhegion Hemilitron ; Hadrian Demeter Tetradrachm (MN Coll.) ; Tacitus Alexandria Tetradrachm ; Constantius II Captives AE2 ; Quintillus Antoninianus (Short) ; Hanniballianus (“Important Armenian“)
Literature: Select Numis. Biblio. (singed/inscribed)
CLAIN-STEFANELLI, VLADIMIR E. = Vladimir Clain = V.E. Clain-Stefanelli = Demarete Collection (w/ E.E.C.S.) (1914-1982)
(see also: “Demarete Collection” & Clain-Stefanelli, A. & E.E.)
Second curator of the U.S. National Numismatic Collection at Smithsonian, 1956-1982 (following the death of Stuart Mosher), joined the following year by his wife Elvira who served as de facto co-curator until his death (at which point she became the first Exec. Dir. of the N.N.C.). Under their stewardship, the size of the collection reportedly increased from 60,000 to 900,000. The pair are often remembered as a unit, but each of them also sole-authored publications as well, incl. Vladimir’s (1968) History of the National Numismatic Collections. Born in Chernivtsi, Austria (now Ukraine), married 1939, studied numismatics in Italy & Germany. Vladimir was arrested in 1943 in Berlin, his passport reportedly been stolen & used by a man escaping the Nazi regime. The pair spent >1.5 years at Buchenwald (1943-5); Elvira was pregnant, so Alexander was born there. (Circumstances of their escape/release are unpublished to my knowledge.) Born Vladimir Clain, he & Elvira changed their last names around the time of immigration to the USA (c. 1949-1951). (Another parallel to Mark Salton-Schlessinger’s bio.) A dated/inscribed volume in my library (Stefan 1932; external album) bears Vladimir’s library stamps as both “V. Clain” and, later, “Clain-Stefanelli,” indicating their library (& prob. coll.) survived war & imprisonment, at least in part. Vladimir’s first U.S. job was at Hesperia Art (Baltimore, w/ Robert Hecht), by Spring 1951 (List #1 in my cat. lib.), then worked at Stack’s (w/ Elvira), 1954-1956.
[Smith (ANB 2023), p. 73 ; ANS Archives w/ bio (see also: ANS Magazine Summer 12[2]: 48ff. [PDF] & Kolbe & Fanning NY Book Auction [12 Jan 2013], pp. 14-17, Lots 34-7) ; NAC 92, Part I: Foreword (p 6) ; Washington Post Obituary (23 Oct 1982)]
Coins: Rhegion Hemilitron ; Vespasian Judaea Capta As (as dealer, Salton, Bressett) ; Literature: Stefan 1932 [external album] ; Related: Hesperia Art Ltd. (V. Clain-Stefanelli & R. Hecht, Baltimore, Spring 1951) List No. 1 (ex BCD Library)
Dealer, collector, scholar of Constantine & other Late Roman Bronze Coins. Began collecting ancient coins after refiring from the US Navy (1988-1995). (Interestingly, a pathway into classical numismatics shared by at least a few others of whom I’m aware!) History M.A. (2009, MTSU), Thesis: “Constantine the Great: The Coins Speak.” On the Editorial Advisory Board for Koinon: The International Journal of Classical Numismatic Studies; contributed to its inaugural issue (2018, “A Previously Unrecorded Reverse for Constantine I“).
[“Interview with a Member,” Dominic T. (NF, 2023) ; “Constantine the Great coins,” active since 2005 (ref. site for LRBC, incl. “barbs,” w/ valuable biblio/readings page) ; page (incl. MA Thesis, published essays & unpublished research notes) ; LRBC Forum]
Coins: Licinius II AE3 (Dattari) ; Constantine I AE3 (Dattari)
CLAY, CURTIS = Curtis L. Clay (1945-)
Scholar, commercial numismatist, and collector, having published on various areas of Roman coinage (with some emphasis on the Severan period) including numerous articles in German and English language journals; co-author of Die Kontorniat-Medaillions (with A. Alföldi & E. Alföldi).
Studied Classics at Princeton (class of 1966, roommate & close friend of Phil Peck, collector & curator at Chase Money Museum). At Oxford, his Master’s Thesis (M.Litt., 1972/3) was supervised by Sutherland & Kraay: “The types and chronology of the Severan coinage of Rome, A.D. 193-8.” He received the 1969 Barclay Head Prize for Numismatics (awarded to an Oxford student each year) for an essay later published in NC (1970) as “Nilus and the Four Seasons on a New As of Septimius Severus.” (My signed copy noted below.) Overseas Fellow of the Royal Numismatic Society (17 Apr 1969-).
His Master’s at Oxford coincided with the tenure of Colin Kraay (his thesis supervisor, then long-term friend and colleague) as an assistant keeper of Coins (later, the Keeper from 1976 until his death in 1982) at Ashmolean Museum’s Heberden Coin Room. After Kraay’s death, Clay coined the phrase “Kraay Overstrikes,” based on their personal conversations (2008, JAN v. 1.2-2). Before working at Harlan J. Berk in Chicago (1994-), “Clay worked for many years as a teacher and translator in Vienna, Austria.” Cataloged Berk and Gemini sales of coins deaccessioned from the American Numismatic Society, Art Institute of Chicago, Boston MFA, many other important private & institutional collections.
Long known among collectors as a particularly generous scholar, a prolific contributor to the online ancient coin forums (Engl. & Deutsch), incl. much about collector biographies, history of the field & ancient coin provenance.
Private collection of Roman coins acquired by HJB, Ltd., to be sold in a series of Buy-Bid Sales, starting with BBS 224 in 2023. According to the catalog introductions, the collection consisted of “over 5,000 pieces. Curtis mostly collected coins that were rare or unpublished, focusing especially on varieties unrepresented in the enormous, nearly definitive British Museum Collection.” (Selected coins also appeared in prior sales, especially Berk BBS 198 [2016], 51 Lots.) A book is planned to publish selected highlights.
[HJB Bio]
Coins: Vespasian Dupondius (RIC II.1 263, ex Hall, JS Wagner) ; Antoninus Pius Sestertius (Apostolo Zeno 952) ; Antoninus Pius Sestertius (Elberling, Cohen 929 = RIC 753, etc.) ; Literature: “Nilus and the Four Seasons…” NC 1970 (signed/inscr. to L. Scholing, ex Lanz Library [on acsearch])
CLEFF, GERT = Sammlung Gert Cleff, Wuppertal
Notable German reference collection emphasizing ancient Persian silver & gold (from Achaemenid through Kushano-Sassanid & other Parthian successors), incl. many fine & rare AR fractions. Formed c. 1990-2010s, most acq. from German firms or from CNG. Dispersed in several sales by Gorny & Mosch beginning w/ Auktion 288 (online, Cleff – Teil I) in 2022 (Auk 287 for antiquities).
[G&M Auktion 289 (Cleff – Teil II)]
Coins: Themistokles Hemiobol ; Achaemenid 1/4 Siglos ; Manchihr III Hemidrachm
CLOKE, HUGH = Hubert J Cloke = “Authors’ Collections” (LMCC) = CT Collections (w/ Lee Toone) (1944-)
Literature professor (U. Chicago, then Georgetown), with a focus on Rome as reflected in 18th-19th century American arts. Began collecting Tetrarchic & Constantinian coins c. 1992 and eventually co-authored, with Lee Toone, The London Mint of Constantius & Constantine, published by Spink, 2015. His and Toone’s (joint?) collection coins are labeled “CT Collections” in LMCC, many of which were acq. by Paul DiMarzio, later sold at CNG.
[NBS Announcement, E-Sylum 18 (23): A5 ; FAC Disc. Announcement]
Coins: (see “CT Collections” / Lee Toone)
COHEN, J. = Jonathan Cohen
Australian coin dealer (Imperial Numismatics, Perth) & collector of Greek coins, active c. 2009-2015. Focused especially on types published in BCD Peloponnesos I & II, acq. coins from the CNG 81.2 sale & ex-BCD coins from Agora, Gitbud Naumann/Pecunem, Auctiones GmbH. Secretary of the Numismatic Association of Australia (NAA), c. 2016. Collection initially offered for sale at CNG EA 392 (26 Apr 2017), noting that: “This collection of Peloponnesian coins was born from my personal interest in ancient Greek history and inspired primarily by the BCD sales. The collection was formed as a study of the varying coinage types produced through the ruling cycles of the Peloponnese….”
[Perth Num. Soc. News, 2 Dec 2019 ; NAA Dealer (accessed: 19 June 2023)]
Coins: Elis AE Apollo (Petsalis, BCD) [external FAC Gallery w/ tag]
Surely the greatest collection of Greek AR fractions ever assembled, certainly the finest pair of auction catalogs (Nomos 26 & 29 by ASW [et al.] who entertainingly called both auctions). The same collector also formed world-class collections of Greek coins generally (Leu 76 [27 Oct 1999], “Exceptional Private Collection,” cat. by her friend S. Hurter; see also The Celator 13 [10]: p. 29) and antiquities (incl. a relief from Persepolis famously returned to Iran after an important legal case). Most of the “CsP” coins were acquired by the 1970s (incl. the purchase of Leo Mildenberg’s collection en bloc) w/ exceptions for a few major coll. sales — most notably, decades later (thru 2012!), the BCD sales.
(BCD also posthumously contributed a coin “in honour of its late owner, who was a good friend and colleague for over a generation, and who would have loved owning this coin!” See also his contribution to her 2000 festschrift, describing on p. 47 several of his coins, at least one of which she would eventually acq.: “this offering, of necessity, is a kind of … revenge! Here are some fractions which [she] probably […] does not yet have in her wonderful collection.”)
[Nomos 26 (21 May 2023; to PDF) ; Nomos 29 (5 Nov 2023; to PDF — if you don’t have the catalogs, print the plates, there is no substitute for seeing the coins together to-scale!)]
Coins: Krannon Obol, 724 (Liampi 4d, Mildenberg) ; Datames Tarsus Obol, 914 (Mildenberg, SNG von Aulock 5419) ; Sikyon Obol, 1326 (Mildenberg, Pozzi [Boutin 4076]) ; Tarentum Hemilitron, 956 (Mildenberg, Pozzi [Boutin 423]) ; Eion Diobol, 1203 & Hemiobol, 1201 ; Chalkis Hemiobol, 1291 (BCD Euboia 133)
Anonymous (?) collection, probably American, sold by CNG over multiple auctions 2022-2023 (presently over 777 lots). Consisting primarily of Roman & Byzantine coins of all types, acquired c. 1989-2019 (especially from American dealers, CNG & Berk/Gemini; in recent years often from firms in Europe/UK). Presently no indication whether Conti is a personal name or an allusion to a place or one of the famous historical figures or collectors Conti.
[ACSearch results (“From the Conti Collection”) ; from CNG EA 524 (28 Aug 2022), 150 Lots; Auction 121 (6 Oct 2022), 98 Lots; EA 525 (19 Oct 2022), 198 Lots; EA 529 (14 Dec 2022), 34 Lots; EA 534 (15 Mar 2023), 128 Lots; EA 535 (29 Mar 2023), 94 Lots; EA 540 (14 Jun 2023), 56 Lots; EA 541 (28 Jun 2023), 2 Coins; EA 543 (2 Aug 2023), 3 Coins]
Coins: unique Antoninus Pius Großbronze from Hadrianopolis (Varbanov 3145 = RPC IV.1 11165 [external link])
CORES URÍA, GONZALO = Colección Cores (1930-2020)
Spanish numismatist & collector, author of articles on ancient & medieval Iberian coins, co-author of important monographs Corpus Nummorum Visigothorum (CNV, 2006, w/ J. Vico & M. Cruz Cores, his daughter) & Catalogo de Plomos Monetiformes de la Hispania Antigua (CPM, 1987, w/ A. Casariego & F. Pliego). Stannard et al. (NC, 2021: 53) wrote that “Gonzalo was a Maecenas of Spanish numismatics, always generous with his knowledge and time, who put his vast collection at the disposal of scholars.” Cores’ Visigothic coll. acq. en bloc by Museo Arqueológico Nacional (Madrid). Beginning c. 1952, assembled one of the greatest collections of ancient Iberian coins ever published (3 vols., 2017, 2019, 2020), Colección Cores: Moneda Antigua de la Península Ibérica. Sold by Jesús Vico in 12 Parts, beginning with Auction 148-159 (7 Jun 2016 through 20 Jul 2021). (Prev. one Visigoth Trem. in Vico 147.) Numerous coins pub. online in MIB; dozens in RPC Online.
[WeAreNumismatics (ANE) Death Notice ; Revista de Col. Cores por Martin Almagro Gorbea en Complutum, 2018, 28 (2) ; G. U. Cores Page]
Coins: Carisa AE Semis
CORN, STEPHEN J. (1942-2018)
American collector of Athenian coinage (especially “New Style” Athenian Tetradrachms), acquired 2009-18 (his favorite dealers apparently CNG/Triton & Berk/Gemini, also regularly Goldberg, & Cederlind). He also collected Swedish plate money and Swiss shooting medals. US Navy veteran (1960-5) & long-time construction contractor, active in building commissions & legislation for local & Florida state gov. Collection sold by Harlan J. Berk in 176 lots in BBS 208 (5 Sep 2019): 1-171, 200, 234, 236, 239, 266 (Corn Coll. prov. not noted in online lot archives). HJB 208 (Lot 56) describes Corn’s series of “New Style” Tetradrachms as “a nearly complete collection of the interesting annual issues of new-style Athenian tetradrachms and drachms.” Active member of the ANS (2009-) & Augustus B. Sage Society (2017-).
[ANS Magazine, Jan. 2018, v.17 (2), p.67 = Harlan J. Berk 208th Buy-or-Bid Sale (5 Sep 2019), p. 1 (bio) ; HJB 208: all lots on ACSearch ; ANS Annual Report (2018): p. 39 (PDF) ]
Coins: “New” Style Tetradrachm (Corn 77)
Anonymous collection (prob. American), formed c. 2003-2019 (mostly from US & UK dealers). Sold by CNG beginning primarily with Greek (34 single lots, plus 3 ancient groups & 18 world) in e-Auction 483 (6 Jan 2021); then 46 lots of mostly RRC in EA 485 (10 Feb 2021); 5 Lots of Hadrian RPC Silver in EA 486; and mostly RIC in EAs 493, 503, and 509.
[ACSearch: 139 Lots Ancient Coins, 33 Modern, 3 Lots Antiquities]
Coins: ΣΤΑΣΙΩΝ Drachm (Ashton 59b) ; Hadrian Aegeae Tetradrachm (LM 117) ; Carinus “Captive” Antoninianus
CT Collections [alt: C.T. Collections]
(see Cloke, H. & Toone, L.)
Curtis, James Wylie = Col. James W. Curtis (1913-1994)
Coins: Gallienus Tetradrachm (1579, Beniak) ; Julia Mamaea Tetradrachm (1138, Dickie, Beniak) ; Maximian Tetradrachm (2080, Emmett, Beniak) Related: Commodus Tet. (Emmett, ex Aiello [Curtis 1990: p. 307, 386], Beniak); Curtis 1969 book (ex M.L. Davidson & Mus. Arts Sci., Daytona)
DATTARI, GIOVANNI (1853/8-1923*)
[see also: blog post w/ bio]
Prodigal Italian-Egyptian collector & seller of Alexandrian coinage (and antiquities), author of articles & major early catalog on coinage of Roman Egypt. Collection formed c. 1891-1913. In 1901, published catalog of 6,580 coins, Monete Imperiali Greche. Numi Augg. Alexandrini. Catalogo della Collezione Dattari (vol. 1, text & vol 2, pl.). Over 12,500 rubbings of Dattari’s coins were edited & published in 1999 by A. Savio; in the 2007 ed., a Supplement of 700 newly discovered rubbings (>13,200 total) was added. Coins in the new plates are believed to have been acq. after 1901; Savio suggests that the other 12,500 rubbings may have all been produced in preparation for the 1901 vol.
Dattari donated or sold thousands of coins to museums (his BMC bio links 373 objects), and other were donated/purchased after his death (see blog post for names/some links). Negotiations w/ Italian & Egyptian museums failed for the remainder of his coll. & by 1970 parcels were being dispersed in trade (2,000 of the Alexandrian coins are ill. in Figari-Mosconi 2017). Naville Numismatics (London) began dispersing a new parcel of 1,000s more in 2017. Relatively few were ill. in Dattari 1901, so the 1999/2007 Savio vols. are essential for confirming provenance (but, as C. Clay’s Gemini XIII catalog of the A.I.C. deaccession & Naville parcel show, many have no known rubbings, esp. 3rd cent. tetradrachms). Dattari also collected of 10,000s of Late Roman Bronze coins (19,320 by 1901), many of which were donated to Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique; 1,000s were dispersed in trade by Jesús Vico, c. 2017- (and Vico via CNG).
His personal archive, including correspondence, is held at Centre d’Études Alexandrines (CEAlex; see Faucher 2020).
* – Contemporary records give two competing birthdates for Dattari: 19 Apr 1853 or 17 Apr 1858 (Savio 2015: pp. 15, 16; see also Carbone 2018 & SNI, Numismatici).
[ANS Magazine (2018) 17 (2): p. 6ff., Lucia Carbone, “Giovanni Dattari and His Fabled Collection of Alexandrian Coins” ; Adriano Savio’s biography of Dattari (in Italian; alt. source) ; Numiswiki (FAC) ; Società Numismatica Italiana, I Grandi Numismatici: Giovanni Dattari (to PDF) ; Faucher (2020), “Archive épistolaire inédite de Giovanni Dattàri“]
Coins: Hadrian Eagle Tetradrachm ; Hadrian “Captives” Drachm (ETB) ; Hadrian Euthenia Drachm ; Hadrian Zeus Drachm (Righetti) ; Aelius Diobol (Rocky Mountain) ; Antoninus Sarapis Tetradrachm (Zumbly, Grover, Chi. Art Inst.) ; Commodus Helios Tetradrachm ; Gordian III Helios Tetradrachm ; Maximinus Tetradrachm (Beniak) ; Maximus Zeus Tetradrachm [external, RPC] ; Maximus Helios Tetradrachm (Righetti, Lowrek) ; Sev. Alex. Elpis Tetradrachm (Rocky Mountain) ; Licinius II AE3 (V. Clark) ; Constantine I AE3 (V. Clark) ; Helena AE3
DAVIDSON, MARC = Marc Leon Davidson (1954-)
Florida journalist, patron of the arts, and one-time coin dealer. Formerly co-editor & chairman of board at The Daytona Beach News-Journal, owned/operated by the Davidson family 1928-2009. Trustee of Daytona Beach Museum of Arts and Sciences; board member of various other area organizations.
Active as a coin dealer in the early 1980s. Produced at least 4 auctions (1980-1) with Larry Jackson as “Davidson Numismatic Auctions,” followed by 34 fixed-price lists with Joseph P. Linzalone as PMV, Inc. (c. 1981/2-1987). PMV was acquired by Empire Coins (Dennis Kroh w/ D. van Seeters), as announced in letter dated 1 Jan 1988 & reported in the Feb 1988 issue of The Celator (v.2 [2]: VI).
Produced Classical Coin Newsletter (Daytona Beach, FL), mid-1980s. Longtime member of the ANS, ANA, FUN, and other numismatic orgs.
[Gengerke 2009: p. 158 & p. 497 ; Prabook bio]
Literature: Curtis 1969 (ex libr. Marc Davidson & Museum of Arts & Sciences, Daytona FL) ; Related: PMV FPL #3 (?) Christmas 1982 (ex BCD Lib Duplicates) [see Catalog Lib. Page]
American numismatic bookseller, author. Born Massachusetts, graduated U. Penn. (1966/7), financial analyst until 1990, after which a full-time dealer in coin books (having been part-time since 1979). Sold many important numismatic library consignments, private (H. Chapman) & institutional (ANS, ANS, Harvard Art Museums), cataloged Armand Champa Lib. (1995 NLG winner).
Author of American Numismatic Literature: An Annotated Survey of Auction Sales 1980-1991 (1992). Member, ANA & EAC since 1968. Active in the Numismatic Bibliomania Society (NBS), editing The Asylum (1991-5) & writing articles.
[Smith, ANB (2025), p. 109 = NNP-WUSTL Bio ; his website bio ; The Asylum author indexes (1980-2007/12)]
Literature: American Numismatic Literature (signed, inscribed to Ken Lowe)
DAVIS, NORMAN (1897-1991)
Jewish British-American businessman (in oil & beer), numismatist (collector & author), and patron of arts in Seattle, WA. Noted contributor to Jewish community institutions post-WWII. First vice president & board member of the Seattle Art Museum, where many of his coins were donated. An exhibition of his coins was accompanied by his volume Greek Coins and Cities, published by Spink (1967). The ANS published a 1969 Sylloge of his collection, The Norman Davis Collection (vol. 1 of Ancient Coins in North American Collections [ACNAC, orig. “Greek…” / GCNAC]). Portions of his coll. not in the Seattle Art Mus. Coll. were dispersed at NFA XI (8 Dec 1982) & Gemini VII (9 Jan 2011). Fellow of the RNS & ANS.
[The Seattle Times (Aug 15, 1991): “Norman Davis, 94, Entrepreneur, Altruist And Community Leader” ; Gemini VII (9 Jan 2011): p. 6 (bio), reprinted from: NFA XI (8 Dec 1982): p. 3 ; American Jewish Archives: Norman Davis papers, Address, donor records (Box 39, F. 10; PDF)]
Literature: Greek Coins & Cities (autographed)
DE LA FONTAINE, GASPARD-THÉODORE-IGNACE = G.T.I. de la Fontaine = Theodore de la Fontaine (1787-1871)
(see also Karl Gustav Elberling)
Lawyer, statesman, and head of government during several phases of Luxembourg’s transition to a parliamentary constitutional monarchy from 1841 to 1868. An important numismatist, formed a collection of Celtic, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, and medieval coins, several thousand of which were purchased by the state or donated to l’Institut Archéologique du Luxembourg à Arlon (IAL).
The last Governor (1841-1848), from the period of the first Chartered Constitution (1841) until a more liberalized constitution was adopted in 1848 (William II thus preserving monarchy against the revolutions sweeping Europe), then the first Prime Minister of Luxembourg (briefly, August to December, 1848, resigning after a no-confidence vote). During a brief return to absolutist monarchy following a coup (1856 Putsch), became the first President of the Council of State (1857-1868), a second parliamentary chamber established by the 1856 Constitution. (The modern Constitution of Luxembourg was adopted in 1868, and stands today with amendation.)
One of the founders of La Section Historique de l’Institut Grand-Ducal in 1845, active in the Publications de la Section Historique…. Involved in the administration and curation of the Ducal Institute’s coin collection, to which the K. G. Elberling Collection had been promised. (In the end, the heirs sold it en bloc to Rollin & Feuardent. Having preceded Elberling in death by two years, perhaps no one else could effectively advocate for the bequest.)
The nécrologie for Elberling also mourned the recent loss of l’ancien governeur, M. de la Fontaine, calling him the “Nestor de la numismatique luxembourgoise,” like the wise, old king of Greek Pylos (PSH 28: VI).
[Wiki Bio ; Radio Télévision Luxembourg (RTL) Historical Biography ; René Link (2009), “Les Débuts de la Numismatique Romaine à Luxembourg,” pp. 58-62, in Monnaies romaines – Monnaies de Trèves, Banque Central du Luxembourg (to PDF catalog) ; RBN XXVIII (1872), pp. 592-5 (to PDF), detailed “Correspondance” by H. Eltz on his 25-year (!) project to publish Fontaine collection of Luxembourgish as monograph (portions in PSH), part acq. by Ducal museum upon l’ancien gouverneur‘s death]
Literature: Elberling (1867/8) “Wichtigsten Exemplare…” Part V (inscr. by Elberling to Fontaine)
(see Clain-Stefanelli, A., E.E., and V.E.)
Collection of the Clain-Stefanelli family, apparently begun by Vladimir c. 1930s & throughout his lifetime w/ Elvira, who continued it until at least 1990s. Alexander may have added (e.g., several American medals in Stack’s 24 Mar 2012 Baltimore ANA sale are cited as ex 2008 Coin Galleries).
The collection consisted not only of ancient coins, but many American and world coins & medals. Indeed, judging from the 2012 estimates, the modern coins may have been the most valuable portion of the collection. Most of the highest value ancients also seem to have appeared in the Stack’s sales, rather than the later NAC (and then Naville) auctions of “the E.E. Clain-Stefanelli Collection.”
[Stack’s Sales: Official Baltimore Rarities Night Auction (22 Mar 2012) ; March Baltimore Auction (24 Mar 2012) ; April Hong Kong Auction (3 April 2012) ; Official ANA Auction (10 Aug 2012) ; August Hong Kong Auction (20 Aug 2012) ; November Baltimore Auction (17 Nov 2012) ; NYINC Auction (14 Jan 2013) ; Americana Sale (23 Jane 2013) ; Chicago ANA Auction: World Coins (14 Aug 2013) ; Hong Kong Auction (20 Aug 2013) ; Baltimore Auction: World Coins and Paper Money (8 Nov 2013) ; NYINC Auction: World Coins (13 Jan 2014) ; Americana Auction (6 Feb 2014) ; Chicago ANA Auction: Ancient Coins, World Coins & Paper Money (12 Aug 2014) ; NYINC Auction… (12 Jan 2015) ; NYINC Internet Auction (13 Jan 2015) ; ANA Auction (17 Aug 2015) ; Baltimore Auction (10 Nov 2015) ; Internet-Only NYINC Auction (13 Jan 2016)]
New York & London antiquities, art & coin dealer active since at least the early 1970s, founder of Ariadne Galleries, Chairman Emeritus at Hermitage Museum Foundation.
[Hermitage Mus. Found. Bio]
Literature: Rosen-Waggoner (inscr. to)
Derfler, Wolf D. = Sammlung W. Derfler, Hoffheim
[unnamed collector of the important Peus 376 sale of Parthian, one of the extraordinary series of at least 15 noted Parthian sales by the firm over an 8-year period (Auktionen 363, 366, 368, 371, 372, 374, 376, 378, 380, 382, 384, 386, 388, 392, 393), individually documented by Chris Hopkins on PDC (Parthia-dot-com)]
Coins: Tanlis & Raggodeme (AM Simonetta)
DE SAULCY, FÉLICIEN = Felix de Saulcy (1807-1880)
(see also Prince Karl Egon II)
Important French archaeologists & numismatist with major contributions to numismatic fields as diverse as Celtic, Judaean, Nabataean, Byzantine, Seleucid, crusade, medieval and modern European, some of which are still often used today. He often employed the legendary talents of engraver Leon Dardel & wrote about coins from his own collection. Over 7,000 of his were acquired c. 1872 by the Cabinet de Medailles, BnF Paris (he reportedly declined an offer for double the price from London) Additional portions of his collection of Gallic and Byzantine coins (likely acquired after 1872) were purchased by Prince Karl Egon II of Furstenberg, eventually dispersed at auction by A. Cahn, incl. auctions 75 (30 May 1932) and especially 81 (5 Apr 1933) for ancients. (For a complete list, incl. the Helbing sales, see Spring [2009] p. 28.) French Senator & Commander, Legion of Honor.
[Wikipedia ; Spring (2009), pp. 28-30, Nos. 81 (Cahn 79) & 83 (Cahn 81) ; Bibliothek Alain Poinsignon, Teil 3, Lot 3265 ; Chameroy & Guihard 2020]
Coins: Sequani Quinarius (Fürstenberg, Wüthrich, Schlüter, “Old Swiss…1970s“) ; John Ducas Tetarteron (as cataloger, Slg. von Bose, later Goodacre Coll./Handbook, Martinez)
D’ESTE (Family Collection)
(see Este Collection)
DE VRIES, SAMMLUNG = “Slg. de Vries”
Collection of Greek & Roman coins formed c. 1980-2017 (mostly from Frank Taylor Brisbane [1980-1985], Busso Peus [1988-2012], CNG [2011-2017]). Collection dispersed in 172 lots at Peus Auktion 423 (7 Nov 2018), 425 (7 Nov 2019) & e-10 (18 Jan 2020). (Probably NOT Peter H. de Vries [Oriental Soc. & CNG 93]?)
Coins: Const. Gall. Fallen Horseman
DE WILDE, JEROEN = J. de Wilde Collection
Dutch economist w/ an interest in “the rise and fall of monetary unions in the past 2700 years” (Santa Fe Inst. bio). Began collecting coins at age 10. Board of the ANS, volunteer numismatist at Rijksmuseum, committee member for first Dutch SNG. Coll. of Greek, Roman, Byzantine coins sold at CNG 120 (11 May 2022) & e-516 (18 May 2022); World coins at Triton XXV (11 Jan 2022).
[Triton XXV: p. 11 (bio) ; ANS 2018 bio ; CoinsWeekly (11 Feb 2021), “…SNG Netherlands”]
Coins: group lot of 18 Archaic fractions (H. Cahn)
DFA Collection
Coins: Vetranio “Captives” AE3 (Adrian Lang)
D.G.P. = DGP
Initials appearing in provenance information on certain BCD Collection tags (from Boiotia, Elis, Karystos), sometimes in combination with “Argos Collection” or “ex C.P.” (poss. for Priv. Coll.?; “ex C.P.” also appears alone). Purchases c. 1974-5, in “Dr.” (Drachmas). Possibly a Greek collector and/or dealer?
Coins: Elis AE Apollo [external FAC Gallery, w/ BCD tag]
DICKIE, GORDON JAMES = Gordon J. Dickie (1924-2006)
Well-known Canadian collector, highly active in the 1960s and 1970s (mentioned >100 times in CoinWorld & other numismatic news periodicals indexed by Newman Library), winning many exhibit awards (especially for his Roman coins), giving presentations at various coin clubs (especially in British Columbia), and member and officer in many numismatic organizations (see below).
His private collection of ancient coins was sold at Empire Coins Auction 7 (2 May 1987), at the Greater NY Numic. Conv. The bio. intro by Dennis Kroh comments: “He spent the war years as an ironworker and in a pulp mill, then laroured some years as a carpenter. His last twenty years of employment were spent as a Customs Officer in Vancouver…” His collection is especially known the coins of Roman Egypt, which drew from and fed into other important collections, including Dattari, Wetterstrom, Curtis, Beniak, and Emmett, and are illustrated as “plate coins” in various reference volumes.
A 1963 CoinWorld bio wrote that “Gordon Dickie, vice president of the Vancouver Numismatic Society is a Canadian Customs officer and a dedicated numismatist. He is a member of the American Numismatic Society, a Fellow of the Royal Numismatic Society, and a member of the Canadian Numismatic Association. A collector since childhood Dickie has built an extensive reference library of numismatic material…”
He was also a founding member and Past-President of The Pacific Ancient Numismatists (PAN), Honorary Life-Member of Fraser Valley Coin Club & active in the Vancouver Ancient Coin Club (VACC), among others. VACC created Ancient History Award for students in honor of Dickie (see The Celator 23.7, p. 32 re: 3rd annual award [PDF Archived]).
A Calcoin News article (1966, vol. 20, no. 4, p. 27) once described him as “Gordon Dickie that brilliant satirist…”
[“Vancouver Vice President Serves as Customs Official,” Coin World (9 Aug 1963): pg. 78 ; “Gordon J. Dickie,” Introduction to Empire 7 (2 May 1987) by Dennis Kroh (scan available on request) ; brief death notice on Moneta-L (2006) ; brief notice on (after Vancouver Sun 24 Feb 2006)]
Coins: Julia Mamaea Tetradrachm (Curtis 1138, Beniak) ; Related: Empire Coins Auction 7 [2 May 1987] (annotated in Catalog Library & Alexandrian Catalogs)
DIMARZIO JR., PAUL T. = Paul DiMarzio Londinium Collection (1962-)
American (NY & CT) computing industry professional & numismatist. Formed an important collection of the London-mint coins of the Roman Empire & active in numismatic scholarship contributing to Cloke & Toone’s authoritative (2015) volume on the subject (many of DiMarzio’s coins were LMCC “plate coins”). In 2008, purchased coins from J. S. Vogelaar’s Londinium Collection (Spink 194 & 196) & participated in the important “Moneta Britannia Conference” in 2011 (his paper published in Yorkshire Numismatist vol. 4). Collection sold in 2022 at CNG Auctions 120 & 121 and e-Auctions 516, 525, 526. (A handful of unsold lots appeared again later.) Books from the DiMarzio Library were sold by CNG beginning in 2023.
[Extended bio in CNG Auction 120: 227-8 (on ACSearch) & CNG Auction 121: pp. 246-7]
Coins: Constantine ADVENTVS (Toone) ; Crispus Captives AE3 (Toone) ; Literature: Sear RCV (5 Vols., inscr. by Sear)
DOBBINS, RAY = Raymond Dobbins (1947-2021)
Author/playwright, well-known in gay literature, as well as a videographer, activist, screenwriter, and songwriter (Jazz Passengers et al.). Also wrote under nom de plume, Jim Flannigan (Don the Burp and Other Stories). One of the books from his numismatic library, now in mine, includes a line from a Cavafy poem, about whom he wrote a play (Read My Hips, c. 2005). Letter to The Celator v8, n12 (Dec 1994): p.4.
A 2018 interview clip with him about Stonewall and civil rights movements is available from the oral history project, “The Digital Downtown” at NYU.
Literature: Plant Greek Coins Types (ex-libris) & others
DREWRY, GARTH R. (1928-)
Large collection of Greek, Roman, Byzantine & Oriental coins formed over the course of decades by American physician (radiologist, ex Harvard Medical School, 1952) & medical author from Tampa, FL. The collection was formed c. 1960s-2003, with an initial portion sold by Glendining & Co. (London), 7 Apr 1971. The collector promptly resumed buying as early as 1972-3, eventually selling the new collection at CNG sales in 2004-5, incl. CNG 67, Triton VIII, CNG 69, and e-Auctions. Library sales were held by Fred Lake at Auction 92 (11 Mar 2008) and Auction 93 (29 May 2008). Many of the coins (especially the superb Roman Provincials) are published in the literature. (To my knowledge, the collector is still alive – possibly even still practicing medicine in his mid-90s – and for all I know may have reformed the collection yet again!)
[Glendining (7 Apr 1971): p. 3 (bio)]
Coins: Grimenothyrai AE (Lindgren 955, Burstein)
DR. N.
Name appearing in provenance info. on certain BCD Collection tags (Thessaly, Phalanna AE).
DR. W. R. = Sammlung Dr. W. R., “Roma Universa” [alt: Dr. WR]
Large collection of Greek & Roman coins formed c. late 1960s-2018. Sold in six well-cataloged parts (so far, w/ 2,538 coins) by Künker, 2018-2022, each with introductions & extensive commentary; more parts anticipated. As noted in catalog introductions, “the quality of the coins…and serious provenance were always given special emphasis” (Künker 321, p. 23 [my trans.]) and many coins “have the best provenances and are depicted in well-known citations (e.g. Hoover HGC Volumes 3 to 6 and Coll. BCD)” (Künker 326, p. 21).
[Künker Auktion 312 (18 Oct 2018): Teil I, Celtic (466 lots) ; 318 (11 Mar 2019): Teil II, Greek I, Magna Graecia (454) ; 326 (7 Oct 2019): Teil III, Greek II, Mainland, Crete, Cyclades (439) ; 333 (16 Mar 2020): Teil IV, Greek III, Asia Minor & Cyprus (610) ; 341 (1 Oct 2020): Teil V, Greek IV (380) ; 367 (6 Apr 2022): Teil VI, Rome I, Republic (289)]
Coins: Pakoros Drachm (Klein 769)
EARLE JR., GEORGE H. (1856-1928)
Important Philadelphia lawyer, businessman & political reformer from a notable family, formed one of the most famous ever collections in America. Though active in politics at all levels of government, never held office. His father, G. H. Earle Sr., was an important abolitionist, friend of Abraham Lincoln & founder of the Republican party. His son, GHE III, was a diplomat and Governor of Pennsylvania. In 1912, Henry Chapman sold the GHE Jr. Collection in 3,875 lots (873 ancient), spectacularly cataloged w/ 39 plates (pl. 1-9 ancient). David Fanning (2020) described it as the single most important early American ancient coin auction catalog.
[Wikipedia ; Smith (ANB 2023), p. 111 ; Chapman Earle Sale: Clean Copy (ANS/NNP), Hand-Priced (Bass-Hamelberg Copy [prob. Bass Sale II, 168?]) ; Fanning (2020) Ancient Coins in Early American Auctions, 1869-1939: pp. 62-3, No. 16 & p. 271 (App. C), Nr. 1 ; Spring 99 ; Clain-Stefanelli 12177* ; Grierson (1966): p. 174, (1979): p. 275 ; Kroh – ; Adams (I) 19 (A+/A) ; Gengerke (2009) p. 96 ; Durst p. 23, 698 ; Davis p. 42, 203]
Coins: ; Otacilia Sestertius (King, M. Salton-Schlessinger, L. Salton) ; Related: Fanning Auctions (signed by Fanning)
EGON II, KARL, PRINCE OF FÜRSTENBERG = Prince Karl Egon II of Furstenberg [alt: Fuerstenberg] (1796-1854)
(see also Felix de Saulcy)
German nobleman, politician, collector. Last prince of the House of Fürstenberg. Served in the Badische Ständeversammlung (Chamber of Estates) during the abolition of feudalism in Germany (c. 1848-50). The Fürstenberg Collection was curated by Freiherr Franz Simon von Pfaffenhoffen, who acquired for it the collection of Felix de Saulcy in 1846. (Pfaffenhoffen was well-known for studies of Byzantine and Celtic coins, based largely on the Furstenberg-Saulcy Collection.) Collection dispersed at auction by A. Cahn, incl. auctions 75 (30 May 1932) and especially 81 (5 Apr 1933) for ancients. (For a complete list, incl. the Helbing sales, see Spring [2009] p. 28.)
[Wikipedia ; Spring (2009), pp. 28-30, Nos. 81 (Cahn 79) & 83 (Cahn 81)]
Coins: Sequani Quinarius (de Saulcy, Wüthrich, Schlüter, “Old Swiss…1970s“)
ELBERLING, DR. KARL GUSTAV = Charles-Gustave Elberling (1797-1873)
(see also Theodore de la Fontaine)
Born in Silesia, Prussian military physician, retired to Luxemburg, began collecting Roman coins c. 1842. Published an important 10-part series cataloging “important examples in my collection of Roman coins” – “Die Wichtigsten Exemplare in Meiner Sammlung Römischer Münzen” – in the annual Publications de la Section Historique de l’Institut Royal Grand-Ducal de Luxembourg (1862/3-1874/5, the last posthumous). (Print copies are very rare. Parts available online linked below.)
Elberling’s “Wichtigsten Exemplare…” was a highly important work, but almost immediately & undeservedly forgotten by numismatists. (He receives no mention in Clain-Stefanelli, but see Babelon-Saville [1901/2004], p. 170.)
Significantly, Elberling’s series included 24 plates illustrating hundreds of rare coins with exceptionally accurate line drawings by talented Luxemburger artist, Conrad Rosbach (1817-1885). Most importantly, Elberling made a point of collecting & publishing coins absent from Cohen (1859-1868, Description Historique des Monnaies…, the major reference for RIC). Cohen included those he could in his final volume (1868, VII – “Supplément”) – incl. my coin below. Rollin & Feuardent (who purchased most of Elberling’s coll.) then incorporated it fully into the second edition of Cohen (1880-1892; w/ 569 additions, per Rambach’s PG) – yet without illustrating them all, perhaps wrongly expecting later scholars to find the original plates.
The updated Cohen was a major source cited in every important 20th century catalog (BMC, RIC, Strack, et al.) – yet the authors (viz., Mattingly & Strack) were often unaware of or unable to trace Elberling’s specimens to any illustration, sometimes voicing doubts about the attributions. (Strack, for instance, suggested the present coin might have been a misreading; as C. Clay wrote [FAC, 2 Sep 2014], this was a “mistake,” for had he checked, “he would have found Elberling’s drawing of the reverse of his specimen, showing it to be excellently preserved and with a legend clear in every letter!”) Likewise, Suarez listed this coin as unverified in 2010 (ERIC II 780).
(It is worth noting, however, that Elberling’s name has, in recent decades, often appeared in print in one place: the Roman Imperial coins cataloged by C. Clay for H.J. Berk & Gemini sales. Making it only fitting that he rescued this coin’s lost provenance – though, apparently, only 15 years after purchasing it from NAC!)
Elberling published other lesser-known articles on recent coin finds & archaeological sites in Luxemburg.
[René Link (2009), “Les Débuts de la Numismatique Romaine à Luxembourg,” pp. 59, 62, 63, in Monnaies romaines – Monnaies de Trèves, Banque Central du Luxembourg (to PDF catalog) ; Rambach Provenance Glossary ; C. Clay ([28 Apr 2008] FAC msg 284294) ; C. Clay ([2 Sep 2014] FAC pid 112339) ; RBN Nécrologie (to PDF) (vol. 30, 1874, p. 125) ; Sect. Hist. Int. G-D. Lux. Nécrologie (vol. 28, 1873/4: pp. 2-8) ; Carolus Gust. Elberling (1826), Doctoral Dissertation: De Oleo Jecoris Aselli (apparently re: cod liver oil?)]
Bibliography: “Die Wichtigsten Exemplare in Meiner Sammlung Römischer Münzen,” in Publications de la Section Historique de l’Institut Royal Grand-Ducal de Luxembourg. Part I: Plate I (vol. 18: 1862/3); Part II: Pl. II-III (vol 19: 1863/4); Part III: Pl. IV-VI (vol. 20: 1864/5); Part IV: Pl. VII-VIII (vol. 22: 1866/7); Part V: Pl. IX-X (vol. 23: 1867/8); Part VI: Pl. XI-XIII (vol. 24: 1868/9); Part VII: Pl. XIV-XVI (vol. 25: 1869/1870); Part VIII: Pl. XVII-XX (vol. 26: 1870/1871); Part IX: Pl. XXI-XXIII (vol. 27: 1871/1872); Nécrologie (vol. 28: 1873/4); Posthumous: Part XI: Pl. XXIV (vol. 29: 1874/5).
Coins: Antoninus Pius Sestertius (C. Clay, this coin = Elberling III, 32 [Pl. V, 88] = Cohen VII [Supplement, 1868: p. 155] 114 [10 Fr.] = Cohen [1882: p. 359] 929 [4 Fr.] = BMC 1651, note = RIC 753 [note of doubt] = Strack +83 [probable] = ERIC II 780 [unverified]) ; Literature: Elberling (1867/8) “Wichtigsten Exemplare…” Part V (inscr. by Elberling to GTI de la Fontaine)
Anonymous collection of Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Medieval, and World coins, formed c. 1991-2009, by a collector from Malta with a particular interest in history. The collection included an emphasis on coins of the Knights of St. John and the types represented in Azzopardi’s (1993) Malta: The History of the Coinage (several “plate coins” are part of the collection, acq. from the author). Sold by CNG in 2020, beginning with Auction 115 (16 Sep 2020; see p. 328 for background description) and continuing with “a special, single-vendor e-sale,” CNG e-Auction 479 (21 Oct 2020).
Coins: Syracuse (temp. Pyrrhos) AE Litra
Emmett, Keith
Coins: Commodus Alex. Tet. (ex Aiello [Curtis 1990: 386], Beniak) ; Maximianus Tetradrachm (ex Curtis, Beniak)
Empedocles, Gregory = Grigorios Empedocles = G. Empedocles, Athens (1861-1951)
[M. Galani-Kirkou et al., Coins and Numismatics (1996, Athens: Num. Mus.): one-p. bio on 42]
Coins: Krannon AE (BCD, Rogers) ; Related: Galani-Kirkou 1996 (ex ANS Lib. Dupl. 2007.049)
ESTE COLLECTION (formed c. 1430-1597) = Alfonso II d’Este (1533-1597)
(see also Gonzaga Collection)
below, only the briefest summary until I have time to add a more appropriate bio:
Formed over several generations, the “Este Collection” is often described as the oldest verifiable provenance for ancient coins. Accurate drawings and ancient coin photos appeared only from the mid- to late-19th cent. (see e.g., Elberling). To verify collections before the 1860s usually requires either (1) chain-of-custody that remained both unbroken and well-documented — for centuries; or (2) distinctive physical marks — in this case, the inlaid eagle.
Collection was begun before 1430 (earliest mention in correspondence) by the Marquis of Ferrara, Leonello d’Este (1407-1450), then inherited by the line of male heirs, beginning with Ercole d’Este (1431-1505), father of the great Renaissance woman, Isabella d’Este (1474-1539).
Isabella did not inherit her father’s coins (nor did her sister Beatrice, who also became an important stateswoman). But she was no doubt well-acquainted with, even inspired by them. (Roman coins were essential instructional tools in a classical education.) Marrying into the Gonzaga family (1492), she became Marquess of Mantua, soon forming her own collection of ancient coins (with legendary passion) and artifacts. A famous patron of Renaissance artists, Leonardo da Vinci sketched her portrait in 1499. (Some even believe she was the mysterious subject of the Mona Lisa!)
From Ercole I, the coins went to Alfonso (1476-1534), then Ercole II (1508-1559), and, finally, to Alfonso II d’Este (1533-1597, great nephew of Isabella). The inlaid Aquiletta (pl. -ette, “little eagle”) countermarks were probably applied for the 1571-4 exhibition at the castello di Ferrara, curated by the antiquary Pirro Ligorio.
[Brief Biblio (there is much more): The Este Project (TEP, Catalli et al.): bibliography (primary docs. & scholarship), incl. some as PDF ; F. Catalli (2014) Si Tiene Pegno in Guardaroba… ; Rambach (2017 IMA, 2018 Asylum) ; Carlo Poggi (multiple on his Academia, incl. “Diaspora”: 2005 [INC 2003], 2012 [INC 2005], 2014 [Catalli, ed.]) ; Cf. (arguing Gonzaga): B. Simonetta & Renzo Riva (QT 2005, 2009)]
Coins: T. Carisius Cr. 464/4 Denarius (Simpson, MMAG 52 [H.U. Bauer, Köln]) ;
Related: Catalli (2014) (copy from author, our email corresp. & my notes laid in [shown w/ coin]).
Selected Coins Illustrated Sales in Catalog Library: Monnaies et Médailles Vente Publique 52 (1975): 24 (!) Aquilette ex “Collectionneur Anonyme” (see Rambach 2017: pp.112-3, n.44) ; Ashburnham Sale: Lots 98 & 217 (FS Benson) ; Ars Classica XI: 2 Lots ; H. Schulman, Mabbott Roman: Nero Claud. Drus. Denarius (Wenninger) ; Slg. Trau [reprint]: 4 lots ; J. Schulman 1966, [Tinchant] “Graham,” Lot 1663: Vitellius Sest. ex Trau ; Munzhandlung Basel 6, Waldeck, Lot 1641: Domitian Aureus (Bibliothek Hermann Lanz) ; MMAG 35 (1967), Lot 99: Aquilia Severa As (Esty) ; MMAG 38 (1968), Slg. Voirol, Lot 484: J. Domna As ; Bank Leu/NFA, Garrett I (1984): 3 Lots (Mancheno) ; MDC 14 (2024), Lot 109: Antonia Dupondius ex Garrett I, et al. ; Sotheby (1982), Duke of Northerumberland (ANS Lib. Dupl)
American mathematics professor (Montana State U, Bozeman, now retired to Oregon) & numismatist, has made important contributions to quantitative numismatics and the theory and methodology of die-link research. Collector of ancient coins & numismatic literature, long active in the ancient coin community, operator of popular a website. His annotated collection of auction catalogs (“WWE”) is referenced frequently on my catalog pages.
[Augustuscoins Ed ; Academia (PDFs, math & coins) ; Math Bio]
Literature: Leo Benz RIC (Lanz 94, 100) ; Kirk Davis Catalogs
ETB Collection
(see Brink, Eric ten)
Rumored by some to have been formed by the infamous Negare Probabilis, others doubt the collection actually ever existed. Conveniently formed prior to most of the relevant Swiss and American antiquities laws, however, coins from this “collection” may manage to skirt import restrictions.
Coins: Aurelian “Captives” Antoninianus
Professor Emeritus of Medicine from Norway & ancient coin collector, especially of Roman Egypt, Alexandria. Author of Ancient Rome by Coins (2019, Oslo: Orfeus Forlag), a nominee for IAPN Book Prize 2020, positively reviewed by F. Haymann. Collection (c. 269 lots) first appeared in CNG 115 (16 Sep 2020; 34 coins “From the Stein A. Evensen Collection,” most Alexandrian) & e-Auction 477 (23 Sep 2020; 111 lots, Alex., a few Ptolemaic & N. African; RRC & Augustan AR; RIC through early 3rd cent.), e-Auction 484 (27 Jan 2021; 58 coins, mostly Alex., some RRC, Greek, and/or RPC of Asia), 487 (10 Mar 2021; 5 coins, Alex.), 496 (21 Jul 2021; 58 lots, Seleukid, RPC, Alex, RRC, RIC), 527 (16 Nov 2022; 1 Coin, RIC) & 533 (22 Feb 2023; 2 Coins, 1 ea. Alex. & Antioch RPC).
[WikiData ; Academia (Medical)]
Coins: Philip I Alexandrian Tetradrachm
Collector about whom little is publicly available, besides the publication of 156 coins, mostly Greek AR fractions, from his (per NAC 82) collection in Anne Demeester’s book (photography by Bernard Daubersy) Les Animaux et la Monnaie Grecque (2003, Bruxelles: Arnumis; L. Schmitt’s [, français] review). (Some tetradrachms from the collection also appeared anonymously in NAC Auction 84.) The 156 animal-themed Greek coins for which the collection is known were sold in NAC 82 (25 May 2015), “The J. FALM Collection: Miniature Masterpieces of Greek Coinage Depicting Animals” [Lots 66-212].
[NAC 82 (25 May 2015), Introductory Essay & pp. 34-67]
Coins: Ephesos Diobol ; Related: Demeester (2003) Les Animaux et la Monnaie Grecque
FANNING, DAVID = Dr. David F. Fanning (1971-)
American bookseller & scholar of numismatic literature. PhD (Ohio State U., 2003) in Engl. Lang. & Literature. Partner at Kolbe & Fanning since 2010. Presently, with wife Maria Fanning, the “sole principals” since George F. Kolbe’s retirement (announced 13 Nov 2023).
Winner of many numismatic literary awards from the NLG (Numismatic Literary Guild), ANA (American Numismatic Association), and other orgs. Wrote a valuable literary history, bibliography, and Wissenschaftsgeschichte of (2020) Ancient Coins in Early American Auctions, 1869-1939 [Online via Archive]. Author of (2019) Thian’s Masterpiece and the Early Literature of Confederate Paper Money [ANS Lib record] & many articles on numismatics & its literature, history, and related fields (e.g., history of numis. photography); editor of Fifty Years of Numismatic Bookselling: A Tribute to George F. Kolbe [ANS Lib].
Cataloger of many important numismatic libraries, incl. the libraries of John W. Adams (KF 150, 2018 [PDF]), Richard Margolis (KF 159, 2021 [PDF]), Mark & Lottie Salton (KF 161, 2021 [PDF]); presently, the BCD Library sales (Part I = KF 169, 17 Feb 2024; lots archived [addl. photos]; PDF catalog [w/ intro essays]; my blogpost).
[Smith (ANB 2023), p. 140 = NNP Bio 693 ; ANS Library (DONUM): 56 Results ; K&F “About Us“]
Literature: Ancient Coins in Early American Auctions, 1869-1939 (autographed copy)
(see “Alba Longa Collection”)
FISCHER, PETER [Aarburg] = Slg. P. Fischer, Aarburg (d. 2013)
Large collection of coins, ancient to modern, along with weights and seals, sold in ~591 Lots at Busso Peus Auktion 419 (27 Apr 2017). Described by Peus Nachf. (Coinsweekly) as a “well-known” Swiss collector of coins, scales, and other objects.
(Being a common name in several countries, I’ve found nothing more about this individual, except that he is neither the Swedish archaeologist, Peter M. Fischer [living], nor the German Philatelist, Peter Fischer [d. 2022].)
Coins: Septimius AE Nikopolis (Varbanov I, 2558, ex Kluger)
Important German classicist historian & numismatist, Prof. at Universität des Saarlandes in in Saarbrücken (1967-1992), held positions at Staatliche Münzsammlung München and the Deutsche Archäologische Institut in Athens & Istanbul. Author of numerous articles & books on Greek & Roman coins, w/ particular contributions to the numismatic scholarship of Asia Minor & Olympia. PRF was influential as an educator and colleague, w/ many students & mentees becoming notable numismatic scholars in their own right (e.g., I. Touratsoglou, K. Liampi, S. Lavva, D. Klose, G. Stumpf, G. Plankenhorn, et al.). Among his popular books are his vols. w/ Hirmer (photography), Römische Kaiserporträts im Münzbild (1961) & Die Griechische Münze (1972); and, w/ Leschhorn & Stylow (1981), a valuable standalone Index to SNG von Aulock.
While still a teenager became a German sailor & British POW in WWII, obliged to work in Bavarian mining for the US, which reportedly sparked his interest in Roman Imperial coins of “the various mining districts in the Danube and Balkan regions, the so-called ‘Metalla-Prägungen’” (Woytek & Wartenberg).
His (first) private collection of c. 4,100 ancient coins was donated to Yale University in 2004. He re-formed his collection, most of which was sold at Grün e.K. Auktion 64, Teil 1 (20 Nov 2014), incl. Greek, RPC, and Islamic Figural. Beginning in 2021 (through at least 2023), another large parcel from the PRF Collection (“Slg. Prof. Dr. Peter Robert Franke”) was sold by Solidus Numismatik across many auctions (Auktion 85 – 122 ff.), some of which were from Grün 64 (unsold/unpaid?). My Elis AE from Solidus 108 (8 Nov 2022) was not in Grün 64, interestingly, though PRF presumably acquired it from the 12 Sep 2007 Morcom Sale (CNG 76.1, Lot 562). (PRF’s Numis. Library was sold at Peus 382, 26 Apr 2005.)
[Entry (PDF, Deutsche) by Woytek (2020) in Almanach der Österreichischen Akademie ; INC-CIN Obituary (PDF, English) by Ute Wartenberg (2019) ; ANS Lib. DONUM Holdings (X c. 88) ; Institut für Alte Geschichte ; Muenzen-Online (Deutsche) Short Bio ; Informationdienst Wissensch. (DE) Bio ; Coins Donated to Yale Coll. ; Grün 64 (Numisbids w/ PRL ; ACSearch, Lots 1-2329 only) ; MuenzenWoche (DE) Grun 64.1 Announcement]
Coins: Elis Diassarion (ex IGCH 216 [late 19th cent. hoard], Philipsen, EP Warren, RK Morcom, Christopher Morcom, Franke) ; Mylasa Chalkous (ex Karl, Vogl) ; Manchihr III Hemidrachm (ex Gonnella, Cleff) ; Thessaly AE (BCD Coll.) ; Boeotia Federal AE Overstrike (Pozzi [Boutin 3312], Slg. “de Face” 1120 [FH coll.]) ; Literature/Correspondence: “HΛIAKA-OΛYMΠIAKA” initialed to Wenninger [external ANS Lib. record] ; signed letter (1 Jan 1985) Univ. Saarlandes letterhead to Wenninger, laid into Syangela article, NNB 1980 ; Related: Franke-Hirmer (1961, Kaiserporträts) w/ H.S. Robinson bookplate
FRAZER, JACK A. (c. 1920s-)
American collector & chemist. Collection of ancient & world coins formed c. 1970s-2008, sold at CNG 2019-20 in about 1,144 single lots (954 ancient), starting w/ e-Auctions 455 (30 Oct 2019), 456 (13 Nov 2019), 457 (4 Dec 2019), 458 (18 Dec 2019), 460 (29 Jan 2020), 465 (8 Apr 2020), and Triton XXIII (14 Jan 2020).
[Triton XXIII: Bio on P. 10]
Coins: Justinian AV Tremissis
FÜRSTENBERG [alt: Fürstenberger, Furstenberg]
(see Egon, Prince Karl II)
GALST, DR. JAY M. [see my bio post] (1950-2020)
Noted NYC ophthalmologist & active numismatist. Assembled important colls. of ancient & medieval Holy Land coins, and medals & coins (from antiquity to present) associated w/ the eye, vision & medical practice. The latter featured prominently in his book w/ P. van Alfen, Ophthalmologia Optica et Visio in Nummis (2013, ANS). Frequent exhibit judge for the ANA, and exhibitor at ANA & ANS. Fellow of the RNS (London), Life Fellow & Sage Society member of the ANS. Past president of Bronx Coin Club (1998-2006) & New York Coin Club (1988-1989), where he also served as chairman of the board of directors (2001-2020). His coins were sold by CNG in multiple sales starting in 2021, numismatic literature in 2023.
[Adapted from my Numiswiki entry ; NYT Obit (16 Aug 2020) ; van Alfen’s (2020) Bio/Obit for ANS Magazine 19 (2): 57-58, and on Pocket Change blog ; Smith (ANB 2023), p. 162 ; CNG 117 (19 May 2021): p. 8 (bio essay) ; & Triton XXV (11 Jan 2022): p. 8 (bio essay)]
Coins: Skione AR Hemiobol ; Samaria Hoard AR Ma’eh/Obol (SH 165) ; Hyrcanus AE Prutah (external: ANA Exhibit, 2002, 2nd place [C. VII]) ; Anonymous Sextans (ex RBW) ; Crusader AR Dirham (Wäckerlin 217.2) ; Literature: Essays Russo (van Alfen & RBW inscr. to Galst) ; numerous vols. (many inscr. to, by Hendin, Meshorer, Witschonke, van Alfen, McAlee) ; Related: Rosen 548 Lesbos Bi Fraction (cited in Galst 2013: p. 546)
Garrett, John Work = “Garrett Collection” (1872-1942)
(see also Institutions / Johns Hopkins University)
Some coins acq. by Robert Garrett (1847-1896) & T. Harrison Garrett (1849-1888) (NNP Bio), others J.W.G., yet others by Curator (c. 1968/9-1980s, deaccession) Carl Carlson (MCA bio).
Many JHU-Garrett coins have orange or white inventory numbers painted on the edges. These are separate from the JHU inventory numbers (given in the back of the sale catalogs). The orange appear to be in the hand of JWG. White numbers were painted by Wolfgang Helbig (1839-1915).
[See Catharine Lorber’s extensive biographical introduction to Garrett I (Leu & NFA, 16 May 1984): pp. 8-58]
Coins: Trajan “BALANHOY” Drachm (JHU, Wetterstrom, K-G, RPC) ; Republican As Cr.50/3 (Hoge, RBW, W. Helbig)
(Trans., “Collection of a History Enthusiast.”) About 110 ancient Greek & Persian coins sold at Künker 304 (19 Mar 2018, 75 Lots) & 312 (8 Oct 2018, 35 Lots). (German/European coins from the coll. were sold at Künker 296 [26 Sep 2017] & 298 [28 Sep 2017].) Although the collection was not named, Künker’s press releases noted, “All of these coins actually served as illustrations for an important monograph on the subject … Axel Winzer’s book ‘Antike Portraitmünzen der Perser und Griechen aus vorhellenistischer Zeit’, published in 2005.” (A standard reference esp. for early Satrapal bronze coinage & AR fractions.) Although self-published, I’m unsure if Winzer identified the coins in his book as his own. Others in a position to know have identified the Slg. Geschichtsfreundes as the Winzer Collection (e.g., Müseler 2020a, 2020b), but it hasn’t been positively confirmed to my knowledge.
[Künker 304 (19 Mar 2018): Page 19 ; CoinWeek (13 Mar 2018) “First Coin Portraits in World History…“]
Coins: Orontas Hemichalkon
GILMAN, JAMES = Jim Gilman
Los Angeles area schoolteacher and ancient collector. History M.A. from Arizona State University. Formed a fine collection of Greek silver coins, c. 1993-2015, sold 2021-2023.
Many coins purchased through Kirk Davis, who wrote in FPL 78: “I first met Jim in 1993 and sold him his first ancient Greek coin. It marked the beginning of a great collection and a great friendship. The collection specializes in silver coins of all denominations from the principle European and Asia Minor mints of the ancient Greeks.”
CNG’s bio notes, “His collection provenance reads like a who’s who of dealers active in the area [Southern CA], especially in the late 1990’s-early 2000’s.” He also bought from Cederlind, Waddell, Economopoulos, Davissons, Malter, Goldberg, Freeman & Sear, Edgar Owen, Ed Waddell, Dave Herman (Atlantis), Wayne Philips, and other U.S. dealers, incl. CNG. Included a notable proportions of coins ex BCD Collection.
Collection first appeared for sale in Kirk Davis catalogs (FPL 78 [Fall 2021; 23 coins], FPL 79 [Spring 2022; 25 coins]), then in 121 lots over several CNG auctions, 2022-3. Three of his coins appeared in Triton XXV (NYINC, 11 Jan 2022), followed by the largest offering at CNG 120 (11 May 2022, “Selections from Thrace, Macedon and Central Greece”; 94 Greek silver coins). Smaller numbers appeared in CNG 121 (6 Oct 2022, eight Greek AR — where I notice some excellent missing provenances [e.g., lot 420 = HNO 238 “plate coin” = Karl 29]!), CNG 123 (23 May 2023, five Greek AR), and e-Auctions.
[Kirk Davis FPL 78 (Fall 2021): Intro, brief bio (JPG), also noting Obol below ; CNG 120 (11 May 2022): p. 8, bio (JPG)]
Coins: Herakleia Trachinia Obol (ex Lambros, Jameson, Hirsch Estate, BCD Coll.)
GMRH [alt: G.M.R.H.]
(see Malcolm Hay)
GÖBL, ROBERT = Professor Dr. Robert Göbl [alt: Gobl, Goebl] (1919-1997)
Austrian archaeologist & numismatist, one of Europe’s most important post-WWII numismatists in the fields of Roman, Celtic, Parthian/Sasanian, and Central Asian numismatics.
Served in WWII in the Wermacht, then a prisoner of war until 1947, became a prominent Professor at Universität Wien. Director of the Institut für Numismatik und Geldgeschichte. Arranged the numismatic collection in Kabul. Cataloged the Apostolo Zeno Collection, sold in three sales by Dorotheum, 1955-7 (Spring 127-129).
His own private collection of Achaemenid & Parthian was partly burglarized. Portions stored in a bank vault survived; his important pre-Islamic & ancient Persian coins were sold (posthumously) at Peus 363 (26 Apr 2000), “2500 Jahre Persische Münzprägung, Münzen aus den Sammlung Konsul Meyer, Prof. Dr. Robert Göbl und Andere.” Numismatic Library sold at Lanz 93 (München, 6 June 1999). At least a few of his collection coins are now in the British Museum (incl. Persis/Parthia).
[Bios: Brit Museum Bio; Encyclopedia Iranica (by Michael Alram) ; (incl. Bibliography); Universität Wien (Bibliography)]
Literature: Intro. to Sasanian, by Sellwood et al. (inscr. by authors w/ correspondence to Göbl & his bookplate) [external FAC photos/description — one of my favorite pieces of numis lit!] ; Slg. Apostolo Zeno I-III, Dorotheum 1955-7 (inscribed by Göbl to Ernst Meyer) ; Einfuhrung in die Munzpragung der Romischen Kaiserzeit, 1957 (inscribed “der Verfasser” 1959, ex ANS) ; Cataloged by: Antoninus Pius Sestertius (Apostolo Zeno 952)
GONNELLA, ROBERT (1935-2009)
Lawyer & accountant, practicing in NY & Düsseldorf, with a longtime interest in Near Eastern history, who collected Parthian coins & published numismatic articles. Formed an important scholarly reference collection beginning c. 1970, fully photographed & cataloged by W. Müseler, sold at Peus 383 (1 Nov 2006), and illustrated on (Chris Hopkins). Member of the RNS, Swiss & Bavarian Numis. Societies.
[PDC Bio (Hopkins)]
Coins: Manchihr III Hemidrachm (ex Franke, Cleff)
(see Este Collection)
Since the 18th cent., scholars have debated the origin of the silver and gold Aquilette found occasionally on ancient coins: Gonzaga or Este? The “Who, Why, When” of the debate itself is fascinating, but, to abbreviate the current perspective: it’s Este.
The label “Gonzaga Collection” (or “Gozaga-Este Collection”) has been used mistakenly in sale catalogs, off-and-on, since the 19th cent. The collection was first formed by the Italian Renaissance family of Leonello d’Este (1407-1450) and stamped nearly 150 years later under his great-great-grandson, Alfonso II d’Este (1533-1597), probably at the time of a 1571-1574 exhibition.
Alfonso II’s heir was not accepted by the Pope (though he had been by Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II), so upon his death, much of the family’s territory reverted to the church. The catastrophic financial consequences included pawning the coin collection in 1599; it was partly recovered in 1614. Curiously, also in the year 1614, the Gonzaga family pawned their own collection (recovering it 32 years later!). The Gonzaga Collection was begun independently by Isabella d’Este (1474-1539) after her marriage to Francesco II Gonzaga.
That Isabella collected herself (and was surely also familiar with the Este Collection) has surely added to the confusion. A further complication is that, at different moments, each family may have acquired coins from the other’s collection.
Both collections were dispersed by the mid- to late-seventeenth century. Though we now know that the little silver and gold eaglets were not Gonzaga heraldry, as once believed, there remains an open question whether coins from either collection ended up in the other (or, when and which).
[For references, see above]
Coins: T. Carisius Cr. 464/4 Denarius (Simpson, MMAG 52 [H.U. Bauer, Köln?])
Notable British collector of Byzantine coins & author of articles & important book on the subject. Served as Justice of the Peace and High Sherriff of Leicestershire County, where he was also Lord of the Manor of Ashby Parva. (According to his 1952 NC obituary by Sutherland, he was also very active in the “Boy Scout Movement in that county.”)
Goodacre’s Handbook of the Coinage of the Byzantine Empire was published in three parts (1928-1933), reprinted in 1957 & 1965. Goodacre’s Handbook replaced Sabatier as the most widely used general catalog and introductory text on Byzantine coins, continuing as such for several decades until surpassed by Grierson (1982) & Sear (1974). His earlier & much less popular work, Bronze Coinage of the Late Roman Empire (Spink, 1922), collected his 1921-2 Numismatic Circular articles on coinage from Constantine through Zeno and Leontius (c. 306-478 CE).
Fellow of the Royal Numismatic Society (elected 1894). Member of the British Numismatic Society (often at odds with RNS) from Feb 1926 to Nov 1931, when he resigned (reason unknown, but many others did as well).
Collection housed at Ashmolean Museum (Oxford), Heberden Coin Room, from 1952-1986, during which it was used often in scholarship. In 1986, the collection was sold in two parts: Christie’s (22 Apr 1986): “Goodacre Collection of Byzantine Coins” (gold & silver); Downie-Lepczyk 70 (17 Sep 1986), part: “Goodacre’s Byzantine Empire” (bronze).
Goodacre’s AV are illustrated in DOC, MIB, RIC, Ratto, Anastasi, et al.; represented in Bramhall, Dimitriadis, Dr. Lawrence Adams, Jürgen K. Schmidt, Philhellene, Dreesmann, Martin Armstrong, other collections. The AE in G. Drewry & Luis A. Lopez Martinez Colls. His known acquisitions incl.: 1921 Spink, 1925 (Levis Collection, Ars Classica XI), 1928 (Ratto sale), 1930 (Ratto Collection), 1938 (Munzhandlung Basel 10).
[Numismatic Chronicle (1952) 12 (42): p. x (obituary by Sutherland) ; Goodacre (1931) NC 11 (43): “Notes on Some Rare Byzantine Coins” ; Goodacre (1938) NC 18: “The Flat Bronze Coinage of Nicaea“]
Coins: John Ducas-Vatatzes AE Tetarteron (pub. 1931, 1933/1957, 1938; ex von Bose, Ashmolean loan, ill. by Dardel, pub. by de Saulcy, Sabatier)
(see Schaefer, Richard)
GORRINGE, HENRY HONYCHURCH = Lt. Cmd. H.H. Gorringe (1841-1885)
[see also blog post; much more on file]
Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Navy, decorated officer in the Civil War, noted maritime explorer for whom the Gorringe Ridge is named. For a time, one of the most famous men in America, having transported “Cleopatra’s Needle” (the New York Obelisk) from Alexandria, Egypt to Central Park, raising it across from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Published an important account of the project, still considered a major feat of engineering (certainly safer and more successful than the London obelisk’s disastrous transport): Egyptian Obelisks (1882).
Sold his first collection of ancient coins, formed before 1876, to Gaston Feuardent (c. 1876-9). Formed a new collection during the excavations in Alexandria, widely exhibited during the excitement over the obelisk, including 449 coins found on site (Ptolemaic to 19th cent.) and many important antiquities.
Upon his untimely death (falling from a moving train), most of the collection fell into obscurity, though some objects had been donated to museums (e.g., the Met’s inscribed bronze crabs that supported the obelisk, MMA 81.2.1-2), a few others eventually purchased (e.g., the Marsyas Torso found at the obelisk site, WAM 1971.89), and continued to be exhibited and published.
His coins and most antiquities were “discovered” again in the attic of an heir in 1914, published (summarily), and put into storage at Worcester Art Museum (Worcester, MA), 1915-2015. In 2015, a pair of sales at Christie’s and Kaminski Auctions dispersed much of the collection (the consignor is unclear, as is the fate of any additional items).
[Wiki bio ; Wiki: “Cleopatra’s Needle” ; USN obit (1886) ; ANS Proceedings v26: pp. 12-13 (1886) Necrology ; Egyptian Obelisks (1882): on Archive & at HEIDI ; S.A.B. Mercer, “Gorringe Collection”: RT 1914 & AE 1916]
Coins: Ptolemy I Tetradrachm (Worcester Art Museum, Bralliar) ; Cleopatra AE 80-Drachmae (obelisk excavation, Worcester Art Museum, Bralliar)
GRANTLEY, LORD = John Richard-Brinsley Norton, 5th Lord Grantley (1855-1943)
Grantley formed “the finest collection of European coins in Britain” (BM bio) & one of the finest collections of British coins ever formed (perhaps second to Lockett?), as well as a famous collection of ancients. L. Forrer’s Foreword to Part I of the Glendining sales begins by describing him as “universally known as one of the foremost coin collectors of our times.” His “vast assemblage of coins” numbered 60,000 (Forrer) or 50,000 (per Spring 2009, quoting Grierson & Blackburn 1986). The foreword anticipated there would be 5 sales; it ended up taking 11!
Spring (2009: 79) suggests Grantley began forming his collection after 1879 (following a scandalous divorce). Unfortunately, he died during WWII, and for those few years British/European auction catalogs were rarely illustrated. He was also, apparently, something of a social outcast. Otherwise, the Grantley Collection might’ve become as famous for Greek AE as the Lockett or Weber Collections became for Greek generally. Sadly for us, the coins weren’t photographed (nor does any catalog exist that lists the coins individually).
Post-Grantley Coll.: Lockett was no doubt the largest buyer of Grantley’s ancients at the 1944 sales. For some regions, he bought many-to-almost all the group lots. Later sales (incl. Glendining-Lockett sales) usually fail to note this, but many/most can be tracked down through Lockett’s hand-written purchase records (via BNS). Vermeule also owned many ex-Grantley’s via the Lockett Coll., as did M. Salton. Another major buyer was Rev. Edgar Rogers, much of whose collection went to the B.M., but portions of which were acq. & sold by Baldwin’s at least through the 1960s & 1970s (see, e.g., three BCD Thess II records [ACSearch]).
Pre-Grantley Coll.: Glendining’s gives only a few prior provenances in the catalogs. (Most coins were sold in large groups.) However, Forrer notes that many “were purchased at the Montagu, Murdoch, Rashleigh, and Carlyon-Britton sales, and some also came from the collection of Sir John Evans.” I’ve also found that he both bought coins from Lincoln (multigenerational London dealers, incl. a large group from the W. Lincoln Collection) and sold coins to them. Finally, Grierson (Memoir) notes that Grantley acq. the whole of the Prince Cantacuzene (the “Foreign Prince” of Glendining’s 1922) Byzantine bronze collection, annotating those tags “PC.”
[11 SALES AT GLENDINING during WWII (Nov 1943 to Apr 1945, see also Feb 1943). British Coins (5 Parts): Part I (English Scottish, Continental; 29 Nov 1943), Foreword by L. Forrer // Part II (British, Gaulish; 27 Jan 1944) // Part III (Saxon; 22 Mar 1944) // Part IV (Silver, 20 Apr 1944) // Part V (Scottish, Irish, Anglo-Gallic, Colonial, etc.; 18 May 1944). Ancient Coins (2 Parts): Part VI (Greek, Roman; 29 Jun 1944); Part VII (Byzantine, Roman, Parthian, etc.; 25 Jul 1944). Continental (3 Parts): Part VIII (Continental, France, Italy; 25 Oct 1944); Part IX (Continental, Germany, Austria; 18 Dec 1944); Part X (Continental, [Scandinavian], Baltic States; 7 Feb 1945). Eastern: Part XI (Middle East, Oriental, 26 April 1945). See also Grantley “Antiques” (23 Feb 1943). Early Sales of Duplicates (Anonymous): Sotheby, 31 July 1895 (“The Property of Lord Grantley, Who is restricting the range of his Collection”); Sotheby, 6 Apr 1899 (“The Property of a well-known Amateur” [Lord Grantley]), more in 1914; also J. Schulman in 1912 and 1921.]
Coins: Pyrrhos AE Litra ; Samos Augustus AE (ex Lockett, Vermeule, St George)
GROVER, ROBERT L. (1910-1998)
Chicago area attorney, attended Northwestern Law School, passed the IL Bar in 1934. Collection begun early in his legal career, formed c. 1930s – 1986. Donated major Alexandrian collection the Art Institute of Chicago (incl. many ex Dattari), 1978-1984, duplicates from which were de-accessioned and sold in 2017 at Gemini XIII (cataloged by Curtis Clay). (At least 64 of those coins were purchased by the American Numismatic Society.) Made another substantial donation to the American Numismatic Association, incl. RIC. His remaining collection of Greek, Roman, Byzantine was sold at Superior Stamp & Coin in 1986 (see below).
[Superior (11 Jun 1986), The Frank Grove [Modern/World] & Robert Grover [Ancient] Collections (Bio on p. 8) ; Gemini XIII, by Harlan J. Berk (6 April 2017), The Robert L. Grover Collection of Roman Egypt… (Bio on p. 6) ; ANS Magazine (2018) vol. 17 (2): pp. 20ff.]
Coins: Larissa AR Drachm (BCD) ; Antoninus Sarapis Tetradrachm (Dattari, Art Institute of Chicago) ; Trajan Canopus Tetradrachm (AIC) ; Gordian III Tetradrachm (AIC)
GTP Collection
Coins: Myndus AR Drachm (ex Karl, Bricault)
GUADÁN, ANTONIO MANUEL DE = Antonio Manuel de Guadán y Lascaris = de Guadán Lascaris, A. M. [alt: Guadan] (1912-1993)
Important 20th cent. numismatist, born in Spain. Fellow of the RNS (elected 1960). Active in the Asociación Numismática Española & La Sociedad Iberoamericana de Estudios Numismáticos, including many articles published in their periodicals, Gaceta Numismática (ANE) & Numisma (SIAEN; see, e.g., articles, c. 1952-1969). Author of many numismatic works (c. 1952-1980) spanning Greek, Roman, and Byzantine coins, but most of all ancient Iberian. Most widely-used volume: La Moneda Ibérica: Catálogo de Numismática Ibérica e Ibero-Romana (1980, Madrid: Ed. Cuadernos de Numismática).
Private collection was sold via Jesús Vico in several auctions, starting w/ Subasta 159 (20 Jul 2021).
[Vico 159 (20 Jul 2021), bio p. 42 [direct to PDF] ; BnF Data ; Libr. of Congr. (USA) Authorities ; ANS / Donum (45 Records) ; Roma Valdés, Antonio (2016), Numismática Española e Iberoamericana…, pp. 200, 201, 206 (free PDF from the author’s blog, “morabetino,” 5 Sep 2016)]
Coins: Eukratides AR Obol (Coll. #2696) ; Byzantion AR Tetrobol (Coll. #1870) ; Related: Guadán (1963) Monedas de Gades (ex libris John G. Olson)
GYSEN, PHILIPPE (1950-2019)
Belgian chemist & important collector of Probus, research assoc. on the research team of S. Estiot at CNRS (HISOMA), author of at least 15 articles & major contributor to scholarship. Arranged the sale of his collection by Jacquier prior to his death, beginning in 2018 (Auctions 45 & ff.). Credits Jean-Marc Doyen with encouraging a focused collection on a single reign. Starting c. early 1990s, he chose Probus because of the diversity of types and portraits, and the relatively reasonable prices – which allowed him to form a world-class collection. His total collection of at least 3,700 coins also included additional reigns and, according to his collection site (unfortunately the photos are not archived), various other types including Greek and others not included in the Jacquier sales.
[Paul-Francis Jacquier Auction 45 (14 Sep 2018), Sammlung Philippe Gysen, Teil I, pp. 5-6: intro by Gysen (French/German) (on Academia or dir. to PDF from PFJ) ; Jean-Claude Thiry’s “In Memoriam…” in BCEN 56 (2): 36, incl. bibliography (dir. to PDF) ; Sylvia Estiot’s notice, “Décès de…” for the SFN]
Coins: Probus Abundantia (Bastien SII 196e = Hiland-Olvia 79, 9)
HALL, HENRY PLATT (1863-1942)
Chairman of his family’s textile firm (Platt Brothers in Oldham, Lancashire, England), mechanical engineer, and Britain’s preeminent collector & scholar of Roman coins. Estate in Llanymynech (Wales), High Sherrif of Montgomeryshire (1928) & other local offices.
Numerous of his coins are referenced in the BMCRE and in RIC. Upon its dispersal, some coins acq. by British Museum; described by Carson as “one of the last great collections of Roman coins in this country” (BM Quarterly 16 [2]: 42-3).
The whereabouts of his detailed provenance register are apparently unknown, but those recoded in the two sales at Glendining’s (see below) show he purchased coins from virtually every important collection from at least 1897-1937.
[CoinsWeekly (Rambach) Bio ; Rambach (2016-8, Provenance Glossary), Part III: p. 88 ; Spring (2009: pp. 80-81), 217-218 = Glendining, (19 Jul 1950) Platt Hall Part I, w/ photos & Foreword by L. Forrer & Glendining (16 Nov 1950), Platt Hall Part II]
Coins: Vespasian Dupondius (RIC II.1 263, ex Curtis Clay, JSW [Wagner])
HARDAKER, TERRY R. (1942-2019)
Best known in numismatic circles for his articles and books published on ancient/medieval Indian coinage (c. 1974-2019, both solo and co-authored), incl. (Gupta-Hardaker 1985/2014) Punchmarked Coinage of the Indian Subcontinent: Magadha-Mauryan Series.
He was a scholarly cartographer and academic editor at Oxford University Press. Personally and professionally active for decades in geography and archaeological research.
Private collection of Greek, RIC, British, Indian, etc. sold in >540 lots at Baldwin’s of St. James Auctions 48 & 55 (London, 20 Sep 2020 & 17 Feb 2021); some group lots broken up & sold individually at Naville Numismatics.
[OUP memorial & bio ; Wolrdcat publications c. 1974 – 2019]
Coins: Septimius IN CARTH Denarius
HARDY, TONY (d. c. 2002)
A very large European collection (or European accumulation, as it’s been called), sold by CNG primarily between Auctions 58 (19 Sep 2001) & 69 (8 Jun 2005).
Quoting Zach “Beast” Beasley (n.d.):
“Hardy, Tony – Deceased. Mr. Hardy amassed a fantastic collection of Greek (emphasis on Magna Graecia), Roman Republic and Roman Imperial coins. Not much can be said about him, unfortunately, since his collection was auctioned and sold through Classical Numismatic Group and was requested by the submitting entity to retain the name and information about him.”
[Brousseau Annexe (p. 578, CNG 61, 62 [Triton VI], 67, 68 [Triton VIII], 69); Classical Economies (CNG 61, 62 [Triton VI], 64, 67, 68 [Triton VIII], 69); FAC/Numiswiki (same 6 auctions).]
Coins: Adranon AE Drachm (Virzi)
HATIE, GEORGE D. (1910-1997)
Born in Detroit, where he graduate law school (Univ. Detroit, 1933) & remained with a single law firm for 61 years, dying at his home in the suburb, Grosse Pointe, at 87.
ANA President 1979-1981, two-term Vice President (1973-74, 1977-78), Board of Governors (1967-72), and legal counsel for 30 years (1963-1997, interrupted only to hold other ANA offices).
President of other numismatic organizations: TAMS, CSNS, Michigan State Num Soc, Detroit Coin Club, and several smaller clubs. US Assay Commission (1975) & boards of various coin & paper money associations. Many awards and honors, including ANA’s highest honor Farran Zerbe Memorial Award (1982) & Lifetime Achievement (1994), ANA Hall of Fame (1996), and others.
Also a President of MI Humane Society & honorary VP of American Humane Society & boards of various foundations.
Portion of his ancient coin collection donated to ANA Museum in 1999 by Harlan J. Berk — five Roman & Italic bronzes. Also collected United States coinage, some of which has appeared at auction since the 1980s (esp. Bowers & Merena 1983).
[ANA Obituary (Bobbitt, Bressett, et al.), The Numismatist, Sep 1997: p. 1053 (and Press Release, 30 Jun 1997) ; R.W. Hoge, “Berk Donates Hatie Coins,” The Numismatist, Feb 1999: p. 222 ; Bowers & Merena, 3 Aug 1983: pp. 5-7 (bio & portrait)]
Literature: Glendining (1955) Nobleman/Laval (w/ brief G. Muller corresp.)
HAY, MALCOLM = George Malcolm Russel Hay = GMRH [Alt: G.M.R.H.] (c. 1951-)
Well-known British coin dealer active in the London market since the 1970s. Understandably seems to keep a low profile, so little biographical information publicly available. Noted as a procurer of many objects for the British Museum, 1972-present.
Many important published private collections include numbers of coins purchased from Malcolm Hay (incl. BCD [or as GMRH on BCD tags], RBW [a dozen noted in NAC 61 & NAC 63 alone], W Stancomb, and many others).
Coins named as his personal collection (e.g., as “GMRH Collection,” “G.M.R.H. Collection,” “Collection of GMRH,” etc.) have appeared at various auctions, c. 2019-present.
Reportedly arrested (2007), later convicted in absentia by a Greek court, for antiquities violations (Harding 2011). (Note: The GMRH coin below has a well-documented provenance over 100+ years, as do many others of his.)
[BMC Bio]
Coins: Abydos Chalkous (Prowe-Egger III, Hirsch Estate) ; Epidauros AE (Maleatas 137.1, BCD Collection, possibly from IGCH 149, see below)
HELBIG, WOLFGANG (1839-1915)
Important German archaeologist, then art dealer in Rome, and private collector.
Author of many scholarly and (later) popular works in archaeology and philology, and on classical art and antiquities, ranging from original research on paintings at Pompei to a guide to museum exhibits in Rome. Secretary of the German Archaeological Institute in Rome, 1865-1887. Posthumously implicated in case of antiquities forgery. Married Russian princess, Nadezhda Shakhovskaya (Nadine Helbig), whom he survived by 17 years; they are buried together at Campo Cestio, Rome.
Widely reputed to have started the famous tradition of throwing a coin in Trevi Fountain in Rome.
Collection of Greek, Aes Grave, and Roman acquired by Johns Hopkins University (with the assistance of R. & T.H. Garrett, later curated by JWG); inventory numbers 31.1… & 31.2… His own separate white collection numbers are painted on the edges of many coins. (The orange collection are later, perhaps in hand of RWG.)
[Wikipedia Bio ; Dictionary of Art Historians Bio ; “Origins of the Trevi Fountain Tradition” (The E-Sylum 28 Aug 2011)]
Coins: Republican As Cr.50/3 (Hoge, RBW, Garrett-JHU)
Well-known expert of Judaean coinage and author of the popular Guide to Biblical Coins (1987-2022, originally Guide to Ancient Jewish Coins, 1976), now in its 6th edition, as well as many other numismatic books & numerous articles, chapters, and reviews. Literary agent and editor by professor, having lectured in journalism at University of Missouri & Columbia University. Major donor to & active in the American Numismatic Society, where he is an Honorary Curator (2010-) & First Vice President (2017-).
Sells coins as Amphora Coins (Nyack, NY). At least 94 lists issued, 1976 – 2006 (or later; last dated FPL 90 in 2006, 91-94 are n.d.; per Fitzwilliam Catalogs, A-D). Still sells part-time (e.g., on eBay). (Additional info. on my catalog library page.)
Coins (and weights) from his private collection have been sold on the private market in various waves, most recently at CNG Keystone Auction 9 (18 Jan 2023), sold for the benefit of the ANS. These often include “plate coins” from his GBC vols.
[Hendin Curriculum Vitae ; Page ; Wikipedia Entry]
Coins: Bar Kochba AE (Hendin coll., tag, “plate coin”) ; Literature: Cultural Change (inscr. to Galst) ; Guide to Biblical Coins, 4th ed. (signed/inscr. “Robert”) ; BCD Collection Catalogs X4 (ex-lib.) ; Sydenham Republican (ex libr. w/ Hendin’s blind stamp) ; auction catalogs, incl. 4 BCD Coll. (ex-lib. but no ownership marks) ; Related: Amphora FPLs 63, 81, 84 ; Ancient Jewish Coins (1976, ex ANS Lib.) ; GBC, 2nd ed. (ex R. Dobbins Library)
HIGGIE JR., LINCOLN WILLIAM = Bill Higgie = Lincoln Higgie = Lincoln W. Higgie III (1938-)
American numismatic author & publisher, newspaperman, coin & fine art dealer (San Diego, CA; born Racine, Wisconsin). Well-known for his work on U.S. & related coinage (for the “Red Book” & Numismatic News) books on coins of Puerto Rico & U.S. Virgin Islands (both Whitman), also active in Byzantine & classical numismatics (incl. at least one article in Voice of the Turtle, Ancient Coin Club of America journal), incl. editing, translating important vols. for Ares (B. Pick, Athens, 1979) & Obol International (incl. Hill’s Becker the Counterfeiter, 1977 & Ravel’s Vlasto Collection, 1976, for which he wrote useful intros). Active in the Int. Numis. Society of San Diego, > 1 of his 3 reported presentations about ancient coins c. 2015-8 (The CA Numis. Sum 2015: p. 65 [to PDF]). Wrote that he had “visited numerous royal and national coin collections in Europe and the Near East as a newspaper man” (CU 2017), presumably incl. his research about the Bavarian State Numis. Coll. for Numismatic News (1964), possibly the same travels during which the so-called “Lincoln Higgie Hoard” (1967, Turkey), acq. by his friend & colleague Kenneth Bressett. (CNG’s Keystone 6 sale of Ken Bressett’s coll. incl. 92 lots acq. from Higgie, c. late 1960s-1988, mostly RIC & Byz. Higgie’s “collection” or “inventory”?)
[Smith (ANB 2023), p. 205 = NNP Bio 977 ; 70th ed. “Red Book” (2017), Pers. Recoll. = “Redbook Recollections” (8 Jun 2017, Coin Update) = (digest) The E-Sylum 19 (28): 13 (10 Jul 2016) ]
Coins: Constantinian AE X5 (ex “Higgie Hoard,” Bressett) [external: CoinTalk 1 Apr 2022]
HILL, SIR GEORGE FRANCIS = G. F. Hill (1867-1948)
British archaeologist and one of the most important figures in early 20th cent. classical numismatists. Studied closely w/ Percy Gardner at Oxford. Spent his entire working career at the British Museum (1893-1936) in the Dept. of Coins and Medals, much of it as the Keeper of Coins & Medals (1912-1931), until he became the Museum’s Director & Principal Librarian (1931-1936).
Authored or edited several BMC vols. of Greek Coinage, a series on the history of Cyprus, an important corpus of Renaissance medals, other historical & numismatic works. Edited Journal of Hellenic Studies and Numismatic Chronicle. Awarded the 1915 RNS “Society Medal” for “highly distinguished…services to numismatic science,” among many other honors. Knighted in 1932 or 1933. Married (1897) to Mary Hill (née Paul), w/ whom he shared the bookplate represented in my coll., reading “EX BIBLIOTHECA G F ET M HILL.”
[Wikipedia entry ; Dictionary of Art Historians Bio ; BMC Bio]
Literature: BMC Corinth (Hill Bookplate, Bibliothek Hermann Lanz & Hubert Lanz)
HIRSCH, JACOB = Jacob Hirsch Estate = Dr. J. Hirsch (1877-1955)
Perhaps the most influential-ever commercial cataloger of ancient coins. Nephew of dealer Heinrich Hirsch (1820-1886), established himself early as a numismatic prodigy. Over a long & busy career in Munich, Geneva, and New York, brought about a paradigm shift in the auction catalog genre.
Cataloged many of the early 20th century’s most important collections w/ particular attention to scholarly description, permanently elevating the sale catalog and transforming the relationship between commerce and scholarship.
His pièce de résistance was the series of eighteen Ars Classica catalogs, published 1921 to 1938, for (Lucien) Naville & Cie (Geneva, sales held in Lucerne).
Auction I (4 Apr 1921) was the monumental Pozzi Sale (Catalogue de Monnaies Grecques Antiques Provenant de la Collection de Feu le Prof. S. Pozzi). As H.J. Berk once commented (BBS 190, Lot 109), “The Pozzi pedigree is one of the most revered in numismatics,” not only because of the collection or its collector, but because of the catalog and its cataloger, J. Hirsch. Pozzi promptly became one of the most widely used single-volume references for Greek coins and contributed data used in countless numismatic studies.
Though standard today, the Naville-Ars Classica format was exceptional for the time: each coin illustrated & individually described by metal, weight (0.01g), diameter (mm), references, and often commentary from current scholarship and/or prior provenance. While immediately influential, it wouldn’t be matched until late in the 20th century.
Since 1975 there has been a Jacob Hirsch Fellowship (postdoc) at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. (Endowed by whom? Also see H Robinson.)
[Walker (AJN 2008): pp. 599-600, 604, 606-610ff. ; Rambach (2017b): 67ff., esp. 69-70; Rambach (2016-8, Provenance Glossary): throughout, esp. Part III: 100 (firm, Hirsch) ; Spring: pp. 133-134, part. English translation of: Leo Mildenberg (1955), “Totentafel: Dr. Jacob Hirsch” (Nachruf), Schweizer Münzblätter 5 (20): pp. 105-7 ; Hess-Leu (16 Apr 1957), p. 3 (Vorwort by Mildenberg) ; BMC Bio (brief)]
Coins: Epidauros Chalkous [?] ; Abydos Chalkous (GMRH, Prowe) ; Herakleia Trachinia Obol (ex Lambros, Jameson, Gilman, BCD) ; Claudius AE Patras (BCD Peloponnesos II 2782, Kovacs Collection) ; Boeotia Federal AE (w/ tag, later Aiello, maybe via BCD?) ; Literature: Bement Greek = Ars Classica VI, VII (both ex ANS Library Duplicates, stamped “Envoi de Dr. J. Hirsch“) Related: Hess-Leu Hirsch Sale (ex LACMA Lib.)
HIS, GEORGE (1927-2021)
Petroleum geologist from San Antonio, TX. ANS Member, Fellow of RNS. Mineral collection from age 9. Collector of Roman coins from 1973, formed perhaps the finest-ever private collection of Gordian III (w/ other RIC & RPC in AE & AR). Unfortunately never published in a single catalog, either auction or monograph, but broken up within multiple sales by CNG (below) & scattered pieces published in the literature. In addition to Gordian III, collected large Roman bronzes generally — especially Imperial Sestertii.
Examples illustrated by Michaux, Pangerl, Kurth (i.e., Wildwinds), and other. A number of coins, mostly Gordian III, donated to American Numismatic Society (though largely not noted in OCRE) and British Museum. (See e.g. Michaux [2017, BCEN] on Gordian III denarii: 4a, 5a [now ANS 1998.8.1], 6a [now ANS 1998.8.2], 10b). Active on the Boards of the San Antonio Museum Association & San Antonio Art Institute. Wrote letters to The Celator: Sept 1992, 6 (9), p. 42; Dec 1998, 12 (12), p. 4 (cantankerous over phone v. mail bidding!)
Auctions (see WWE & FAC): CNG Triton V (16 Jan 2002): “including 23 rare Gordian III from the George His collection” (WWE); CNG MBS 60 (22 May 2002): George His Collection of Gordian III, “Gordian III (29)” (WWE); Triton VI (14 Jan 2003): George His Collection of Gordian III; CNG MBS 69 (8 July 2005): George His collection (Lots 1375-1501, Sestertii & Groups); Gemini IV (8 Jan 2008): [at least some are ex-CNG or Triton] “including 31 lots of Gordian III ex George His collection” (WWE).
[British Museum bio ; San Antonio Express-News (25 Apr 2021): Obituary]
Coins: Gordian III Sestertius (Adrian Lang, Mazzini 351)
HOFMANN, GÜNTHER (1935-2020)
Library sold at Solidus Numismatik 77 (12 Sept 2021), w/ foreword by Robert Stark. Hoffman apparently became interested in coins, presumably c. WWII, when returning soldiers brought home foreign coins. Founded the Numismatischen Gesellschaft Schweinfurt in 1979 with Reinhold Jordan: “There he allowed other members to share his knowledge in numerous lectures, often vividly illustrated by the specimens from his collection.” Published some papers on Schweinfurt / Bavarian numismatics in small German numismatic publications.
[I can only find the full Katalog w/ intro on Yumpu (less than ideal)]
Literature: Sellwood et al. Sasanian (signed by Sellwood et al. inscr. w/ corr. to R. Göbl, his bookplate)
HOGE, ROBERT WILSON = Robert W Hoge = RWH Collection (1947-)
Important American numismatist, long-time curator at the American Numismatic Society (ANS), Director at the American Numismatic Association (ANA) Money Museum, former president of New York Numismatic Club (NYNC), member of the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee (CCAC), among other important positions; recipient of various honors and awards; and author of many numismatic publications (incl. articles in AJN and columns in ANS Magazine & The Numismatist). (Note that NYNC & ANS have had a special relationship since the former’s founding in 1908. See van Alfen 2008.)
[NNP Bio ; E-Sylum Interview (5 Aug 2012) via NBS OR via NNP ; CACC Bio ; “Retirement from ANS,” Coin World (30 Oct 2013)]
Coins: Republican As Cr.50/3 (RBW, Garrett-JHU, W. Helbig) ; Republican Semis Cr.46/3 (RBW, Russo) ; Cn. Lentulus Clodianus Quinarius (Knobloch FPL 24, Yale University, poss. 1963 Edward Ingraham [1887-1972] donation?)
HOURMOUZIADIS, JEAN = Yannis Hourmouziadis (c. 1940s-)
Engineer, materials scientist in aviation, author on ancient coin production in Thrace & Black Sea area. Active since 2018 in Corpus-Nummorum project, bio noting: “He is involved in the Experimental Numismatics working group of the Numismatic Commission of the Federal Republic of Germany and has published a number of scientific articles on ancient Greek coinage.“
[Personal website (collection) ; some numis. articles on Academia (1) & Academia (2)]
Coins (Virtual): SHH v3964 [external, hourmo] = RPC 69113.6 [external], Philip II Thessalonica
Registered nurse from California, collector of ancient coins since c. 1999 (“mostly the coinage of Elagabalus, cistophoric tetradrachms, and interesting mythological roman provincials“), a VCoins seller at one time. Created website (archived), illustrating her collection & serving as popular resource in the 2000s-2010s on Roman Imperial & Provincial coins, photos of which were contributed to many publications & numismatic resources. Especially noted for her reference collection of Elagabalus. Active on Moneta-L from 1999/2000.
[Moneta-L intro (22 Aug 2004)]
Coins: Elagabalus AE Nikopolis (ex Lindgren, Spradling, Winnett, Zumbly)
(see also Hunt, WH)
Texas brothers, oil industry billionaires, Nelson Bunker Hunt (NBH), William Herbert Hunt (WHH), and Lamar Hunt. All three were involved in the 1970s attempt to corner the world silver market, driving the price up from $6 in Jan 1979 to $50/ounce for just for a moment in Jan 1980 before it collapsed, culminating in the catastrophic “Silver Thursday” (27 Mar 1980).
(Predictably, the numismatic bubble also immediately burst. The market plummeted even for rare modern and ancient coins, often thought to be less dependent on bullion prices. The Central States Numismatic Society’s annual coin show — the infamous “Stinkin’ Lincoln” — opened three weeks later in Lincoln, Nebraska. Over 40 years later, some old-time dealers are still traumatized at having to confront a 90% decline in value of their life’s savings.)
To acquire such a large share of the world silver market, of course, the brothers were borrowing heavily and “buying on margin.” Remarkably, they avoided bankruptcy for nearly a decade.
NBH and WHH were prolific buyers of antiquities, ancient art, and ancient coins, many of which were exhibited at various museums (esp. Kimball Art Museum, Fort Worth, TX). Bankruptcy and civil suits forced the brothers to sell their coins and antiquities in a series of sales at Sotheby’s in 1990-1: four for Greek & Roman coins, two Byzantine, and one each Islamic coins and ancient art. (One might argue they were accumulators not “collectors,” delegating acquisitions to Bruce McNall and colleagues at NFA.)
[CoinsWeekly (from Rambach’s Provenance Glossary): Hunt, Nelson Bunker (1926-2014) ; Wiki pp.: AR Thurs, NBH, WHH, Lamar]
Coins: Justinian Follis (WH Hunt, SB 223) ; Related: Sotheby’s Ancient & Byzantine Coin Sales, both complete (Greek III annotated, Bank Leu [Mildenberg or Hurter?]/ASW)
Hunt, William Herbert = W.H. Hunt (1929-2024)
(see also Hunt Brothers)
[Wiki page ; The E-Sylum v27, n18 article 6 (5 May 2024), after WSJ]
Coins: Justinian Follis (SB 223) ; Related: Sotheby’s Byzantine Coin Sales, both parts
(see also American Numismatic Society & Hispanic Society of America) American collector & philanthropist.
Stepson of railroad magnate and industrialist, Collis Potter Huntington (1821-1900). He devoted his life to philanthropy, collecting, and a pair of New York cultural institutions: the Hispanic Society of America (HSA) and the American Numismatic Society (ANS). He also played an important role in the American Geographical Society.
He founded the HSA in 1904. Its primary holdings consisted of Archer Huntington’s (hereafter Huntington) personal collections of art, books and rare manuscripts, and coins. (It is worth noting that his coins – though one of the world’s greatest collections — were among the less-celebrated of his loans and donations.)
Though he was President of the ANS (1905-1910), his most important role was as one of the Society’s great benefactors, contributing financially and with the “permanent” loan of his coin c ollection from HSA. His donations transformed it “from a relatively small club of collectors into a research institution of international standing” (ANS Magazine, Wint 2008).
(In 2012, the loan proved less-than-permanent and, after a legal battle between ANS and HAS, the coins were sold. Of 38,000 coins, 26,500 were eventually donated back to the ANS – many of which the ANS then deaccessioned and sold themselves! This includes three now in my collection.)
[Rambach (2016-8, Provenance Glossary), Part II: 89 ; Wikipedia: A.M. Huntington ; ANS Archives/Authorities: Huntington ; Bio from the Hispanic Society ; ANS Magazine, pp. 54-61 Summer 2013 ; D Tripp & S. Kiffer (Sotheby’s, Jan 2012), “Magnificent Coins of the Spanish World: The Archer M. Huntington Collection”]
Coins: Augustus Quadrans (ANS-HSA 1001.1.10488, Lampasas) ; Divus Augustus Dupondius (ANS-HSA 1001.1.22981, Lampasas) ; Vespasian Denarius (ANS-HSA1001.1.22362, Lampasas, Chamberlain)
From Winterthur, Switzerland, his family owned a textile firm, which afforded opportunities for international travel and trade. A prolific collector from childhood (by age 12-13), he became one of the 19th century’s most important scholars of ancient Greek coinage. Remarkably, his scholarship was essentially of private character, being an “amateur” in the best sense of the term. He never completed a university degree. (His Latin and Greek were self-taught.) Yet, every institution of Greek numismatics relied on his work.
Many of Imhoof-Blumer’s books and articles remain standard references today (e.g., Kleinasiatische Münzen [2 vols., 1901-2], Monnaies Grecques [1883], …Pausanias [& later eds., Gardner et al.], or “Zur Münzen Akarnaniens” [1878], among numerous others). He was the general editor for Die Antiken Münzen Nord-Griechenlands (a substantial entry toward Th. Mommsen’s plan for a single great Corpus Nummorum).
Member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences. Honorary Member of the Royal Numismatic Society in 1873 & sixth recipient (first foreigner) of the Society’s Medal in 1888.
In the 1860s, Imhoof-Blumer (still in his late 20s) & his father sold the family textile business explicitly so that he might devote his life entirely to numismatics.
In 1900, sold a collection of 22,000 coins to the Staatliche Münzkabinett Berlin (to finance further study). He formed a second collection, some of which are now in private collections (incl. his Roman & Byzantine sold at Hirsch XVIII in 1907), but about 2,000 of which also went to SMB. At least 900 of his Greek coins are at the Winterthur Münzkabinett (in addition to his collection of >20,000 Swiss coins).
Being his hometown, Imhoof-Blumer served as the Kurator at the institution & was a great patron for nearly 60 years, from 1861 to 1920, transforming it into a world-class collection.
[Benedikt Zack (2007, INC, Compte Rendu 54), “Friedrich Imhoof-Blumer (1838–1920)” ; Kurt Regling’s (1922) “Nachruf…” in ZfN 33: pp. 134–139 (to PDF) ; Gardner (1920, NC) “…An Appreciation” ; Wikipedia (DE) Bio ; British Museum Bio ; Biblio/Books online via Hathi]
Literature: Imhoof-Blumer, 1871, Choix de Monnaies Grecques, ill. by Leon Dardel (signed, inscr. to Kunstverein Winterthur [whose Kunstmuseum housed the Münzkabinett until 1982]; ex Koppersmith, Lanz Libraries)
Unnamed collection sold at CNG MBS XXVII (29 Sep 1993) in 236 lots (444 coins, incl. several Roman), there variously described as “Important Collection of Armenian Coinage (From Ancient to Modern Times)” & “A Specialized Collection of Armenian & Related Coinage from Ancient to Medieval Times.” Cataloged by Victor England & staff with Y.T. Nercessian. Sale reported in full in the Armenian Numismatic Journal vol. 20 (1994): pp. 35 ff (“The Armenian Coin Auction of Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.”) & used as a major source for Armenian Coins and Their Values and Armenian Coin Auctions (Nercessian 1995 & 2006).
Many coins acquired by other important collections, incl. Nercessian, Araratian, and “R.A. Collection of Armenian and Related Coinage” (CNG 85, 15 Sep 2010), and published references, especially those of Nercessian.
[Esty (augustuscoins) Armenian catalogs ; Armenian Numismatic Journal vol. 20 (1994), p. 35 & vol 22 (1996), p. 1 & vol 37 (2011), p. 29 ; Nercessian (1995) Armenian Coins and Their Values, (2006) Armenian Coin Auctions, (2008) Catalogue of Armenian Coins Collected by Y.T. Nercessian (Bibliography, p. 379 & catalogue)]
Coins: Hanniballianus (E. Clain-Stefanelli)
JAMESON, R. = Frederic-Robert Jameson (1861-1942)
French & Swiss banker & real estate magnate. Formed one of the great early 20th century collections of Greek coinage, with a smaller but notable Roman coll. (For pers. & prof. bio, I recommend Walker 2008: 602ff.) Authored numismatic articles & his important coll. cat. Began collecting by age 15 & dealt w/ many of the famous European dealers & collectors of the late 19th & early 20th centuries, a tremendously important numismatic epoch for its explosion of new scholarship in the wake of advances in photography and the publication of capacious collections in auction catalogs & standalone volumes. Jameson’s collection was published over 20 years in a classic series of 4 volumes (5 parts, [1913-1932, Feuardent], reprinted in 4 [1980, Obol Int.]). Alongside Pozzi, Weber, and others, it served as an important reference before the great SNGs (e.g., Copenhagen [1942-1979], Lockett [1938-1949], ANS [1969-1998]). Original sets still fetch $2-5,000 at auction (or $2-300 for reprint). Included among his >3,150 published coins were hundreds from the Sir. A. J. Evans Coll. of Greek.* A small portion were donated to Gulbenkian (150 coins), the bulk of the coll. acq. en bloc by Jacob Hirsch, who gradually dispersed those over his lifetime, many remaining in his estate to be dispersed by Bank Leu over years.
* : Rambach reports “all of” the Evans Greek (Sir AJE, not the father, Sir JE), acq. en bloc, but there appear to be other AJE Greek sales & bequests (?). Evans-Jameson coins regularly appear on the market.
[CoinsWeekly (Rambach) Who’s Who Entry ; Walker (AJN 2008): pp. 602-4, 613-4 ; Rambach “Prov. Gloss., Part I” [NAC 91]: p. 72 = “P.G. II” [NAC 99]: p. 50 ; Kroh: pp. 10 (3.5 Stars for Greek, “one of the finest collections ever formed”), 22, 43; Clain-Stefanelli 1927* ; Daehn 1168 (Hill 1927), 1887-9 (James in Gulbenkian), 2045 (Collection), 4455 (RN 1908, Trouvaille Melos); Spring 287 (Hamburger 96 Dupl.), 579 (Feuardent, 20 Jun 1906, Duplicates; p. 228, photo & bio) ; Collection R. Jameson, Monnaies Grecques Antiques et Imperiales Romaines, 4 vols. (1913-1932), avail. online (via BnF Gallica), linked on Numiswiki “Jameson”]
Coins: Herakleia Trachinia Obol (ex Lambros, Hirsch Estate, Gilman, BCD) ;
Related: Hess-Leu Hirsch Sale (ex LACMA Lib.) ; Gulbenkian vol. I (ex Mark & Lottie Salton Library) ; Bement Greek = Ars Classica VI, VII (both ex ANS Library Duplicates, stamped “Envoi de Dr. J. Hirsch“)
JARMAN, FRANCIS = Dr. F. Jarman (1948-)
German writer & professor of English literature & intercultural communication (retired 2013 from U. Hildesheim). Collector of Roman Provincial coins. Author of numerous works in many genres (scholarly articles since 1970s, novels since 2011, plays from 1998, short stories, textbooks, etc.).
Many articles in German- & English-language numismatic periodicals: The Numismatist, The Celator, Geldgeschichtliche Nachrichten, and others. Winner of ANA’s 2022 Prue Fitts literary award. Cataloger for at least three notable speziallelisten at Gilles Blançon (incl. the extraordinary FPL 31 of Alexandrian). Website: Eros on Roman Provincial Coinage. Over 200 specimens in RPC Online cited to Jarman collection (not counting the many others, like RPC I 1342, ex. 14, which names neither of us).
Member of Deutsche Numismatische Gesellschaft (DNG). “The Dr. F. Jarman Collection: Mints of the Roman Empire” sold by Naumann (2021-2), Auction 100 & later sales (esp. 102, 107, 112).
[Bibliography (few PDFs) on Academia & on ResearchGate]
Coins: Lokri Opuntii (BCD 157.5) ; Related: Blançon 31, 41, 51 (cataloged by; Catalog Library)
J.B. = JB (Edmonton) Collection (d. 2019)
Cataloged/dispersed across several firms by Terence Cheesman.
Coins: Mazaios Tarsos Stater (Seventko, Athena Fund) ; Metapontion Stater [on ACSearch] (JB or Cheesman?) ; Gordian III “Captives” Ant.
J.M.A.L. [alt: JMAL] (formed 1970-2000)
Coins: Titurius Sabinus Denarius (Righetti)
J.S.W. [alt: JSW]
(see Wagner, J.S.)
KARL, ERICH = E. Karl = Sammlung Karl (1924-2009)
German businessman & director of a metal-works plant in Schelklingen, long-time local politician & recipient of various state honors, and noted coin collector. Founding member in 1985 of the local Museumsgesellschaft Schelklingen.
Important collection of Carian coins sold at Lanz 131 (Münzen von Karien: Sammlung Karl, 27 Nov 2006), widely used as a ref., many of the coins published elsewhere (e.g., HNO). Annotated by Esty (corr. 832 lots?): “822 Greek…important specialized collection of coins of Caria…[A major reference work].”
The ANS bought “a group of thirty-one significant Carian coins” coins at the Lanz 131 sale (Acc. Nos. 2007.15.1-31; ANS Magazine 6 (2) [Su. 2007]: “New Acquisitions,” p. 33). A decade later, at least 5 remained in the Cederlind Estate.
The Karl collection of Celtic coins was sold at UBS 77 (9 Sep 2008). The Celtic, though perhaps lesser-known than the Carian, were nonetheless considered a notable collection & are used as an occasional, secondary reference.
[Wikipedia (DE) Bio ; see also: Brousseau “Annexe” p. 584 (Lanz 131) ; Numiswiki (FAC) “Important…” (Lanz & UBS) ; WWE (Lanz & UBS)]
Coins: Mylasa Chalkous (Karl 246, ex Franke, Vogl) ; Myndus AR Drachm (Karl 266, ex Bricault, GTP)
(see Langnas, R.)
(see also “AK Collection“)
Of Friedrichshafen, Germany. Numismatist, theologian, historian. Edited and authored many articles and books on Roman coins, from the Republic to the Byzantine era, both Imperial and Provincial (especially Alexandrian).
Cataloged for Sternberg in the 1970s. Authored the 1968 book Libertas und Christogramm… on the coinage of Magnentius. Published at least two noted columns (each in dozens of parts) in Austrian numismatic magazine, MoneyTrend, c. 2000s, on “Ungewöhnliche und irreguläre Römermünzen” and “Die Münzstätte Alexandria in Ägypten,” illustrated primarily by coins from the private “AK Collection” (photos credited to Johannes Kellner, Franz Vogelmann, perhaps others). The Alexandria series was published in a 2009 book with the same title. Donations of coins & literature to the Institut für Numismatik (Universität Wien).
Family relation to Johannes Kellner (photographer for “Ungewöhnliche…”). (Unknown: Any relation to numis. & Prof. Hans-Jorg Kellner [1920-2015], Munich & Elisabeth Kellner?)
[Proper bio needed ; death notice, “*10. Januar 1931 +13. Mai 2023” (to JPG) ; ANS Lib. Catalog (20 entries, 1965-2007, but his 2009 book absent!) ; Institut für Numismatik, Univ. Wien, Summer 2000 Bulletin (to PDF)]
Coins: (see “AK Collection”)
KING, COLIN EDWARD = Colin E. King, Esq. (1862-1921)
Born Indianapolis, graduated Butler College (now University, where his 1878-1883 student diaries are archived), where he began collecting Greek & Roman coins. Later formed an important collection of American coins and “an extensive collection of fractional currency which was the most complete offered at that time,” per Lupia, who also notes: “Among the ancient coins the grand-prize piece was a superb example of a Syracuse dekadrachm (lot 56, illustrated on Plate II) sold to Lyman H. Low for $150.” Another major buyer of the ancients was Earle (including my Otacilia). Several of King’s annotated Chapman catalogs and correspondence from his library were later in the John W. Adams Library (Kolbe & Fanning 150).
Member, “Sons of the American Revolution.” His career was spent working for the railroads and a series of insurance companies in New York City, Chicago, and finally Indianapolis again.
Although his father was a high-level railroad executive (Edward King, 1818-1888), Colin E. King himself was a mid-level corporate worker, distinctly non-wealthy (albeit cosmopolitan and intellectually active), unusual for collectors of this period. (Lupia: “In 1908, he worked for a very modest income for the Inter-State Life Insurance Company, and John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company as both secretary and cashier with a combined annual salary of $1,525.”)
[Lupia bio (abridged: The E-Sylum (2017) 20-25-14 & on NNP) ; Chapman Brothers (5 Apr 1892), “Catalogue of the Collection…of Colin E. King” ; Fanning (2020): pp. 50-51 (“Adams 35 (rated A- overall, A for ancients). Davis 188. Unlisted in Spring, though qualified for inclusion.”) & 272 (No. 7 on Fanning’s Top 10) ; “The Colin E. King Sales,” The Numismatist 26 (4), April 1892: pp. 92-93 ; Student Diaries, Butler Lib. Special Colls. MS-042, PDF Index]
Coins: Otacilia Sestertius (Earle, M. Salton, L. Salton)
[Uncertain but possibly the Munich & Vienna art & architecture historian (1942-), not the Berlin Marxist economist (1931-, as data.bnf. has it). A very common German name even narrowed down to Munich, where he collected, published, and finally sold his coins.]
Formed a notable collection of Greek coins with an emphasis on silver fractions and bronzes. (Presumably a pun on the author’s name.)
The collection was published in sylloge format as Nomismata 3 in 1999, under the title Sammlung von Griechischen Kleinsilbermünzen und Bronzen. Preface by Johannes Nollé, brief acknowledgments by collector (incl. J. Nollé, B. Overbeck, A. Wenninger).
The focus on small denominations has made it a popular & important reference, both for Greek silver fractions & Asia Minor/Persia (about 2/3 of which from Asia Minor & Greek east). The book is quite scarce & highly sought-after whenever available.
Collection sold by Hauck & Aufhäuser, München, under Alois Wenninger’s direction (Auktion 18 [6 Oct 2004] & many specs. by private treaty). The largest buyer may have been “Dr. W.R.” (see above), incl. my Parthian Drachm (Klein 764) & at least a few dozen others noted by Künker. Dr. P. Vogl acq. at least a handful (>4 in Helios 5 [2010] & >5 at Leu WA 16). Member & officer of Bayerischen Numismatischen Gesellschaft (noted as 1997 Kassenprüfer [Treasurer] in JNG 1996).
Coins: Achaemenid 1/4 Siglos (ex Cleff) ; Pakoros Drachm (ex Dr. W.R.) ; Related: Slg. Klein (ex Bibliothek A. Wenninger Duplicate [NOT the signed copy])
KLUGER, KARL HEINRICH = Slg. Karl H. Kluger (1940-2020)
Collection of ancient through modern (emphasis on Greek & Roman) apparently formed c. 1993-2020. Sold 2022-2023, in >700 lots, at Kölner Münzkabinett Auctions 117 (142 Lots, Ancient, 28 Oct 2022), 118 (109 Lots, World/Papal, 29 Oct 2022), e-8 (391 Lots, Ancient, Medieval, World, 25 Jun 2023), 119 (35 Lots, Ancient, incl. 13 groups of 10-109, 6 Oct 2023), 120 (26 Lots, World [mostly medals], 7 Oct 2023).
No biog. details, memberships, or pubs. found in Kölner 117-120 or German numis. periodicals.
[Kölner Catalogs (PDF) Archive ; brief death notice (]
Coins: Septimius AE Nikopolis (Varbanov I, 2558; ex Fischer)
KOLBE, GEORGE FREDERICK = George F. Kolbe (1941-)
Important bibliographer of numismatic literature & the preeminent American numismatic bookseller of the late 20th century, active since 1967 (first MBS, 1976 & floor auction, 1979). Partner w/ David Fanning in Kolbe & Fanning from 2010 until his 2023 retirement. Sold the Harry W. Bass Jr., Stack Family, and other important libraries, incl. portions of John J. Ford Library. Published his own catalog in 2012 as The Reference Library of a Numismatic Bookseller (CW article), the contents of which were sold under the same title in Kolbe & Fanning 154 (26 Oct 2019).
Recipient of 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award from the ANA & Smedley Award in 1995. Cofounder of Numismatic Bibliomania Society (NBS) in 1979, president in 1985, twice editor of its journal, The Asylum, in which numerous of his articles appeared. Fellow of the RNS, member of Rittenhouse Society, IAPN & ABAA. [Smith ANB (2022): p. 245 ; NBS E-Sylum Bio (for 2019 ANA Award) ; Retirement Announcement w/ Bio ; CW Who’s Who Entry ; Fitzwilliam, Catalogs H-L ; DONUM (ANS): as author (137 result)/all (238 results) ; Kolbe & Fanning, “Articles” w/ links to many PDFs]
Literature: Signed Bibliography (JW Adams) ; K. Christ, 1967, Antike Numismatik… [, loanable] (Kolbe, Reference Library No. 18 [book] & Lot 247 [sale, part] w/ bookplate)
KOMMERZIENRAT H. OTTO = Heinrich Otto, Jr. (1856-1931)
German textile manufacturer and collector of coins & medals. Took over his father’s (Heinrich Otto, Sr., 1820-1906) company, “Heinrich Otto & Söhne” (today known as “HOS Group,” headquartered in Wedlingen, with interests in real estate & renewable energy). (Kommerzienrat was an honorary title awarded to businessmen in the German Empire conferring Hoffähigkeit – suitable for “court society.” It was awarded to H. Otto, Sr. It may have been an inherited title; I’m not certain.)
His collection of ancients was sold at Adolph Hess Auktion 207 (1 Dec 1931) & the Swabian at Hess 230 (28 Feb 1938) as “Sammlung Kommerzienrat H. Otto, Stuttgart.” The ancients included coins from many important prior collections, including Bement, von Echt, Hoskier, Niklovitz, Pozzi, Rhousopoulos, Riche, H. Smith, Vautier & Collignon, and others. They passed through important collections including BCD, Benz, Gillet, Knobloch, Niggeler, and many more.
Translated from Poinsignon 3944 (see also 3964): “When building his coin collection, Heinrich Otto Jr. focused on antiquity as well as the medieval and modern eras. He placed a particular focus on the influences of his home region of Swabia. The Frankfurt headquarters of the Adolph Hess Nachf. company dedicated its auction on February 23, 1938 to the second part of the Otto collection, containing coins and medals from Swabia, rifle medals, newer thalers and imperial coins as well as art medals…”
[Poinsignon (Part III, Künker 357 [7 Dec 2021]), Lot 3944 & Lot 3964 ; Hess 207 (Luzern, 1 Dec 1931), Krzt. H. Otto, Band 1: Antike Münzen (Clain-Stefanelli 1755; Spring 331) ; Hess 238 (Frankfurt, 23 Feb 1938) Krzt. H. Otto, Band 2: Schwäbische … Kunstmedaillen (Clain-Stefanelli 1755)]
Coins: Messenia Hemidrachm (BCD, Sawhill-JMU)
Koppersmith, Daniel Leonce (1952-)
Literature: Imhoof-Blumer 1871 (signed/inscr. by Imhoof-Blumer to Winterthur, ex Bibliothek Lanz [Hubert])
Kovacs, Frank L. (1942-)
Coins: Claudius Patras AE (BCD Collection, Hirsch Estate, acq. from ASW)
Kowsky, Al = Alfred W. Kowsky = A.W.K. Collection [alt: AWK] (1948-)
Coins: Antoninus Nemesis Drachm (Wetterstrom, Ruzicka) ; Claudius Sestertius NCAPR (Baker) ; Literature: Malter Ruzicka Catalog
Kroh, Dennis
Literature: Ancient Coin Reference Reviews (signed, inscribed by author)
LAMBROS, JEAN PAUL = Giovanni Paolo Lambros = J.P. Lambros (1843-1909)
Important collector, scholar, archaeologist, and coin & antiquities dealer based in Athens, much as his father Paul Lambros (1819-1887) had been. (His brother was also involved in the business.) Though the junior Lambros’ scholarship wasn’t as well-known as his father’s, his best-known work was an important 1891 vol. on coinage of Peloponnesos.
Collection (part?) sold at Hirsch XXIX (9 Nov 1910). His antiquities collection was sold alongside Giovanni Dattari’s by Hirsch & Sambon at Hôtel Drouot (“Collections de feu…,” 17-19 Jun 1912). Portions of his collection have ended up in many major private and public collections, in addition to those coins bought from him and his father as dealers (see, e.g., objects in Staatliche Münzkabinett Berlin & in the BMC).
[Am. Jour. Arch. XIV (1910: p. 96) obit.: JSTOR or Archive ; Poinsignon 4029 ; BMC Bio ; Waddell Bio (Archived) (excerpt from Spring) ; Spring 383 (Hirsch XXIX, p. 141, excepting bio) ; Clain-Stefanelli 17616 (RIN 1909) ; see also: Società Numismatica Italiana Bios: for father (to PDF) & son (to PDF) ; Forrer’s “Numismatic Reminiscences…,” p. 194 ; brief mentions in Rambach 2017a, 2017b]
Coins: Herakleia Trachinia Obol (ex Jameson, Hirsch Estate, Gilman, BCD)
The (semi) anonymous collection of an American minister, known as a collector of ancient coins & an artist, with a longstanding interesting in history. Social worker (BA in psychology) for some years before pursuing his Master of Divinity & Doctor of Ministry, serving as a minister for 30 years.
Over the year preceding his death, his collection of about one thousand Greek, Roman and World coins was sold by CNG.
[Sales: 35 lots in Triton XXIV (19 Jan 2021), 96 lots in EA 484 (27 Jan), 75 in EA 486 (24 Feb), 118 in EA 487 (10 Mar), 171 in EA 488 (24 Mar), 5 Arkadian Hemidrachms in EA 489 (7 Apr), 177 in EA 491 (5 May), 35 in Auction 117 (19 May), 4 in EA 492 (26 May), 1 in EA 493 (9 Jun), 223 in EA 495 (7 Jul), 45 in EA 496 (21 Jul), 11 in Auction 118 (13 Sep) & 1 each in EA 501 (6 Oct) & EA 502 (20 Oct)]
Coins: Divus Augustus Dupondius (Huntington, ANS, HSA) ; Vespasian Denarius (Huntington, ANS, HSA, C. Chamberlain) ; Augustus Quadrans (Huntington, ANS, HSA) ; ERMIAS Pseudo-Rhodian Drachm (Sporty, Sitichoro/Larissa Hoard 1968 [IGCH 237])
Lang, Adrian = Sammlung Dipl.-Ing. Adrian Lang (1956-)
Coins: Gordian III Sestertius (George His, Mazzini 351) ; Philip II “Captives” Ant. ; Constantine I “Captives” AE3 ; Constantine II “Captives” AE3 ; Constantius II “Fallen Horseman” Arles ; Vetranio “Captives” AE3 (DFA)
LANGNAS, ROBERT = Bob L. = Bob (Robert) L. Collection (1963-)
Professional American artist & retired professor in St. Louis, and notable collector of Parthian coins, member of St. Louis Ancient Coin Study Group, and well-known to online ancient coin communities. Member of the editorial advisory board of KOINON: The International Journal of Classical Numismatic Studies.
Author of “An Introduction to Parthian Silver Fractions, the Little Anomalies of Arsacid Coinage,” published in the 2018 inaugural issue of KOINON: pp. 114-140. (And forthcoming article in KOINON VII.)
Portions of coll. sold at CNG e-Auctions in 2022 and e-Auctions in 2024 (as “Kamniskares (Bob L.) Collection”).
[Personal Website (now Archived); CT Profile; FAC Profile (“Kamnisakres,” formerly “Robert L3”)]
Coins: Vologases I (?) Diobol (Koinon Fig. 21, ex Sellwood)
Lanz, Ernst (1945-1989)
Lanz, Hermann (1910-1998)
Coins: Baumreiter Drachm ; Literature: BMC Corinth (GF Hill Bookplate, Bibliothek Lanz [Hermann, Ernst, Hubert]) ; BMC Central Greece (Bibliothek Lanz [Hermann, Ernst, Hubert]) ; Clay NC 1970 (inscr. to L. Scholing)
Lanz, Hubert (1943-)
Literature: Imhoof-Blumer 1887 (signed by Imhoof-Blumer & inscr. to Winterthur Kunstverein, ex Koppersmith)
LAVAL, PATRIK GEORG FABIAN DE = Count de Laval, Stockholm = “Property of a Nobleman” (1883-1970)
Swedish nobleman, military officer, athlete, and collector. Olympic medalist in pentathlon & pistol shooting. Member of Svenska Numismatiska Föreningen (SNF), c. 1927; elected Honorary Member, 1955. Founded the Friends of the Royal Mint (Society; Samfundet Kungliga Myntkabinettets Vänner [KMKV]).
One KMKV history begins (Nordlind 2019 [to PDF], transl.): “The society was founded in 1948 on the initiative of lieutenant colonel Georg de Laval (1883-1970), who also became its first chairman. He was a very well-known numismatist and became a member of the Swedish Numismatic Association as early as 1927 and a legendary auctioneer in it from 1947. In 1952 he became a corresponding member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Letters. Georg de Laval resigned as chairman in 1968 and was elected an honorary member – his contributions to the Society are well known.”
George Muller (of Spink) cataloged the collection’s sale: Glendining & Co. (18 Apr 1955), “The Property of a Nobleman: Greek Gold and Silver Coins.”
His foreword notes that “though quite a few pieces come from well-known Continental auction sales of the period between the two World Wars, no pedigree is given, as the owner did not keep a record of their provenance.” Where known, several prior collections were noted: de la Fuye, Bement, Vogel, Leningrad [Hermitage], Newell (published), Jakountchikov/y (?). Other sales & collections have been recovered later: Ars Classica I (Pozzi), Helbing 53 & Ars Classica XII (Wertheim), Schulman 194 & Kreling, Glendining 29 Apr 1954 (Forrer Coll.), and others from Ratto, Hess, and J. Schulman.
His coins are known to have been in important colls. of BCD, Salton, Kollek, Knoepke, “Exceptional Collection” (Leu 76), Proschowsky, and in many die-studies and other publications.
[Wikipedia ; Olympedia ; SNF Honorary Members ; Nordlind (2019) Samlad Glädje, “Samfundet … tillbakablick” (to PDF) ; Glendining’s 1955: Spring 230 ; Clain-Stefanelli 1983 ; Manville 1955.5]
Coins: Athens “New Style” Tetradrachm (Mark & Lottie Salton) ; Antoninus Pius Caesarea Didrachm (Sydenham, Mentor) ; Related: 1955 Catalog (copy ex. Hatie w/ ephemera, incl. handwritten & stamped cat. inv., Spink stationary) (ex G. Hatie w/ ephemera, incl. brief Muller corresp. on Spink stationery) ; Salton FPL 27 (BCD Library Duplicates)
Lawson, Alfred J. = A. J. Lawson, Esq. = Alfred Lawson, Smyrna (1838-1920/1921)
Coins: Faustina II Nysa AE (ex Weber 6868, Righetti, Preston)
Lee, Justin
[See “Iomega Collection” website]
Coins: Lucius Verus “Captives” Denarius
LEVANTE, EDOARDO (1932-2007)
Swiss collector, born in Iskenderun, Turkey (1932), died in Paris (2007). Formed one of the most important private collections of coins of Cilicia, published in SNG Levante (1986) – the first installment in the Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum: Switzerland series – and SNG Levante Supplement (1993). Published at least 9 articles on Cilician coinage in Numismatic Chronicle, 1971-1991. Cataloged several volumes of the SNG France series on the Cabinet des Médailles at the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF). Collection sold by CNG beginning with Triton VII (13 Jan 2004), CNG 66 (4 May 2004), CNG 69 (8 Jun 2005), and CNG 70 (21 Sep 2005).
No obituary or biography located. Note: I have yet to find/check the CNG sales for collector bios (PDFs not available online).
[ANS Library Catalog Results ; Brousseau Annexe: p. 579 ; Levante’s articles on JSTOR; Levante Family Heritage site ; see also: Ruprecht Ziegler’s NC Review of SNG France 2: Cilicie]
Coins: Cilicia, Hierapolis Faustina II (SNG Levante 1586 = SNG von Aulock 5572 = Robert 27, 77 = RPC 4976.3) ; Seleucia Calycadnum (SNG Levante 777 = Merani II, 109 [ACSearch] = RPC 72083.5) ; Related: SNG Levante (ex BCD Library)
LHOTKA JR., JOHN F. = Dr. John Francis Lhotka, Jr. (1921-1993)
Medical Professor at the University of Oklahoma & Honorary Fellow of the Royal Numismatic Society. Served in U.S. Army in WWII. Authored several notable volumes on ancient & medieval coins. Member of numerous scientific & numismatic organizations, recipient of many awards. In 1962 endowed the RNS Lhotka Memorial Prize in memory of his father, J.F. Lhotka Sr. Bequeathed his collection to the American Numismatic Society. In 2019, the ANS de-accessioned ~134 coins in 28 lots from the collection for sale at Gemini Auction VI (by HJB, 10 Jan 2010), Lots 868-896 (RRC, RIC, RPC).
[Smith (ANB 2023 update), p. 258 ; Gemini VI (10 Jan 2010): p. 5 for bio by U. Wartenberg]
Literature: Intro E. Roman (custom hardbound, inscr. to his father)
Lincoln Collection = F.W. Lincoln (Sr.) (son of W.S. Lincoln, 1803-1872) (1830-1909)
(see also Lincoln, Edgar)
Coins: Nero Eumeneia (Lockett, Vermeule)
Lincoln, Edgar (third son of W.S. Lincoln, 1803-1872) (1850-1916)
(see also Lincoln Collection = F.W. Lincoln, Sr.)
Coins: Nero Eumeneia (Lockett, Vermeule)
Noted American psychologist & numismatist. Served in the US Navy in WWII, retiring (1946) as Lt. Cmdr. Spent most of his career as prof. at San Francisco State University. Published texts on ed. psych. (some w/ wife, Frederica Lippman Lindgren) & social psychology, and The Psychology of Money. Founding member of Society for Ancient Numismatics (SAN), member of American Numismatic Society (ANS) & Royal Numismatic Society (RNS).
Formed a notable collection of Greek & Roman Provincial bronze coins, published in three vols. (1985 w/ F. Kovacs, 1989, 1993), widely cited in numis. lit. (Vol. IV planned but canceled, announced Oct 2001 & the coins sold; see Antioch FPL 64, in The Celator 15 [10]: p. 29.) Began collecting as Fulbright Scholar, Rome, c. 1956. “Years spent as visiting professor of psychology at the American University of Beirut and the American University in Cairo also provided many opportunities” (Jun 1993 bio in The Celator 7 [6]: p. 24).
Formed Antioch Associates in 1993 (w/ Isabelle Pafford, now SJSU) to sell duplicates from his collection & coins already published, producing 50 BBS (1994-2004) & at least 100 FPLs (c. 1993-2004, mostly unillustrated, simultaneously published in The Celator). (More info: Catalog Library.) Portions of coll. also sold at CNG 27 (29 Sep 1993), CNG 35 (20 Sep 1995), CNG 37 (20 Mar 1996). (Addl. group lots: CNG 42 [29 May 1997], 577-591.)
[“Lindgren introduces new firm: Antioch Associates,” The Celator 7 [6] (June 1993): p. 24 ; Fitzwilliam Catalogs (A-D) ; SF Gate Obituary (20 Jun 2005) ; FAC 20218 (Ed Snible, 22 Jun 2005), death announced ; Worldcat pubs. (incl. psych., numis. lit., auctions) ; Online books (psychology)]
Coins (selected, 11 of many, from all 3 vols.): Nicaea Severus Alexander [I 145] ; Nicomedia Otacilia [I 177] ; Grimenothyrai [I 955] (Marcel Burstein, Garth Drewry) ; Ariassus Caracalla [I 1264] (R. Postel, Plankenhorn, Vogl) ; Tarsus Gordian III [I 1635] (MDA) ; Anazarbus Domitian [I 2192 = III 733] (MDA Collection) ; Thyatira [I A831A] (Marcel Burstein, Michel Thys) ; Sicily Assorus [II 426c] (Slavin) ; Sicily Gela [II 459] (Slavin) ; Boeotia Orchomenos AE [II 1513] (Aiello, BCD) ; Elagabalus Nicopolis AE (Howard, Spradling, Winnett, Zumbly) ;
Literature: Lindgren & Kovcas (signed by authors, ex libris Kelly J Krizan w/ 2 bookplates) ; Lindgren III (signed/inscr., w/ some notes laid in by Lindgren & M. Millman) ; Lindgren III (duplicate, ex Milavic Library).
Related: Lindgren I (1985 w/ Frank Kovacs: Asia Minor & Levant), II (1989: European), III (1993) ; near-complete runs of Antioch Associates catalogs (ex RBW Library), only part so far posted to Catalog Library) ; Malloy XXXIII (ex BCD Library), from which both BCD & Lindgren bought mult. RPC (2 now my coll.)
Lockett, Richard Cyril (1873-1950)
Coins: Alexander Drachm (ex Salton) ; Hidrieus Tetradrachm (ex Weber, Whittall, Bement, von Aulock) ; Sebaste AE (Vermeule, Strauss) ; Nero Eumeneia (Lincoln, Vermeule) ; Samos AE (Vermeule, Grantley, St. George Collection)
LOWE, KEN (d. 1998)
American numismatic bookseller & publisher, one of the principals at Money Tree (w/ Myron Xenos in Rocky River, OH). Published periodical, Out on a Limb: “An entertaining, lively, and interesting publication devoted to numismatic literature, sadly cut short by the untimely death of its energetic and enthusiastic editor, Ken Lowe, at age 52” (Kolbe Lib. Sale, 275). The Lowe Library was sold at Money Tree 30 (1998) & 32 (1999), the firm’s final sale, both cat. by David Sklow.
[Fitzwilliam Catalogs (M-N); see also: Kolbe & Fanning 154 (26 Oct 2019), Ref. Lib. Kolbe, Lots 275 & 408.]
Literature: Davis Auction Sales (inscr. by Davis to Lowe, ex Money Tree 32, 128)
Lowrek, Peter
Coins: Maximus Helios Tetradrachm (ex Righetti, Dattari)
LYNE, MALCOLM = M.AB. Lyne = The Dr. Malcolm Lyne Collection of Romano-British Coins (1943-2023)
Noted British archaeologist (freelance professional), author of several books & hundreds of articles, especially on Roman period pottery. PhD in 1994, University of Reading (Dissertation: Roman Handmade Wares in South-East Britain). Received BBC’s “Chronicle Award” for archaeology, 1978, presented by Prince of Wales. On 16 Nov 2024, a conference was held at the Sussex School of Archaeology & History, Pots, Coins, Artefacts, and Archives: A Celebration of the Life and Work of Dr Malcolm Lyne.
Fellow of The Royal Numismatic Society (1987) and The Society of Antiquaries of London (1998), member of Sussex Archaeological Society, Surrey Archaeological Society, and many others.
In numismatic circles, best known for articles on Carausius and Allectus (Numismatic Chronicle [RNS], Num. Circular [Spink], and other outlets). His collection is heavily cited in RIC V.5 (forthcoming), Elks’s (forthcoming) Roman Mint of London, Cloke & Toone, and other publications on numismatics of Roman Britain. His collection, begun in 1965, was sold by CNG at various live & e-auctions starting in 2024. It included coins from many important collections, both recent (e.g., Toone, Vogelaar) & historical (Boyd, Webb), and from significant hoards since the 19th century, as well as many rarities published for the first time.
[Obituary/bio by S. Moorhead KAS Magazine 121, Winter 2023 (Kent Archaeological Society) ; Triton XXVII (Jan 2024): p. 10, bio ; ADS (UK) Biblio ; Numismatic Chronicle articles (JSTOR) ; SSA&H (2024) Malcolm Lyne Conference ; RNS: Malcolm Lyne Prize for Late Roman Numismatics ; Wikidata ; LinkedIn profile (accessed 27 Jan 25) ; pg.]
Coins: Carausius Ant. (WC Boyd)
MABBOTT, THOMAS OLLIVE = T. O. Mabbott (1898-1968)
If there existed a strictly numismatic version of the old gentlemanly “cabinet of curiosities,” it would look like the Mabbott Collection.
American professor & noted literary scholar of Edgar Allen Poe. Born & lived in NY for all but a few years. Educated at Columbia (thru PhD). Career mostly at Hunter College (also taught briefly at Northwestern, Brown, St. John’s). Many academic works avail. online (via Penn). The bio accompanying his archives remarks that “TOM, as he was known, was a renowned Milton scholar but also studied Walt Whitman, Thomas Chatterton, and E.C. Pinkney. However, he is best remembered as an expert on Edgar Allan Poe. Mabbott was compiling the complete writings of Poe when he died…” The “Thomas Ollive Mabbott Papers” are held by University of Iowa: scholarly papers related to literature, but also non-professional, incl. correspondence, materials on numismatics (Boxes 37-38) & his auction cat. lib.
Authored articles on Greek & Roman coins (Numismatic Review, c. 1943-1947; C-S 4236; Daehn 330, 426, 4236 [coincidence, not typo!]), but best known for the sales of his important collection, especially Part I: Greek, cataloged by Hans Holzer (and, to a lesser extent, Part II: Roman). In the time before there were good materials on Roman Provincial bronzes, “Mabbott” became a highly valuable specialized reference, publishing many types for the first time.
As BCD wrote (BCD Lib. Dupl. II, Auctiones 39 [2015], 215), “Mabbott always hunted the rare and out-of-the-ordinary ancient coins…..amazing ability to discover obscure rarities.” Another comment to similar effect (BCD Lib. Dupl. VII, Jacquier 48 [2020]): “A note from BCD: To quote from a note found in this writer’s [BCD’s] copy: ‘A collection built up over many decades by an idiosyncratic but dedicated collector who searched for the unconventional, rare and unusual coins rather than the attractive and famous ones…'” I am still not entirely sure why, but he also commented that “Mabbott” was “Certainly, one of the most controversial catalogues ever written.”
Mabbott concluded his intro essay to the first Schulman sale by emphasizing that, although he “once found a coin of…Bonosus, in a junk box…most of my good coins come from good collections…” I believe I take the opposite lesson of that intended: This sophisticated scholar of great renown obviously spent a tremendous amount of time slumming deep in the coin world’s “junk boxes” (reveling in them, I’m sure) and reemerging with obscure and exotic treasures that have dazzled the numismatic world for generations.
Auction Sales of Mabbott Collection, Hans M.F. Schulman (Catalogs on Archive): Part I – Greek (6 Jun 1969) [C-S 1973, Spring 712, Daehn 2060]; Part II – Roman (27 Oct 1969) [C-S 3679, Spring 713].
Additional Sales: Part III [tokens/world] (23 Mar 1970) [C-S 12020, Spring –]; Part IV [unclear] (26 May 1970) [C-S 12020, Spring –]; Part V [tokens, etc.] (7 Jul 1970) [C-S 1620 & 12020, Spring –]; [Part VI] Mabbott – Contorniates (10 Oct 1972) [C-S 10160, Spring 179].
(Parts I & II, reprinted by Durst, n.d., are the important single-collector sales. Every collector of Greek & Provincial bronzes should become familiar w/ the first. “Part VI” [non-seriated] consists of 60 lots [33 ill.]: “The Famous Contortionates Collection Originally Belonging to Professor Mabbott.” But Parts III, IV & V seem to incl. NO ancients & don’t always indicate which coins/tokens are Mabbott’s vs. other consignors or stock. BCD clearly admired the Mabbott Coll. — he owned several — but was highly critical of H. Schulman’s presentation/cataloging (and of the firm generally, I think, perhaps stemming from their business at Mabbott I): “Schulman here counts on Mabbott’s name to attract bidders,” stretching the series beyond any reasonable justification [BCD Lib. Dupl. IX, Jacquier 50 (2022), 188].)
[Wikipedia Entry ; Iowa University Bio ; FAC (Numiswiki Entry) ; H. Schulman, Part I (6 Jun 1969): pp. 4-7, bio/intro essays (3 pp. + portrait sketch), excerpted in Spring (2009), p. 277 ; New York Times (16 May 1968): “Thomas Mabbott, Poe Expert, Dies” (w/ subscription) (C-S 17695)]
Coins: Apollonia-Mordiaeum Homonoia AE (Peck, Aleph) ; Related: Hardcover Mabbott I-II (Milavic Library) ; Mabbott I (Greek) Sale Catalog (ex Aiello) ; Mabbott II (Roman) Sale (ex Wenninger) & Mabbott VI (both annotated on Cat. Lib. page) ; Edessa, Gordian III AE (ex Bressett, corr. NOT Mabbott) ; See also: Charles G. Morris Collection of Ancient Greek Bronze Coins (Aiello FPL V, Nov 1972), incl. >52 (!) ex-Mabbott cat. by no. (ex BCD Lib., annotated on Cat. Lib. page)
Specialized collection of Epidauran coins formed by a French physician collector, now retired. Coins sold at Nomos 24 in 25 Lots (43 coins), the Auction called by Alan S. Walker. Most coins ex-BCD Collection, some purchased directly from BCD, a few from his named auction sales (BCD Peloponnesos [LHS 96], BCD Corinth [Lanz 105]), mostly acquired 1984-1994, a few noted as acquired in the 1970s.
ASW’s collection introduction notes that the collector was:
“...spurred on to this interest by the serendipitousness of the fact that he was reading L-J. Renauldin’s rare book of 1851, Études historiques et critiques sur les médecins numismatistes, when BCD, who was at the same restaurant, suddenly had an attack of synchronous diaphragmatic flutter combined with hyperhidrosis, which our savant, putting aside his book, was immediately able to cure. This led to an enduring friendship and the genesis of the collection.”
(As I’ve commented, the medical condition sounds too frightening to investigate further.)
[Nomos Auction 24 (22 May 2022) Catalog: Introduction on p. 80, reproduced here (click to enlarge)]
Coins: Epidauros Chalkous (BCD Collection, Hirsch Estate, Rhousopoulos) ; other Epidauros AE (GMRH) ; Related: Renauldin 1851 (ex-libris ANS, D. Bullowa, C. Bullowa-Moore)
California numismatist & numismatic bibliophile; member of San Diego Ancient Numismatic Society; described by Joel Orosz as “an unsung hero of the NBS” [Numismatic Bibliomania Society]. Laboratory physicist & optical scientist by profession, c. 1960s-1990s (?).
Wrote at least a dozen articles & reviews for The Asylum (vols. VIII-XX, 1990-2002), journal of the NBS, & was its primary compiler (year 1-5, 6-10, 1-15, 16-17; and the 25-year index). Numerous articles in The E-Sylum and The Asylum. Several articles in SAN (Journal of the Society of Ancient Numismatics), The Celator, letters to The California Numismatist, and others.
Published important studies of ancient & medieval coin dies, incl. several in SAN & a chapter in Conii e Scene di Coniazione (2007: pp. 75-240). Relevant to my ex-libris item below, author of, “The Publishing History of The Voice of The Turtle,” The Celator (May 2010) 24 (5): pp. 4 & 40 (letter), 38-39 (article).
[ANS Library Catalog, DONUM Entries ; Orosz, J (Fall 1997), “The Numismatic Bibliomania Society, 1980-1997,” The Asylum XV (4): pp. 1-11 ; see also (same issue): Malkmus, W & MJ Sullivan (Fall 1997), “Introduction to the Fifteen Volume Index of The Asylum” & “The Asylum: Cumulative Index: Volumes I through XV”: pp. 13-15, 15-53 ; Malkmus, W (2007), “Cumulative Index, Volumes I-XXV [1980-2007],” The Asylum Vol 25 Supplement: pp. 1-52]
Literature: Voice of the Turtle/N. Am. Jour. Numis. (Ancient Coin Club of America), 40+ Issues, c. 1964-9 (stamped/addressed to, some w/ small named label & his annotations)
Malloy, Alex G.
[Malter 89 (12-13 Jan 2008, AGM Library Sale), pp. 4-5: “Alex G. Malloy Biography” (Elaine C. Malloy) w/ photo, text reproduced on Numiswiki ; produced hundreds of sale catalogs, incomplete list from Fitzwilliam Catalogues (2016) M-N, ~20 (1972-1985) available via NNP / Archive]
Literature (selected): Kestev – Ratto (1970) [AGM bookplate] ; JSD (Santa Ana): 21 FPLs + 2 MBS (1977-1986) (addr. to AGM, ex BCD) ; C&L DeLand (TX): 23 FPLs acq. Forum + 1 reunited from a BCD Lib Konvolut (addr. to AGM, laid in: brief corrs. L. DeLand) ; Pegasi (E. Bontekoe) 35 FPLs (1984-1994) [see also Cat. Lib.] (addr. to AGM) ; numerous other 20th cent. American Fixed Price Lists & Mail Bid Sales, some acq. from FAC (Sermarini), others BCD Library Duplicates (Jacquier) ; Related: ~40+ FPL & MBS catalogs (ex Libraries of: ANS, BCD, M Shubin, Sermarini; also, several of the coins) [Catalog Library]
Malter, Joel (1931-2006)
Literature: Malter Auction 1 (signed, inscr. to AJ Seltman, cloth) [Catalog Library] ; Byzantine Bibliography, v. 1 & 2 (signed, inscr. F. Mosher & S. Malter) [on Biblio. page] ; Colosseum Coin Exchange FPL 59 (ex BCD Lib., addr. to Malter) [ill. & annot. on Catalog Favorites] ; Baranowsky 1931 Traverso-Martini-Sale (Malter Lib. 641, ex Cederlind, K. Davis, Bass, Schulman Libraries) [cat. lib. pg.]
(see Al Thani)
Mancheno, Enrique
Presidente de la Sociedad Numismática de Puerto Rico (SNPR)
Literature: Garrett I Sale
MARTINEZ, LUIS A. LOPEZ (formed 1980s-1990s, c.)
Collection first appearing in CNG EA 504 (17 Nov 2021): 59 lots (a few groups) of AE, AR, and AV from the full run of the Byzantine Empire and its successor kingdoms. Apparently formed 1980s – 1990s, many acq. from CNG. Several from Downie-Lepczyk sale of Goodacre AE.
(Possibly the Luis Lopez Martinez from Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico who applied for ANA membership in 1971/2.)
Coins: John Ducas-Vatazes Tetarteron (cat. by F. de Saulcy w/ Leon Dardel, Slg. von Bose, Goodacre, Ashmolean Loan)
Mazzini, Giuseppe (1883-1961) = Collezione Mazzini
[Wiki Page (Italian) ; CW Bio (Rambach) ; Rambach Provenance Glossary]
Coins: Gordian III Sestertius (No. 351, Adrian Lang, George His)
McAlee, Richard J.
Coins: Decius Tetradrachm (Prieur, Cheesman) ; Literature: Coins of Roman Antioch (inscr. to Galst)
MDA Collection
Coins: Tarsus Gordian III (Lindgren 1635) ; Anazarbus Domitian (Lindgren 2192 = Lindgren III 733)
(see Muller, George)
Merani, Peter J. (1936-2020)
Coins: Selucia al Calycadnum Philip (SNG Levante 777) ; Nero-Agrippina Drachm (ex Niggeler, Merani, CNR, RPC 3637) ; Nero Thessaly AE (RPC 1439.25 = Burrer 1.1, ex BCD) ; Claudius AE Patras (BCD Peloponnesos II 2782) ; Related: NVMMIS HISTORIAM DISCENS (limited ed. hardcover, CNG)
Meshorer, Ya’akhov (1935-2004)
Coins (published): Hyrcanus Prutah ; Samaria Ma’eh/Obol ; Literature: Samaria Hoard (signed) ; Treasury (inscr. to Galst)
(see van Meter, David)
Meyer, Ernst (1898-1975)
Literature: Slg. Apostolo Zeno, I-III (custom red linen/gilt, w/ bookplate, inscr. by R. Göbl, ex L.D. & I.P. Library)
Mihailuk, George (1932-2018)
Coins: Caria Lion Obol (Otrera Collection, Unknown Findspot [Turkey], before 1992 [CH IX, 359])
MILAVIC, ANTHONY = Major Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.) (1936-)
Born, Chicago; Marine officer, 25-year career (1953-1978). Long active in Washington, DC area numismatic circles. Noted expert on Greek & Roman sport, especially in Olympic & other Greek games. Collection sold, Nomos AG Auction 32 (Zürich, 8 Jun 2024); previously, c. 28 Olympia AR (24) & AE (4) sold in 20 lots at LHS 102 (29 Apr 2008).
Dozens of articles published on Greek & Roman athletics in The Celator, International Journal of the History of Sport (1993, 2001), and other popular & scholarly periodicals; frequently cited. Many presentations at clubs & conventions recorded in numis. news outlets, c. 1990s – 2010s. Won a 1993 Numismatic Literary Guild “best article” for Jul 1992 cover article (“Ancient Olympia: The Place, The Games”) in The Celator (Daehn 1012). Author of many popular/professional articles re: Marines/Armed Services; founder of MILINET, c. 1995 (online discussion forum concerning “military/political affairs, especially those related to the U.S. Marine Corps”).
[Nomos 32: “Show More” for Bio (no PDF) ; Military Times Bio & Service ; Newman Portal search (26 results) ; DONUM-ANS Library (7 records) ; Daehn 1011-5, 4032 ; MILINET Archives]
Coins: Olympia, Elis AE (The Celator Jul 1992 “cover coin”) ; Group Lot of 6 Grk & RPC AE ; Literature: BCD Olympia Leather Bound (signed & inscribed by BCD) ; several books & sale catalogs
Mildenberg, Leo (1913-2001)
(coll. sold en bloc to “Collection sans Pareille,” late 1970s)
[CoinsWeekly (17 Oct 2009) biography (uncredited author, excellent) ; H. Behr (ed., 2013: Synagoge Vöhl): 16 pp. PDF assembling bio sources (German) ; story of Mildenberg & the Geoffrey Cope Hadrian ; The E-Sylum vol. 7, iss. 42 (17 Oct 2004), Article 7 ; Antiqua XIII: p. 30 (bio)]
Coins: Krannon Obol (Liampi 4d, CsP 724) ; Datames Tarsus Obol (CsP 914, von Aulock 5419) ; Sikyon Obol (CsP 1326, Pozzi [Boutin 4076]) ; Tarentum Hemilitron (CsP 956, Pozzi [Boutin 423]) ; Related: Festschrift Mildenberg (Wenninger Lib.)
MILLER, KEN = Kenneth Miller Collection of Ake-Ptolemaïs and Related Biblical Coins
Collector and academic archaeologist at University of Arizona. Author of articles on Judaean and Levantine coinage. Staff Archaeologist and Numismatic Specialist, Tel Gezer Excavation Project.
His bio for an educational program on the history of Israel described him “civilian volunteer during the 1973 Yom Kippur War, and again in the early ‘90s. With degrees in archaeology and Judaic Studies, Ken is on the staff at the archaeological excavations of Tel Gezer, Israel, and has worked on other archaeological excavations in Israel. He also teaches Israel’s modern history through the University of Arizona’s adult education program” (CAI Synagogue, Tucson, 2017).
The coins noted below contributed to Miller’s (INR 6, 2011) article, “A First Jewish Revolt Prutah Overstrike,” and (unpublished?) research on Seleukid small serrate AEs from the Ake-Ptolemais mint (and/or, very rarely, used as under-types for Judaean coinage).
Collection sold by Agora Auctions starting in 2015: 76 lots in Auction 35 (23 Jun 2015), 43 lots in Auction 37 (28 Jul 2015), and later sales (presently 240 listings in Argoa archive, counting unsold/repeat listings).
Coins: Group of Seleukid AE serrates used for research on Ake-Ptolemais mint [external: on acsearch]
M.N. Collection
Coins: Hadrian Demeter Tetradrachm
MOLINA, JOSÉ FERNÁNDEZ [alt: Jose Fernandez] (d. 2003)
(see “Alba Longa Collection”)
MOLNAR, MICHAEL R. = Mike Molnar (1945-2023)
Research scientist, astronomy professor (at Rutgers for most of his teaching career), noted violin maker, and ancient coin collector. Received his Astronomy PhD from University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1971, despite his original research having been destroyed in the infamous 1970 bombing at Sterling Hall.
In addition to scientific publications in astronomy, optics, and other fields, he published in a wide diversity of outlets on the ancient history of astronomy and related numismatic themes. For the last 20 years of his life, he was active in the world of violin making, known particularly for his expertise with finishes and optical effects. (A posthumous article on “Lupot’s Dichromatic Stain” [2024, VSA Papers 29] may be his final publication.)
Molnar is best known for his theory about the “Star of Bethlehem” (the inspiration for which he always attributed to a single coin, now in my collection). In addition to numerous articles, he laid out his theory in The Star of Bethlehem: Legacy of the Magi (1999, Rutgers), published in multiple editions (still in print) and translated into several languages. He appeared in numerous documentaries and gave frequent press interviews. (I’ve given a list of select articles, books, and documentaries that illustrate the coin itself.)
[American Astronomical Society Obit (J Gallagher) ; obituary by his family w/ photo ; archived website ; On Wisconsin profile (G. Govier, Winter 2015) ; addl. biblio. w/ coin linked below]
Coins: Antioch AE (“Star of Bethlehem Coin”) ; Literature: The Star of Bethlehem (hardcover, signed by author, inscr. to friends) ; Related: Sky & Telescope Magazine (Jan. 1992)
Morcom, John (1939-)
[SNG Morcom (1995) = Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum (UK), Vol. X: The John Morcom Collection of Western Greek Coins ; BMC bio]
Coins: Syracuse AE Hemilitron (SNG 685)
British intellectual property lawyer, collector. Fellow of the RNS (elected 15 Apr 1959). Inherited a portion of his grandfather R.K. Morcom’s collection of Greek (mostly) bronze coins. Another large portion of the collection (Western Greek AE) was inherited by Christopher’s cousin, John Morcom (1939-), published as SNG Morcom & on loan to the BM. Christopher Morcom’s collection was sold by CNG at MBS 76.1 (12 Sep 2007) and e-Auction 173 (26 Sep 2007), w/ a few additional coins at Triton XI (8 Jan 2008) and later e-Auctions.
Most of the silver and gold coins had been added to the collection by Christopher, but all of the bronze coins offered in the CNG sales derived from the collection of his grandfather (formed mostly 1920-1930s, often w/ important prior provenances).
Not to be confused w/ his uncle, Christopher Morcom (1911-1930) (see below).
[CNG’s listings of C. Morcom coins on ACSearch ; CNG MBS 76.1 (12 Sep 2007), p. 9 (collector bio) ; prof. bio from law firm Hogarth-Chambers (to PDF)]
Coins: Elis Diassarion (ex IGCH 216 [late 19th cent. hoard], Philipsen, EP Warren, RK Morcom, Franke)
British merchant, engineer, army Colonel (serving in Gallipoli & Salonika in WWI), longtime director of Lloyds Bank. Collector of Greek and Roman coins, especially bronze. Collection mostly formed c. 1920s-1930s. His collection is known for being especially rich in coins from important contemporary collections, often purchased privately (e.g., Bement, Pozzi, Rogers, Vlasto, Warren, Weber, and many others).
Portions of his collection were sold at Sotheby, 2 Dec 1924 (Spring 823, Clain-Stefanelli 3683), and Ratto, 8 Feb 1928 (Spring 545, Clain-Stefanelli 1748), both as Col. R.H. Morcom (sic). According to the introduction to SNG Morcom, a handful of coins from the Ratto sale remained in the collection, perhaps unsold. (I’ve found none in C.M.’s portion, but it seems possible some may have remained in it, too.)
Father of Christopher Morcom (1911-1930), known for his relationship w/ mathematician Alan Turing (1912-1954). Grandfather of Christopher Morcom (1939-) & John Morcom (1939-), who inherited the remaining portions his coin collection. The Western Greek portion, inherited by J.M., is on loan to the BM and was published as SNG John Morcom (1995).
[British Museum Bio ; SNG Morcom coins via SNG Online ; Ratto (8 Feb 1928), Intro. Essay]
Coins: Elis Diassarion (ex IGCH 216 [late 19th cent. hoard], Philipsen, EP Warren, Christopher Morcom, Franke)
(see Peck, Phil)
Moussaieff, Shlomo = S. Moussaieff Collection (1925-2015)
Collection formed c. 1948-2000, London (later exported to Germany & USA w/ permits from Israel Antiquities Authority)
Coins: Titus “Captives” Denarius (A. Short)
MULLER, GEORGE E. = “Mentor Collection” (“Collection” or “Property of” Muller?) [alt: Georg Müller, Mueller]
Spink’s director of ancient coins, 1953-1982; hired 1948 & mentored by the great Leonard Forrer; succeeded by his own mentee John Pett (1951-2018, not NAC’s “Student”). Cataloged many important collections & notable sales, incl. several for Glendining (Nobleman/Laval [1955], Foreign Ambassador [1957], Foreign Amateur [1963], et al.). Represented BCD at the Mabbott I Sales (from the number of catalogs he sent out, stamped “Spink & Son,” placed bids for many collectors).
First named as “Mentor” by NAC in Auctions 70, 73 & 83 (2013-5), “Student and Mentor Collection,” though “Mentor” was not actually the collector in that case. Also named as instrumental in formation of Leu’s Kleinkunst Collection. Since 2022, the “Mentor Collection” has been sold at many sales by NAC & Naville. Most coins w/ noted provenances acq. 1940s-1970s, often at sales cataloged by Muller (e.g., Laval, Glendining in collab. w/ Spink). But some dealers have questioned whether the bulk of ordinary mid-market coins formed a true collection, or were simply coins acq. by Muller to sell as “inventory.” (Life dates unknown; I’m guessing this is an estate, he’d be 100 or older now; perhaps more information will come to light.)
[NAC 73, Student-Mentor Part II (18 Nov 2013)]
Coins: Antoninus Pius Britannia As ; Antoninus Pius Caesarea Didrachm (Sydenham, prob. Laval) ; Literature: Glendining (1955) Nobleman/Laval (ex G. Hatie w/ brief Muller corresp.)
Muñoz, Miguel [alt: Munoz] (1909-1989)
Coins: Brettii AE Didrachm (ex ANS, Bartlett)
MUONA, JYRKI (1952-)
Noted Finnish zoologist active since the 1970s, also known for his research collection of Otho. Author of several important articles on Otho’s coinage, both sole and co-authored, including “The Rome Mint Coins of Marcus Salvius Otho” (2014, pp. 16-27 in Tutkimusta ja Keräilyä: Suomen Numismaattinen Yhdistys) & “The Denarii of Otho: A Stylistic and Compositional Study” (w/ Butcher & Ponting, 2009, RIN 110: 291-310). The latter was part of a larger project to which Muona contributed much of the “data” (i.e., coins from his collection, returned after some years, the two below now in my coll.), culminating in Butcher & Ponting’s The Metallurgy of Roman Silver Coins, a major advance over Walker’s 1976 study and thoroughly revising how we think about Roman silver coinage & the early Imperial economy. (I give a bit more background on another page.)
Long active as “jmuona” on the FAC discussion board (w/ a member gallery, incl. some coins now dispersed). Also authored a notable article on “The Antoniniani of Philip the Arab” in The Celator (Feb. 2002, vol. 16 [2]: 6-12). (For a glimpse of how zoology’s naturalistic paradigm influenced Muona’s numismatic approach, see the “Introduction” to his “The Imperial Mints of Philip the Arab” [2003, unpub. ms. on FAC].)
[Univ. Helsinki, Finnish Museum of Natural History: Bio Page ; coins from “Muona Collection” cataloged & sold by FAC ; Harlan J. Berk BBS 212 (9 Sep 2020), Lot 511,”…35 Denarii from the Jyrki Muona Collection: Nero to Vitellius” (cataloged by Curtis Clay [?] I assume, full document [issuu] preferable, ACSearch lacking photos/formatting) ; see also single coins ex-Muona cataloged & sold by HJB ; Archaeology Data Service (UK, Butcher & Ponting, 2005/2015): “Analysis of Roman Silver coins, Augustus to the reform of Trajan (27 BC – AD 100)” ; Zoological scholarship, some pp. w/ brief bios: ResearchGate, Academia, Google Scholar, & Wikispecies]
Coins: Otho AR Denarius (Butcher-Ponting M16) ; Titus AR Denarius (Short Collection, Butcher-Ponting M40)
“Neubecker Collection”
Coins: Andronicus II & III AV Hyperpyron
Niggeler, Walter (1878-1964)
Coins: Nero-Agrippina Drachm (ex Trau, Merani, CNR, RPC 3637)
(see Laval, Count de)
(see Noenio Spinola)
Norddeutscher Privatsammlung [Peus e-10]
(see Grantley)
(see B.G. Collection)
Old English collection
“OLD SWISS COLLECTION FORMED IN THE 1970S” (Leu, Winterthur) = “An Old Swiss Collection”
Leu Numismatik Web Auction 11 (22 Feb 2020), Part I: Lots 1-515 (also the Sternberg Collection groups & possibly other group lots in WA 11, though not identified as “old Swiss” coll.; and later sales). Many sold w/ original tickets from Sternberg I (his priv. coll.), M&M, Numis. Arethusa, and w/ earlier published provenances.
(Note: Not to be confused with “European Collection formed before 2005.” Also probably not the same “old Swiss collection, formed in the 1970s to 1990s” from Leu WA 3, 6, and 7, which only recorded one prior prov. to NFA IX [1980].)
Coins: Sequani Quinarius (de Saulcy, Fürstenberg, Wüthrich, Schlüter) ; Theodosius AE4
(see Andrew Short)
Coins: Caria Lion Obol (Mihailuk, Unknown Findspot [Turkey], before 1992 [CH IX, 359])
(see Kommerzienrat H. Otto)
PANISH, CHARLES K (1907-1995)
Of Westport, CT. Career civil engineer in public sector/government, at the United States Engineer Office in the 1930s, then the Army Corps of Engineers at the time of WWII (rank of Lt. Col. [1943] & Colonel [1944])*, then civilian Chief of the Engineering Division in the NY District of the Corps (c. 1950s-1960s). (Perhaps w/ a focus as water mgt. engineer.)
Noted expert on South Asian and Indian coins, publishing in this field (incl. in ANS Museum Notes) and contributing numerous abstracts to Numismatic Literature, the ANS periodical. Long-time volunteer at the ANS, curating the collection and library. Elected as ANS Fellow & appointed Chair of its Oriental Section, 1961. Donated 9,682 coins to the ANS Collection. His archives are maintained in 6 boxes at the ANS. Aside from a couple photos, his papers are not yet digitized.
[ANS Archer-Authorities page ; Clain-Stefanelli (1985), Num. Bibl., 8 entries in Author Index on p. 1693 ]
Literature: Sutherland Art in Coinage 1955 (signed by author [Sutherland], ex-libris ANS w/ their bookplate, dating accession from C.K. Panish Estate)
*: Incidentally, my grandfather (KL Jackson, 1927-2022) served in the Army Engineer Corps. at that time, but was a much earlier-career engineer in the mid-1940s.
Peck, Jeffrey M. = Jeff Peck (c. 1950-)
(Any relation to brothers Phil & Morris Peck?)
Literature (as dealer): Glendining Laval Sale (ex Hatie, G. Muller)
PECK, PHILIP C = Phil Peck = “Morris Collection” (Morris Peck, brother) (c. 1941/2-)
Career librarian in New York City, private collector of Roman coins, and curator at Chase Manhattan Bank Money Museum, from 1965 (appointed Assistant Curator) until 1977, when its collection was deaccessioned & donated to the Smithsonian & ANS.
Majority of his private collection sold in four parts under the pseudonym “Morris Collection” (his brother), most of the coins encapsulated by NGC & so-labeled (see below). Some of coins have also been sold unencapsulated with his manilla collector envelopes with typed descriptions; a few images can be found online. (Unfortunately, these were apparently discarded for all the encapsulated coins.)
A brief bio from his college friend, Curtis Clay [CT Post 4195978 (curtisclay, 1 Mar 2020)]: “Collecting Roman coins (and some others) was the central interest of Phil Peck’s life. After a BA at Princeton in 1964, he became curator of the Chase Manhattan Bank’s Money Museum in New York City for several years, then acquired a master’s degree in library science and spent the rest of his working life as librarian for various institutions or firms in New York. I have known him since my freshman year at Princeton in 1962/3, when he met one of my roommates who told him that I too collected Roman coins!… His brother consigned the bulk of his large coin collection to Heritage, who sold it under the pseudonym “the Morris Collection”.”
[Sales: Morris Collection, Part I = Heritage Auction 271920 (26 May 2019); Morris Collection, Part II = Heritage Auction 271933 (18 Aug 2019); Morris Collection, Part III = Heritage Auction 61151 (26 Jan 2020); Morris Collection, Part IV = Heritage Auction 61160 (10 May 2020) ; ACSearch records naming “Phil Peck” & “Morris Collection” (ancient) (note: there have been several Morris Collectors of modern coins; unclear to me if the US & World coins sold by Heritage as “Morris Collection” starting in 2019 are also Peck’s)]
Coins: Antoninus Nemesis Drachm ; Apollonia-Mordiaeum Homonoia AE (ex Mabbott, Aleph) ; Acrasus Severus Alexander [external ACSearch] ; Related: Mabbott I (Greek) Sale Catalog (ex Aiello w/ many hand-written bids & annotations, several names w/ contact info, incl. Phil Peck) ; Related: literature published by or ex-libris Chase Money Museum
Petsalis, Nikolaos (1872-1940)
Coins: Elis AE Apollo (BCD, Cohen) [external FAC Gallery w/ tag] ; Boeotia Federal AE (Aiello, BCD, Hirsch Estate [?]) ; Hadrian AE Sparta (Aiello, BCD, Hirsch Estate [?])
Philipsen, Gustav (1853-1925)
Coins: Elis Diassarion (ex IGCH 216 [late 19th cent. hoard], EP Warren, RK Morcom, Christopher Morcom, Franke)
Plankenhorn, Gerhard (1941-)
Coins: Ariassus Caracalla
PLANT, REV. RICHARD J. (1928-2020)
Dubbed “the Reverend of Numismatics” by The Celator (see issues linked below), a Methodist Minister in the UK, well-known author on classical numismatics. Began collecting ancient coins shortly after being stationed in Tripoli post-WWII, c. 1948, and publishing books about 25 years later (see bio post for bibliography). In addition to his distinctive hand drawn illustrations (some modeled on examples from his own collection), Plant’s books are known for a focus on linguistic understanding, including most famously Arabic Coins and How to Read Them.
Collection dispersed from 2021 by two London-based firms, Dix Noonan Webb & Naville Numismatics. The DNW website catalogs much of the collection, along with an extended biographical foreword by his son (199 Lots sold at DNW 188, the 2021 Feb 9 Auction [Special Collection 991]; Islamic/Medieval coins are cataloged separately).
[My bio blogpost/excerpted in Numiswiki ; Noonan’s Bio (Special Collection 991) ; Mark Fox (Mar 2010), “Meet the Reverend of Numismatics: Conversations with Richard Plant,“ The Celator v24 (3) ; see also: R. Plant (Jan 2008), “A Numismatic Lexicon” (pp. 28-29, illustrated with 5 of Plant’s line drawings), The Celator v22 (1)]
Coins: Domitian Neapolis (GCTI 1881) ; ~8 RIC bronze/billon & two Axum AE ; Related: Plant Greek Coins Types (ex libris R. Dobbins)
PLOIL, ERNST (1946-)
Prominent figure in the Vienna art world. Collector, author, attorney (partner at Ploil-Boesch, practicing intellectual property & art law), and CEO & equity partner of art gallery & auction house Kinsky. Noted for his art collections & museum exhibits. On the board or “friend of” multiple museums. Attorney for Kunsthistorisches Museum (worked on c. 2020 cultural property dispute between KHM and Gorny & Mosch).
Reportedly started “collecting ancient coins as a schoolboy…further inspired at high school where he learnt Latin and Greek” (NAC 95: Foreword). Later studied classical numismatics (among other topics) at University of Vienna.
Coin collection (portions of) sold over multiple sales by NAC, including several dedicated auction catalogs: NAC 87 (8 Oct 2015), Ploil I: RIC; NAC 95 (6 Oct 2016), Ploil II: RIC; NAC 101 (24 Oct 2017), Ploil II: RRC – RIC; and parts of later sales (some coins apparently acquired during/after Ploil I-III).
His art collection is the subject of the 2020 book Creating (My) Order in the World. The publisher’s blurb describes the collector as having “for the past half century … devoted himself extensively to both fine and applied art,” and the collection as including “artists as diverse as Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele, Gerhard Richter, Josef Albers and Ad Reinhardt.”
[NAC 95, Ploil II: bio Foreword (1.5 p.) ; profile, Ploil-Boesch website]
Coins: Septimius Denarius [external: on acsearch]
Porter, William B. = Bill Porter (1942-)
Coins: Lesbos 1/48 Stater (Rosen) ; Literature:
Important German historian, Professor (University of Hamburg and chair of History at Helmut Schmidt University/University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg) of early modern history. Cataloger of coin collection at Kunsthalle Hamburg, author of many historical monographs.
Formed a private collection (by c. 1980s) of Roman Provincial Asia Minor. Apparently of modest size, scholarly in quality. Referenced in RPC, Isegrim (under his name & anonymously), von Aulock Pisidiens, Ziegler’s books, Franke-Nolle, Klose on Smyrna, Karbach, Touratsoglou, et al.
[Wikipedia (DE) entry]
Coins: Ariassus Caracalla (Lindgren 1264, Plankenhorn, Vogl)
Boston-area collector (from Somerville, MA), active c. 1940s-1960s. Member of the Boston Numismatic Society (BNS), 1950 through 1960s. (Noted contemporary members: Arthur Dewing, James F. Clapp, Earl Tuttle; Cornelius Vermeule & Ken Bressett attended/presented.) Appears mult. times in the society’s proceedings for various presentations and exhibits; elected as Member, 13 Feb 1950 (Proceedings); served as Councilor, 1951-2.
In 1950, sold a number of AR Antoniniani to Ken Bressett from 1936 Dorchester Hoard (prob. at a Boston coin show, which KB regularly attended). (Bressett also traveled from Keene, NH at least twice in 1955 for exhibits and presentations at the BNS, incl. a well-received talk on the Massachusetts Historical Society Collection.)
[BNS proceedings on Archive]
Coins: Philip I AR Antoniniani (ex Dorchester, Bressett) [external: CoinTalk 1 Apr 2022]
Pozzi, Prof. Dr. Samuel-Jean = Dr. S. Pozzi [Alt: Samuel Pozzi] (1846-1918)
Coins: Pelinna Obol (Al-Thani, BCD Thessaly) ; Corinth Stater (Traverso) ; Boeotia Federal AE Overstrike (Boutin 3312, Slg. “de Face” 1120 [FH coll.], Franke)
Preston, Hugh
Coins: Faustina II Nysa AE (ex Lawson, Weber 6868, Righetti)
Prieur, Michel (1955-2014)
Coins: Decius Tetradrachm (Cheesman, McAlee)
Prowe, Theodor = Fedor Ivanovich (Theodor) Prowe (Moscow) = Sammlung des Herrn. Theodor Prowe, Moskau (1872-1932)
Coins: Abydos Chalkous (GMRH, Hirsch Estate)
QEDAR, SHRAGA (1933-2015)
Commercial numismatist in Israel who authored and collaborated on many scholarly contributions despite being a total autodidact. Escaped captivity in Nazi Germany at age 9 (his father was killed at Auschwitz). Immigrated to Israel. Longtime colleague of Y. Meshorer (prominent numismatic scholar, Israel Antiquities Authority), with whom he coauthored the important study of the Samaria Hoard (1991), which revolutionized our understanding of the region’s coinage (see also their updated 1999 volume, the standard reference such coins). Cited by David Hendin as one of his mentors.
[Hendin’s (CoinsWeekly) Tribute to Shraga Qedar (1933-2015)]
Coins: Samaria Obol (cataloged by & published) ; Literature: MQ 1991 (signed by both [?] authors, ex ANS Lib.)
RBW COLLECTION = Richard Beyer Witschonke = Rick Witschonke [alt: R.B.W. Coll.] (1945-2015)
American business executive, private collector, scholar of Roman Republican coinage. Active in American Numismatic Society, to which he donated much of his collection, viz. coins of the w. provinces struck in the Republican period. Published numerous articles & essays on Republican coinage & edited important numismatic volumes. Recipient of 2013 ANS Distinguished Service Award.
The festschrift, FIDES: Contributions to Numismatics in Honor of Richard B. Witschonke, was published by ANS (2015). The ANS has held multiple conferences & talks on the portion of his collection in its possession, and many articles & books have been written about it, w/ others in progress.
The most important selections from his private collection of RRC were sold in three parts (see below), later ed. by Andrew McCabe et al. (NAC, 2013) & published as an important single ref. vol. Those coins were sold without RBW’s collector envelopes (presumably discarded).
Numerous additional, unpublished “RBW Duplicates” were sold at CNG, Agora & other American auction firms, c. 2013-5. (Yet others introduced after private sales to other collectors, esp. A. McCabe.) Fortunately, these coins were sold w/ their envelopes. RBW’s distinctive white 2X2 envelopes have hand-written provenance notes (usually lower-left), measurements & denom. (upper-l.), refs. (upper-r.) & sometimes brief descriptions, etc. (Mult. exs. shown on Res Publica (J. Montgomery) provenance p.)
Another large portion of his collection was donated to the ANS, consisting especially of Republican coins from the Western Provinces and Eastern Cistophori.
For a summary of RBW’s history as a collector & remembrance by Victor England, see esp. CNG e-Auction 364 (2 Dec 1995), Lot 1. The sale began w/ “Selections from the RBW Collection” (444 lots). A few catalogs were specially printed & sent to winners. (I’ve never found a copy.)
Literature from his library often has distinctive hand-written annotations on little yellow adhesive labels.
[CW Bio (Rambach) ; Bio & Bibliography: FIDES Preface ; Rambach Provenance Glossary, Part III, p. 98 ; Smith (ANB 2023), 445 ; ANS RBW Conf. Archives ; ANS Library (DONUM): 69 Results ; Collection: Triton III (30 Nov 1999, Lots 806-851), NAC 61 (5 Oct 2011, Lots on ACS), NAC 63 (17 May 2012, Lots on ACS)]
Coins: Rubria Quinarius = RBW 1325 (ex JQA-MHS, CF Adams) ; Anonymous Sextans (ex Galst) ; Anonymous Uncia (ex Schaefer) ; Anonymous AE As (ex Helbig, Garrett/JHU, Hoge) ; Anonymous AE Semis (ex Russo, Hoge) ; Literature: Essays Russo (signed by RBW & van Alfen & inscribed to Galst) ; several hundred minor sales catalogs ex RBW Library: Kovacs, Bomar, Antioch Assoc., Stack’s, numerous others (many with his yellow notes & hand annotations, some correspondence, address labels, etc.)
Rhakotis Collection (formed 1960s-70s)
Rhousopoulos, Athanasios (1823-1898)
Coins: Epidauros Chalkous [?] ; Abydos Chalkous [?] ;
Well-known Swiss collector of RPC (also Islamic & C. Asian), longtime officer in the Swiss Numismatic Society. (Brother Francois’ RPC sold by CNG, 2017-8 & Auctiones GmbH, 2021-2.) In 1982, J.P.R. sold his coll. to the Bernischen Historischen Museum, published as SNG Righetti (1993). From 2003 to 2006, sold his (new?) coll. of Greek & RPC in an important series of 8 sales, 7 at M&M GmbH & 1 at Auctiones AG 29. Additional coins from the J.P.R. Collection have been sold by various firms in the 2010s & 2020s, incl. a selection of Alexandrian at Nomos 24 & Obolos e-sales. Many or most of these coins are sold w/ his distinctive collector tags (usually numbered). (The 8 early RPC sales stand apart [like the SNG] as forming a more important reference collection than the later offerings, frequently referenced in the literature.)
[Photo (c. 2016) on Twitter]
Coins: Hadrian Alexandrian Drachm (ex Dattari) ; Maximus Helios Tetradrachm (MM 12 [2203] 638, ex Dattari, Lowrek) ; Iberian Tiberius AE ; Titurius Sabinus Denarius (w/ tag) ; Faustina II Nysa AE (MM 15 [2004] 796 = RPC 1471.7, ex Weber 6868, Lawson, Preston) ; Related: SNG Righetti (ex BCD Library)
RINDGE, FREDERICK HASTINGS = F.H. Rindge (1857-1905)
(see also Institutions / Boston Museum of Fine Arts)
Wealthy philanthropist, business magnate w/ important ties to Boston & Los Angeles institutions. (Though an important numismatic name, coins are far down the list of things he is known for.)
His greatest numismatic contribution was to loan his entire collection (5,800 coins, incl. 2,704 ancient) to the Boston Museum of Fine Arts at a critical early moment. The F.H. Rindge Collection would contribute the very first coins ever displayed at the MFA (despite his having moved to Los Angeles by then). By 1889, the Museum had constructed a new “Coin room” especially to exhibit at least 1100 of the Rindge coins, w/ the Roman Republican attracting the most attention.
“Previously,” the MFA “had no coin department,” but in 1892 boasted of the Rindge loan, “now that a beginning has been made, it is likely that it will steadily be enriched in this important feature” (The Collector, vol 3, n. 7: p. 101). Despite being a temporary loan (renewed every 5 years), the exhibition was instrumental in attracting permanent donations, some far exceeding Rindge’s coll. in importance. Most important among them was the Catherine Page Perkins Collection, acquired 1895-1900, among the most famous numismatic collections in any American museum (Perkins Collection… [1902]).
The collection was returned to the Rindge family between 1905 & 1941 (his widow’s death). In 1985, the Ridge descendants sold the coins through Joel Malter & Co., a premier ancient coin firm in Southern California.
[Wikipedia: F.H. Rindge ; MFA Curator’s Report, 1890: Robinson (pp. 14-15) & Cabot (pp. 9-10) ; Malter XXIX (Part I, w/ bio) ; Malter XXX (Part II, w/ bio) ; Malter Bio reproduced on CT 271094 (2019, red_spork) ; Provenance Image from J. Montgomery Coll. ; my slightly longer bio (corr., typo in name in title) ]
Coins: Q. METEL Denarius (Cr. 256/1) ; L. FLAM CHILO Denarius (Cr. 302/1) ; Related: Malter XXIX (22 Mar 1985) ; Malter XXX (7 Jun 1985)
Old collection formed over three generations, c. 1890s-2010, many reportedly acq. ca. WWI. The first portion of the collection, consisting of 500 Roman Republican coins, was sold in Paul-Francis Jacquier Auction 51 (15 Sep 2023).
[Jacquier Auktion 51 (to PDF)]
Coins: Fundanius Quinarius ; Cloelius Quinarius
ROBINSON, HENRY SCHRODER = H.S. Robinson (1914-2003)
Classical archaeologist, Director of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens (1959-1965) and leader of the Corinth Excavations from 1959 to 1965. From 1953, married to Rebecca C. Robinson (née Wood, 1924-2009), also an ASCSA scholar who published on the Corinth excavations.
Professor at Case Western & Project Director of the University’s Corinth excavations, c. 1970s-1990s. Published also on the Athenian Agora and Roman-period pottery. His A.B. from Duke, Classics (1936); PhD Princeton, Archaeology (1941). Faculty at Oklahoma City University for a time, Fulbright Scholar (1951-2) to ASCSA. Member of Institute for Advanced Study (IAS, Princeton), 1952/3 & 1969/70.
ASCSA grants a fellowship in HSR’s name for doctoral research on Corinth (alongside a postdoc in Jacob Hirsch‘s).
[Wikipedia: HSR page ; ASCSA RCR bio ; Merritt (1984), History of the American School, 1939-1980 (for HTML, ASCSA site), see Chapters Two (1950-60), Three (1960-65), Four (1965-75), Seven (Corinth) & portrait, Pl. 12-e]
Literature: Franke-Hirmer 1961, Römische Kaiserporträts im Münzbild (HSR’s bookplate w/ drawing of Athens owl tet)
Rocky Mountain Collection of Alexandrian
Coins: Aelius Diobol (ex Dattari) ; Sev. Alex. Elpis Tetradrachm (ex Dattari) ; Maximinus “Captives” Tetradrachm
Rogers, Rev. Edgar (1873-1961)
Coins: Krannon AE (ex Empedocles, BCD) ; Pelinna Obol [possibly?] ; Literature: Handy Guide to Jewsish Coins, 1914 (signed & inscribed) [external Imgur gallery]
(see Dr. W.R.)
Rosen, Jonathan P. = J.P. Rosen (1944-)
(see also Institutions / Getty)
From a family known both for collecting antiquities & philanthropy, donating to many cultural institutions. Important collection of Greek coins, noted especially for the early electrum and silver fractions of Asia Minor, exhibited at the Getty & published in ANS sylloge (ACNAC No. 5, 1983).
The Archaic Greek Collection sold at Münzen und Medaillen 72 (1987) and NFA Winter 1987 MBS (18 Dec, part of, w/ 1-p. collector bio, then intro essay, cataloged by Cathy Lorber). Collection of Roman Republican & Imperial sold at Myers-Adams Auction 7 (19 April 1974, w/ brief collection hist.). Additional selections have appeared in many other sales, exhibitions, and published literature.
[ANS Trustees’ Award (2018): Rosen Family ; Brousseau Annexe, p. 582]
Coins: Lesbos 1/48 Stater (Porter) ; Literature: Rosen-Waggoner ACNAC Sylloge (inscr. to Demirjian)
Ruzicka, Virginia (1915-1984)
Coins: Antoninus Nemesis Drachm (Wetterstrom, Kowsky)
S & S Collection (California)
Coins: Q. METEL Denarius (Cr. 256/1, ex Rindge) ; L. FLAM CHILO Denarius (Cr. 302/1, ex Rindge)
Author of important articles on Crusader coinage published c. late 1970s-1980s.
Coins: 13X LRBCs, Theodosius Captive AE2
Salton, Lottie (née Aronson) (1924-2020)
[Bibliography, Salton Coll. Sales: Stack’s brief overview of Salton I-IV ; Stack’s, The Salton Collection, Part I (w/ Kuenker, NYINC, 16 Jan 2022), foreword by H. Stack & intro by V. Yegparian (repeated in Salton III, 24 Aug 2022) ; CoinsWeekly “Who’s Who” entry ; Kuenker, The Salton Collection, Part II (w/ Stack’s), important essays by U. Kuenker (first, second), Elflein-Schwier, and others (repeated in Salton IV, 20 Oct 2022) ; Kolbe & Fanning 161, The Numismatic Library of Mark and Lottie Salton (18 Sep 2021), brief intro by Fanning & reprint of Ira Rezak’s obit.: to PDF catalog, auction lots archived, highlights/announcement in The E-Sylum v24, n35, a2), review/results in CoinsWeekly & in The E-Sylum (NNP reprint, sans ads) – check out F. Schlessinger’s bid book & auction notes, 17% of total from just those two lots!]
[Bibliography, bio & historical context: Ursula Kampmann (2022), Origins of the German Coin Trade: The Hamburger and Schlessinger Families (trans., Der Ursprung des deutschen Münzhandels…) ; ANS Long Table 89 (22 Apr 2022, D. Hill), “Schulman, Salton and Frankenhuis in Archival Records” (YouTube, 1h04m & related ANS Blog) ; ANS Long Table 83 (4 Mar 2022, V. Yegparian, U. Kampmann, F. Halbich, A. Elflein-Schwier & U. Kuenker), “The Mark & Lottie Salton Collection” (YouTube, 1h01m, CW article & brief ANS notice) ; ANS Long Table 83 (see also: CW announcement) ; Video: The History of the Schlessinger and Hamburger Coin Dealer Families (YouTube via CW, 3 Mar 2022)]
[See also: Salton Collection : Renaissance & Baroque Medals & Plaquettes (1969, Brunswick, ME: Bowdoin College Museum of Art), cataloged by Lottie Salton w/ Intro. (medals were her expertise) ; ANS Long Table 120 (16 Dec 2022, D. Allen), “Salton Medals at the Met…” ; Mark Salton’s (1947) rev. ed. Frey, Dictionary of Numismatic Terms, incl. his Glossary of Numismatic Terms (beginning, “There is hardly another science so international as numismatics…”) ; U. Kampmann’s (13 Feb 2022) press release, “Origins of the German Coin Trade,” reprinted in The E-Sylum]
Coins: Alexander Drachm (Lockett) ; Tegea Hemidrachm ; Athens “New Style” Tetradrachm (Laval) ; Elagabalus Laodicea AE ; Probus “Captives” Ant. ; Otacilia Sestertius (King, Earle, M. Salton) ; Literature: Salton Library, Lot 141 (konvolut w/ Pozzi-Boutin, Gulbenkian, etc., w/ correspondence & notes)
Salton-Schlessinger, Mark M. (1914-2005)
[Bibliography: See above, Lottie Salton]
Coins: Alexander Drachm (Lockett) ; Tegea Hemidrachm ; Athens “New Style” Tetradrachm (Laval) ; Elagabalus Laodicea AE ; Probus “Captives” Ant. ; Vespasian Judaea Capta As (Bressett, V. Clain-Stefanelli) ; Otacilia Sestertius (King, Earle, L. Salton) ; Literature: Konvolut from K&F 161, “Salton Library,” Lot 141 (incl. Pozzi-Boutin, Gulbenkian, etc., w/ correspondence & notes) ; Related: Salton-Schlessinger FPLs 27 (1958) & 30 (1960/1) (both BCD Library Duplicates, former listing 2 coins now in my coll.)
SAMEL, JOSEF (1913-2005)
Collector of ancient Jewish coins, with his sister Angela Arluk (1920 – 2015, née Samel) & brother-in-law Arnold Arluk (1920 – 2007). Born in central Poland, survived the Nazis, immigrated to Munich after the war. Later moved to USA for a time before returning. Grandfather of German coin dealer Daniel Gitbud. Collection exhibited at SMM (w/ Israel Museum) in 1993, curated by Meshorer & Overbeck, pub. as Das Heilige Land.
[Künker Auktion 334; Künker bio]
Coins: Hyrcanus Prutah (Arluk, Overbeck-Meshorer 58) ; Related: Overbeck-Meshorer (ex Galst Lib.)
Important anonymous collection of Caria featured in Gorny & Mosch 169 (12 Oct 2008), with 288 Lots. Built from many important prior collections, with many coins cited in works by Ashton & coauthors, illustrated in HNO, and/or previously published (e.g., in SNG Lockett, SNG Berry, Rosen, others). At least 21 were cited (19 illustrated) in Ashton & Weiss (1997).
[GM Auktion 169 (12 Oct 2008), part of, Lots 503-786, 800, 802, 804 830 ; MuenzenWoche (29 Apr 2010), “40 Jahre Gorny & Mosch…“]
Coins: Rhodes Chalkous (Cederlind Estate)
Sammlung Süddeutschem Privatbesitz H.I. (Bavaria) (?) [Gorny 265-267]
Sawhill, John A. (1892-1976)
(see also Institutions / James Madison University)
Coins: Messenia Hemidrachm (ex BCD, Otto) ; Related: Stack’s JMU & Sawhill Sale (ex BCD Lib.) ; Alex G Malloy FPLs w/ ex-Sawhill-JQA coins (ex ANS, Shubin) [Catalog Library]
Sayles, Wayne G.
[CoinsWeekly Who’s Who]
Coins: Arados Dichalkon [?] ; Literature: Classical Deception (signed)
Schaefer, Richard = “Goodman Collection” (1946-)
Coins: Anonymous Uncia (ex RBW)
Schlüter, Joachim [alt: Schluter, Schlueter]
Coins: Sequani Quinarius (de Saulcy, Fürstenberg, Wüthrich, “Old Swiss…1970s“)
Schoolfield, George R.
Scipio Collection
Coins: L. Julius Caesar Denarius (Benz)
Sear, David R. (1942-)
Literature: RCV (5 Vols., inscr. to DiMarzio) ; Related (“Plate Coins”): Severus Alexander Tetradrachm (RCV2 8108) ; Gordian III Tetradrachm (RCV3 8839) ; Philip Saeculares Ant (RCV3 8963) ; Heraclius Follis (SB 882) ; Niceophorus Follis (SB 1612) ; Related (cited in): Dattari 4731 (RCV3 8858).
Sellwood, David (1925-2012)
Coins: Vologases I (?) Diobol ; Literature: Intro. to Sasanian, by Sellwood et al. (inscr. by authors w/ correspondence to Göbl & his bookplate) [external FAC photos/description — one of my favorite pieces of numis lit!]
Seventko, Dr. Joseph M. (1939-)
Coins: Mazaios Tarsos Stater (JB Collection, Athena Fund)
“Shetland Sheepdog Collection”
Coins: Anonymous AE Uncia (RBW, Schaefer)
Shore, Fred B. (1948-)
Short, Andrew = Orfew
Coins: Titus Denarius (Muona M40) ; Quintillus Antoninianus (E. Clain-Stefanelli) ; Titus “Captives” Denarius (S. Moussaieff)
Los Angeles area collector & professional numismatist. Worked at Malter Galleries, Goldberg & elsewhere. Estate dispersed among ANS (also holds his archive), Emory University (where he left an endowment), Getty, and a few other institutions.
[ANS ARCHER Authorities: Shubin ; ANS Annual Report, 2017-2018: pp. 30-1 (to PDF) ; Getty: Shubin bio ; Emory: Shubin Endowment Exhibition.]
Literature: Alex G. Malloy X35 FPLs, 1969-1984 (ex ANS Lib., addr. to Shubin, see Catalog Library & CT Post 24895701 [16 Jan 2024])
Simonetta, Alberto Mario = Alberto M. Simonetta (1930-2011)
(see also B. Simonetta [father])
Coins: Ariarathes V (B. Simonetta) ; Ariarathes IX (von Aulock, B. Simonetta) ; Ariarathes V Barb. (B. Simonetta) ; Ariarathes VII (B. Simonetta) ; Ariarathes VII (2007: 11/1) ; Ariarathes IX (2007: 13/3) ; Ariobarzanes I (2007: 6/3) ; Tanlis & Raggodeme (Derfler [Peus 376])
Simonetta, Bono (1903-1987)
(see also A. M. Simonetta [son])
Coins: Ariarathes V (A. Simonetta) ; Ariarathes IX (von Aulock, A. Simonetta) ; Ariarathes V Barb. (A. Simonetta) ; Ariarathes VII (A. Simonetta) ; Carinus Tetradrachm (to Staffieri 1976)
Singer, Dr. Gordon Andreas = “Andy” Singer (1943-)
At one time, — archived site (58 captures, from 1999) gives a glimpse of online numismatics at the turn of the millennium.
SINSKI, DR. JOSEPH F. = Joe Sinski (1965-)
American ancient coin collector & vest-pocket dealer. (Using the eBay handle “cody111111” for 10-20 years. Often selling coll. duplicates & coins he doesn’t keep from group lots.) Chemistry professor at Bellarmine University in Louisville, KY. At least once taught a continuing education course on ancient coins at Bellarmine (2012). I’ve occasionally noticed coin photos from his collection/sale listings cited in numismatic literature (e.g., Elagabalus AE of Edessa in E. Dandrow’s [2021] Koinon IV article, many on Wildwinds).
[CoinCommunity Profile ; Bellarmine U. Profile ]
Slavin, Dr. Michael = Michael J Slavin = Mike Slavin
Collection of ancients spanning Greek to Byzantine and Crusader (plus a few modern medallions) with a strong emphasis on river gods depicted on Greek and Roman Provincial coinage. Formed primarily c. late 1990s – early 2000s.
Coins: Sicily Assorus (Lindgren II 426c) ; Sicily Gela (Lindgren II 459) ; var. RPC, Greek bronzes
SMITH, DOUG = Smith, Douglas D.
American collector from the Washington, DC area, active in numismatic circles since the 1960s. Published many articles in trade publications such as Voice of the Turtle, Classical Numismatic Review, and The Celator. Photographer for Victor Failmezger’s (2002) Roman Bronze Coins: From Paganism to Christianity 294-364 A.D. Authored a popular website based on his collection from 1997-2017 (w/ additional material added c. 2022 & a separate coin photography gallery). Assembled a large generalist collection of ancient coins with specialized collection of Eastern Mint Severan Denarii. Some duplicates from the collection have been sold (with his distinctive coll. envelopes) at Ancient & Medieval Coins Canada auctions (and by private exchange). Highly active on Moneta-L, 1999-2015.
DDS raised interesting questions by commenting: “coins I consider ‘collection’ are the ones I keep and not the ones I sent off to market.” Although the collector’s voice speaks loudest when defining their own collection, my view is that, as with any creative work, “audience reception” may be the last word in authorship. (If only chronologically, as new generations form their own interpretations, a process by which the current generation of museum curators is ceaselessly tormented.) Of the Helios-countermarked AE below, DDS once wrote, “Mine is a total junker”! I had different Helios countermarks to go w/ it, and found the situation funny, so I bid when the option arose! (I bought several of his from that 2019 sale, and coins from at least 5-6 other collectors on this page.)
Coins (all from AMCC Auction 2 “pick bin”): Cilicia AE w/ Helios Countermark [external ACSearch] ; Ariobarzanes Drachm [external ACSearch] ; Quintillus AE [external ACSearch] ; LRBC Group [external ACSearch]
SMITS, RUDI (1960-2014)
Belgian (Wommelgem, Antwerp) coin dealer, collector, author. Staff Numismatist, Numismall (then a multi-dealer platform), owner/operator of Romadrome (MA-Shops). Authored articles on RIC in Bulletin du Cercle d’Études Numismatiques (BCEN 2000, 2013). During his last year, worked w/ young American coin-seller N. Hochrein (WI), playing a role in his VCoins shop (Holding History) & partnering in a startup website, RCA held its first auction 9 Jun 2013. Besides the two owners, I was the main consignor to the inaugural sale & discussed the venture extensively w/ both. I purchased four lots of AR Antoniniani from the Wareham Hoard (1994; CHRBX, 36), ex-RS coll. Unfortunately, months after the RCA sales began, Rudi died, 21 Mar 2014.
[SMB (Münzkabinett Berlin) bio profile (brief)]
Coins: Philip I AR Antoninianus X4 (Ex Wareham Hoard nos. No. 157, 160, 163, 165 [1/2], 170, 172, 173, 176, 179) [external FAC Gallery, Wareham 163] ; Caracalla AR Captives Denarius [also shown on “BCE” page]
Spinola, Noenio = Nomus Brasiliana (1940-)
Coins: Cavares AE Sextans
Santa Ana, CA psychiatrist. Authored articles on several occasions for The Biblical Archaeologist between 1983 and 1991. Collection of Greek, Judaean, and Roman coins sold in ~594 lots by CNG, 2016-2018.
[JSTOR articles ; ]
Coins: ERMIAS Pseudo-Rhodian Drachm (Lampasas, Sitichoro/Larissa Hoard 1968 [IGCH 237])
SPRADLING, GEORGE ALLISON = Dr. George Spradling (1940-2010)
California bookseller & collector. Born in Los Angeles, received PhD in Slavic Languages & Literature from UC Berkeley in 1974. Lived in Rio Vista, CA. Collection sold by CNG in 2015 in c. 830 lots over a series of e-Auctions (344 to 357, a few relisted in EA 362). Heavy emphasis on Roman Provincial, with smaller numbers of Roman Imperial, Byzantine, Celtic, and other ancients.
Occasionally active on Moneta-L from 2005. His final message, 6 months before death (re: the implementation of the US-Italy MOU): “If Kafka did not exist, we would have to invent him.”
Coins: Elagabalus Nicopolis AE (ex Lindgren, Howard, Winnett, Zumbly) ; Justinian AR Siliqua
[alt: St. George, Saint George]
Anonymous collection, sold at CNG (2023-) starting w/ Auction 124, which gives a brief intro:
“Named after his patron saint, the St. George Collection was formed by a devout gentleman whose large collection, totalling over 2,000 coins, reflects a lifetime of coin collecting. A widely-travelled, intelligent and curious man, the collection represents his deep and abiding interest in world history and its peoples. From ancient times to the modern age, the collection encompasses coins from ancient Greece and Rome, as well as early medieval and British coins and numerous world coinages from, amongst others, the U.S, China, Italy, Germany, Russia, India and the Islamic world…. amongst the ancient series is a rare bronze from the Sicilian Island of Lipara, a CNS plate coin previously in the Virzi collection…“
Additional coins in Triton XXVII, Islamic Coin Auction 4, multiple e-Auctions from 547, more likely.
Unclear if same “St. George’s Collection” on FAC (gallery of English & others, incl. Hadrian’s travel series); I see no coins in both, but some similarities (perhaps to be expected from the name, though).
[CNG Auction 124 (19 Sep 2023): p. 8 (bio) ; ACSearch: Lots Archived (Oldest First)]
Coins: Samos Augustus AE (ex Grantley, Lockett, Vermeule)
Staffieri, Giovanni Maria (1944-)
[Wiki (DE) ; Triton XXI]
Coins: Carinus Tetradrachm (ex B. Simonetta, 1976)
(see Chamberlain, Georgia Stamm)
Stancomb, William M.
[SNG Stancomb (2001) = Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum (UK), Vol. XI: The William Stancomb Collection of Black Sea Coins]
Coins: Apollonia Pontica Diobol (SNG 41)
Stefan, Friedrich (1886-1962)
Literature: Münzkunde des Altertums (insc. to V. Clain-Stefanelli) [external album]
Steger, Hans (1875-1937)
Coins: Antoninus Zeus Drachm (Voirol, et al.)
Sternberg, Frank (1912-1994)
Coins: Antoninus Zeus Drachm (Coll.?, Steger, et al.)
Strauss, Pierre (1922-1995)
[Spring 165-6]
Coins: Sebaste AE (Lockett, Vermeule) ; Related: 1990, Collection Maurice Laiffaille (ex BCD Lib. Dupl.)
Suarez, Rasiel (1969-)
Coins: Constantine IV AV Stater (ERIC II Cover Coin) ; Literature: ERIC II (Signed Copy)
Sutherland, C.H.V. = Carol Humphrey Vivian Sutherland = Humphrey Sutherland (1908-1986)
Literature: Sutherland Art in Coinage 1955 (signed, ex-libraries Charles K. Panish & ANS w/ their dated bookplate)
Sydenham, Rev. Edward Allen (1873-1948)
Coins: Antoninus Pius Caesarea Didrachm [Syd. 296] (Mentor, prob. Laval); Maximian 308 CE “Retirement” Follis ; Literature: Syd. Caesarea 1933 (ex-libraries ANS, Bullowa, bookplates, custom bound) ; Syd. Republican (ex-libr. David Hendin, w/ blindstamp) ;
T/ne Coll.
Fine numismatic library emphasizing ancient coins (but also some works on World & US coinage), sold by Kolbe & Fanning from 2020 over several sales. Scholarly in quality, incl. periodicals, festschrifts, sale catalogs, and substantial coverage of the SNG series (Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum), at least 20 collections in dozens of vols. (possibly many more, as the Bontekoe & TAB Libraries’ contributions weren’t distinguished in K&F 158).
[Kolbe & Fanning Auction 158 (21 Nov 2020) ; K&F 160 (22 May 2021) ; K&F 162 (22 Jan 2022)]
Texas Wine Doctor
[possibly Bob Guynn Collection?]
Coins: Athens (Sulla) “New Style” Tetradrachm
The Foreign Ambassador Collection formed mainly in the 1950s and 1960s (possibly)
THOMPSON, MARGARET = Margaret E Thompson (1911-1992)
Longtime ANS Curator (and Chief Curator for 10 years) and scholar of Greek coinage. Recipient in 1984 of the AIA Gold Medal Award (see also M. Bieber, 1974). Regents Professor at Berkeley. ANS Curator. Numismatist for Agora (Athens) excavations, 1930s-1940s. President of Archaeological Institute of America (AIA), 1964-9; Vice-President of International Numismatic Commission (INC), 1973-9. Royal Numismatic Society (RNS) gold medal recipient, 1967.
Author of numerous important works on Greek coinage, including (1961) The New Style Silver Coinage of Athens (Huntington medal winner) & (1973, co-ed.) Inventory of Greek Coin Hoards. (See esp. her “Breaking Ground” bio written by William Metcalf.)
[her Wikipedia page ; bio, archives etc. from ANS ; Metcalf, “Breaking Ground” bio (Archived)]
Literature: Cybele (inscr. by Bieber)
Thys, Michel = Sammlung Flussgötter-Darstellungen
Coins: Akarnania Federal AE (BCD Akarnanien 42) ; Thyatira (Lindgren A831A)
Tonegawa Collection = Colección Tonegawa
Toone, Lee = CT Collections (w/ Hugh Cloke) = “Authors’ Collections” (LMCC) (1958-)
Coins: Constantine London “Captives” AE (DiMarzio) ; Crispus London “Captives” (DiMarzio)
Träger, Burkhard = Burkhard Traeger [alt: Trager]
Coins: Megalopolis Hemidrachm [BCD 1560] ; Megalopolis Hemidrachm [BCD 1561] ;
Trau, Franz Jr. (1881-1931)
Coins: Nero-Agrippina Drachm (ex Niggeler, Merani, CNR, RPC 3637) ; possibly [?] Vespasian Dupondius (Hall, Curtis Clay, JSW [Wagner])
TRAVERSO, VALERIO = Collezioni Valerio Traverso di Genova
Italian collector from Genoa about whom little is apparently known beyond two sales of his coin collection by Michele Baranowsky in the early 1930s. His ancient Greek, Aes Grave, and Roman (Republican and Imperial) were sold alongside the J. Martini collection of Roman Imperial in 1931 (massive sale of 3,351 lots, 76+ fine plates, 3 oversize pl. for Aes Grave). Per Baranowsky’s introduction, the Martini coins were exclusively Roman Imperial, from Augustus to the end of the Empire (his RRC already sold in 1930). It is not entirely clear, however, which of the RIC are Traverso’s and which Martini’s. The second Traverso sale, 1932, consisted of modern Italian.
[Baranowsky, Collezioni Numismatiche Valerio Traverso di Genova, Mr Joseph Martini of New York, e di Altri Amatori, 25 Feb 1931, NP: Intro Essay (IT) (Spring 5: “Most Important Sales of…” Greek, Aes Grave, RRC, RIC; Clain-Stefanelli 1780; Grierson 1966: p. 185, 1979: p. 288; Crawford p. 130; DL Koppersmith p. 22, 1 star: “illustrates almost eight hundred coins”; Online: via Gallica) ; Baranowsky, Collezione Valerio Traverso di Genova… Monete di Zecche Italiane, 17 May 1932, NP: Intro Essay (IT) (Clain-Stefanelli 10286; Grierson 1966: p. 205; Online: via Gallica)]
Coins: Corinth Stater (Pozzi 1688)
van Alfen, Peter
[CoinsWeekly bio]
Literature: Essays Russo (editor-author inscriptions w/ RBW to Galst); Related: Skione Hemidrachm (Opthalmologia “plate coin”) (Galst)
van Meter, David
Literature: Handbook of Roman Imperial Coins (signed copy No. 134/250, hardcover spec. edition [2000]) ; Related: Handbook of Roman Imperial Coins (original softcover [1991])
VERMEULE III, CORNELIUS CLARKSON = Cornelius C. Vermeule (1925-2008)
Head of Dept. of Classical Art & senior curator at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts (BMFA), 1957-1996. Art historian, polyglot, numismatist. Served in U.S. Army during WWII as Japanese language expert in Pacific Theater. University of London, PhD (1953). Taught at Michigan & Bryn Mawr (Archaeology) before BMFA; visiting faculty & adjunct appointments at various northeastern universities during BMFA tenure. Authored or edited many articles, catalogs, and books. Most on Greek and Roman art and coinage, but also range of others, from Japanese coins to A Bibliography of Applied Numismatics (1965).
Formed an important private collection with an emphasis on Roman Provincial bronzes, later donated or bequeathed many to BMFA (often under pseudonyms), others sold for the benefit of the museum & other institutions. Reportedly began collecting, age 9; especially active starting as PhD student (London, late 1940s, 1950s). Was probably most active RPC bidder/buyer at Lockett Collection, Part XII (Glendining 1961; in turn, Grantley’s most active buyer; hence, Grantley-Lockett-Vermeule a frequent pathway). Admitted to the Royal Numismatic Society at 17 Oct 1951 meeting (1952 RNS Proceedings).
Coins not donated were sold in several sales for the benefit of the BMFA by CNG (Auction 50 & Triton III, 1999), Stack’s (13 Jan 2004, 11 Jan 2010) and Coin Galleries (28 Apr 2010).
[CNG 50 (23 Jun 1999) Bio: pp. 9-10, Coins: Lots 1-366 ; Stack’s (13 Jan 2004) Bio: p. 6 ; Stack’s (Jan 2010) Bio: p. 5 = Coin Galleries (Apr 2010) Bio: p. 6 ; Collection Sales Listed: Numiswiki (Vermeule) ; BMC Bio (incl. pseudonyms, one being his dog, Sir Northwold Nuffler) ; Wikipedia Bio ; CW Bio (Rambach, April 2022)]
Coins: Sebaste AE (Lockett, Strauss) ; Nero Eumeneia AE (Lockett, Lincoln) ; Augustus Samos AE (Lockett, Grantley, St. George Collection) Related: Offprint (1956, Num Chron), “Greek Coins … Elisabeth Washburn King Collection at Bryn Mawr…” (Salton Library)
Villemur, Patrick (1946-)
Coins: Cavares AE Sextans
Virzi, Thomas = Tom Virzi (1881-1974)
Coins: Adranon AE Drachm (Hardy)
Vogl, Dr. Peter (c. 1949-)
Coins: Mylasa Chalkous (ex Franke, Karl)
Voirol, August (1884-1967)
Coins: Antoninus Zeus Drachm (AK, Steger, Sternberg)
von Aulock, Hans (1906-1980)
Coins: Hidrieus Tetradrachm (SNG von Aulock 8046, w/ ticket = Weber, Whittall, Bement II 1520 = Comparette 283, SNG Lockett 2990) ; Ariarathes IX (Simonetta) ; Datames Tarsus Obol (Mildenberg, CsP 914 = SNG vA 5419) ; Cilicia, Hierapolis Faustina II (SNG vA 5572 = SNG Levante 1586 = Robert 27, 77 = RPC 4976.3)
von Bose, Kurt (Ducal House of Saxe-Coburg, Gotha) [alt: Kurt von Bose] (1808-1884)
Coins: John Ducas Vatatzes AE Tetarteron (cat. by F. de Saulcy w/ Leon Dardel, later Goodacre Coll./Handbook, Martinez)
Wäckerlin, Erich [alt: Wackerlin, Waeckerlin] (d. 2018)
Coins: Crusader Dirham (Galst)
Wagner, J.S. = J.S.W.
Coins: Philip I Alexandrian Tetradrachm ; Vespasian Dupondius (RIC II.1 263, ex Hall, Clay)
Walker, Alan S. = ASW [alt: A.S.W.]
Literature: Sotheby, Hunt III (ex Leu, annotated) ; Cataloged by (BCD sales): BCD Thessaly 1433.7 ; BCD Olympia 126 (making important comments) ; BCD Peloponnesos 317.3, 328.11, 1560, 1561 ; and others ; … (Maleatas Collection): six AE of Epidauros (splendid catalog, also fantastic as the live bid-caller!) ; … (Righetti Collection): Hadrian Alexandrian Drachm ; … (Garrett Collection): Trajan “BALANHOY” (?) Drachm ; Republican As Cr.50.3 ; Garrett I Sale (E. Mancheno Library) … (Hirsch Estate): Abydos Chalkous ; Claudius AE Patras
WALLACE, WILLIAM PITKIN = W.P. Wallace (1907-1965)
An important Professor of Classics at the University of Toronto & preeminent expert on Euboia. In addition to numismatics, studied Classical epigraphy and law, among other topics. American Numismatic Society member from 1938, Fellow from 1950.
Author of The Euboian League and its Coinage, published by the ANS in 1956 (Numismatic Notes and Monographs 134), among other contributions to Greek numismatics. Often published in The Phoenix, where he was on the Editorial Board. (Daehn lists sixteen entries; Clain-Stefanelli six.) His notebooks on hoards are held by ANS, which has digitized & made them available online.
The ANS acquired a parcel of almost 200 of Wallace Collection coins in 1978. Nancy Waggoner reported on the acquisition in a 1980 Museum Notes article (ANS MN 25: pp. 1-15, pl. 1-2), also mentioning his “great deal of unpublished material now housed in the American Numismatic Society.”
Additional parcels appeared in private collections and trade. Paul Rynearson produced a sale list in Nov. 1980 advertising several large groups from the Wallace Collection for sale (annotated in my Catalog Library). The total number is unclear, but over 100 appear to be illustrated four groups (possibly there were many more). In 1995, CNG auctioned a group lot of 326 AR from the W.P. Wallace Collection; unclear if that was a different group (CNG MBS 35, Lot 205). Though they may have never meet (or would’ve been only briefly acquainted), BCD acquired many (at least dozens, if not hundreds, one now in my collection; unclear how many may have come from the Rynearson and/or CNG parcels).
(His son, M.B. Wallace seems to have followed a remarkably similar career, also a U. Toronto classicist with expertise in Euboia.)
[Database of Classical Scholars bio ; ANS Authorities page ; JSTOR, Author: “W.P. Wallace” (a few others, e.g., as “William Wallace”)]
Coins: Eretria Obol (ex BCD) ; Euboean League AE (ex BCD, Aiello, IGCH 230) ; Literature: Euboian League (signed, inscr. to Basel Brewer, w/ corres.) ; Related: Rynearson (Nov 1980) Sale List of Wallace Coll. Coins & Gans (1957) FPL 21 (both ex BCD Lib Dupl. in Catalog Lib.)
Warren, Edward Perry = E.P. Warren (1860-1928)
Coins: Elis Diassarion (ex IGCH 216 [late 19th cent. hoard], Philipsen, RK Morcom, Christopher Morcom, Franke)
Weber, Sir Hermann David = Hermann Weber = Dr. H. D. Weber (1823-1918)
Coins: Hidrieus Tetradrachm (6604, ex Whittall, Bement, Lockett, von Aulock) ; Faustina II Nysa AE (6868, ex Lawson, Righetti, Preston)
Weder, Markus R (1953-2016)
[SMB Obituary & Bibliography]
Coins: Claudius II (Kellner 6, AK Collection)
Weise Collection
Coins: Epidauros Hemidrachm (BCD, Requier)
Welch, Bill
Coins: Postumus “Captives” Ant. ; Constantius II “Fallen Horseman” Rome
Wenninger, Alois
Literature: Various books ex Bibliothek A. Wenninger, w/ hand-written monogram & occasional annotations (author bios on this p.: Klein, B. Simonetta, A. Simonetta, Winzer, et al.) ; Franke “HΛIAKA-OΛYMΠIAKA” (initialed) [external ANS Lib. record] ; NNB 1980, w/ laid in letter (1 Jan 1985) signed by Franke on Univ. Saarlandes letterhead, re: Wenninger’s article on Syangela article ; Auction Catalogs (all listed in Catalog Library, w/ provenance noted)
Publisher & editor of The Celator (1999-2012) after Wayne G. Sayles, et al. (1987-1998). Important collector & cataloger of coins of Roman Egypt. Director & staff numismatist at CNG & its forerunners (1987-2021). Articles in The Celator, SAN (Jour. for Soc. Anc. Numismatics), Clarion (PA Assoc. Numismatists), The Asylum (Numis. Bibliomania Soc.), CNG house pubs., elsewhere, and The Numismatist (ANA) Contributing Editor. Winner American Numismatic Association’s (ANA) highest honor, the Farran Zerbe Memorial Award for Distinguished Service (2021, now renamed for Chester L. Krause).
In its time, The Celator was a beloved & vital institution. Many articles are worth rereading today. (The WWE & WSG index [to PDF] covers 1987-99; articles are cataloged by ANS Library: 1,399 [total]; 589 [1999-2012].) One may quibble about details, but the magazine’s impact shouldn’t be discounted. The Celator set the tone & topic of conversation and, for a quarter-century, helped establish the culture of the N. American ancient coin community — even while being replaced by email lists & discussion boards.
Now, an excellent source on the recent history of ancient coins: How did collectors frame the cultural property debate, c. 2005? How did people feel about “slabbing” or ebay in the 90s? Or the first BCD sales? What did they say about Weiss & “Cabinet W” or McNall & “Athena Fund“?
Wetterstrom’s first Alexandrian catalogs were Historical Coin Review 13.2 (Spring 1988, 122 lots all Alexandrian) & Classical Numismatic Auctions IV (21 Sep 1988, part). (Predecessors to CNR & CNG by Victor England, summarized in my “20th Cent. Sales of Alexandrian…”; see also Catalog Lib.)
HCR 13.2 is known for Wetterstrom’s “Introduction to the Coinage of Roman Egypt.” A memorable exemplar of the ideal of a commercial house organ as “something more” than just an FPL.
CNA IV (Lots 253-357) included the first sale of Alexandrian Tetradrachms from the Wetterstrom Collection. Another 37 (142 total) Tetradrachms were incl. in CNA V (Lots 175-211). Two years later, Wetterstrom cataloged his Collection of Bronzes (593 coins!) in two Parts (I & II, numbered separately from the Tetradrachms) for CNA XII (Lot 1-307) & CNA XIII (Lots 1-286).
Many were in prior important collections (e.g., Dattari, Garrett, Niggeler, Curtis, Mabbott, Ruzicka, et al.) & continued on to others (e.g., Staffieri, Emmett, “Morris”/Peck, Beniak, ETB, et al.). The CNA photos are reproduced in various important refs. — several in Emmett (2001), many in Kampmann & Ganschow (2008), hundreds in RPC.
[“Keep Calm and Kerry On,” Olivia Crawford, The Numismatist 134.8 (Aug 2021): pp. 40ff (ANA Award announcement & bio, issue available in archive to ANA members) ; “Wetterstrom” in DONUM (ANS Lib. Catalog) ; VCoins issue archive of The Celator ; see also: Wetterstrom, “Collecting the Auction Catalogs of Numismatic Fine Arts” in The Asylum (1998), reprinted in CNR (2014)]
Coins: Antoninus Nemesis Drachm (Ruzicka, Kowsky, “Morris”/Peck, K&G 35.511) ; Trajan “BALANHOY” (?) Drachm (Garrett, K&G 27.205)
Swedish coin collector, author, and sometime dealer, with a website, Martin’s Error Coins. Expert in world error coinage, published a book on his collection in 2015 (apparently a small run), with 900 coins. (Only four of his ancient coins were in the book, but he had many others sold at CNG.) “Contributing Writer” on the masthead of Mint Error News, frequently published articles in the Svensk Numismatisk Tidskrift (“Swedish Numismatic Journal”) of the Svenska Numismatiska Föreningen (“…Association”). Ancient brockages, mis-strikes, and other oddities from his collection sold by CNG in 2022.
Coins: Julian II Fallen Horseman ; various brockages etc.
WHITTALL, JAMES (1819-1883)
Well-known English collector in Turkey, described in the 1921 obituary of his Smyna contemporary, AJ Lawson, as “a member of that group of English families settled in Turkey for generations, which produced many collectors, of whom Mr. Whittall was the best-known example.” Often mentioned together, Lawson and Whittall were both listed in Bradshaw’s Railway Guide as recommended stops for fellow Englishmen to visit while traveling Asia Minor. Their famous collections were noted, making them ideal destinations while on “Grand Tour” (the custom of wealthy young men traveling, sometimes for years, for cultural education and social capital).
Collection of Greek coins sold at three Sotheby’s sales, 1858, 1867, 1884 (see below). The first sale begins:
“This Collection was formed by Ismail Pasha, Minister of Commerce and Public Works in Turkey, with the exception of some that were added by the present proprietor.” It is unclear if any coins appearing in the later sales remained from the 1858 collection and/or originated in Hekim Ismail Pasha’s (1807-1880 [Wiki]), or if they were newly acquired.
[BMC Bio ; Genealogy on Levantine Heritage (to PDF) ; Sotheby collection sales: 15 Nov 1858 (Archive w/ important intro essay; Archive, named but no intro) ; 20 May 1867 (Archive, named copy) ; 10 Jul 1884 (Archive; Spring 750, though un-plated).]
Coins: Hidrieus Tetradrachm (ex Weber, Bement, Lockett, von Aulock)
WINNETT, JOE = Joe W. = Joseph Winnett
Collector, coin seller (JW Numismatics), minister in Kingsland, TX. Active in the early online numismatic scene (c. 2000s), including on Tantalus (kerux) & the Ancient Peddler Yahoo group.
Coins: Elagabalus AE Nikopolis (ex Lindgren, Howard, Spradling, Zumbly)
WINZER, AXEL (1935-)
(see Geschichtsfreundes, Sammlung eines)
WITSCHONKE, RICHARD BEYER = Rick B. Witschonke (1945-2015)
(see RBW Collection)
Pseudonymous collection (probably American) of Greek & Roman coins (plus some British & a few American) formed between the early 1980s and late 1990s (c. 1982-1999). Coins acquired mostly from American dealers. Sold by CNG, mostly between June 2018 & January 2019 in >750 lots across CNR 43.2 (Summer / Aug 2018) [64 coins], CNG 109 (12 Sep 2018) [60 coins], Triton XXII (8 Jan 2019) [7 coins], and several electronic auctions, especially: EA 423 (26 Jun 2018) [166 lots], EA 424 (11 Jul 2018) [149 lots], and EA 425 (25 Jul 2018) [294 lots].
Coins: Diva Faustina Sestertius [on ACSearch]
WÜTHRICH, GOTTLIEB [alt: Wuethrich, Wuthrich] (1879-1946)
Born in Switzerland, where he studied at Bergdorf Technical College. He worked for nearly 50 years as an electrical engineer and general manager for Oerlikon, most of it at the London office (from 1903), where he worked on the London and Northwest Rail was active in the Institution of Electrical Engineers. He was “an ardent bibliophile and collector” of coins, art, and stained glass (The Engineer). “His house in London was a small museum” (SNR). He died at a London nursing home.
Active in the Swiss Numismatic Society from 1921; elected Fellow, Royal Numismatic Society, 16 Nov 1933. The Celtic portion of his collection was formed in long-term consultation with Robert Forrer and including many coins from the Fürstenberg-de Saulcy collections (Cahn 81) and others from the Stroehlin and Roth Collections. After staying with the family for another generation, his collection of Celtic and Swiss coins was sold by Münzen und Medaillen AG in the 1970s and 1980s in several auctions and fixed price lists. See especially: MMAG Auction 45 (25 Nov 1971, Swiss) & Auction 47 (1 Dec 1972, Celtic), Lots 157-397 (part of), w/ bio p. 21; Spink Auction 14 (7 Nov 1984, Münz &. Med. von Bern). Among his other collections, his Apiarius prints were donated to the Gutenberg Museum (Mainz).
[Obit (w/ Photo): The Engineer 182 (20 Dec 1946): p. 569 ; Nekrolog (R. Wegeli, 1947) in SNR 33: pp. 55–56 ; German Wiki ; HLS Page (Historisches Lexicon der Schweiz)]
Coins: Sequani Quinarius (ex de Saulcy, Fürstenberg, Schlüter, “Old Swiss…1970s“)
(Note: My own term for the collection, I haven’t seen it mentioned elsewhere.)
Specialized anonymous American collection of Byzantine AE formed c. 1960s-1980s, sold by CNG at Auction 123 & e-sales 547, 549, 500 (May to Nov 2023, possibly a few in 2022), recognizable only from the detailed square yellow collector tags (see, e.g., CNG EA 550, 1074-1078).
Completed by late 1980s: SB citations are to 1974, not 1987; only datable provenances I see are 1968 (Knobloch), 1976 (Berk FPL 4), and 1989 (Berk-England, 303).
Includes many Sear “plate coins” (ex Roper?) & some published in Hanh MIB (ex Cermak). Notably, however, as far as I can tell, NONE of them can be traced to the 1991 W.H. Hunt Collection sales (which included dozens of SB coins).
Coins: Heraclius AE Follis (SB 882 “plate coin”) ; Nicephorus AE Follis (SB 1612 “plate coin”)
ZENO, APOSTOLO = Sammlung Apostolo Zeno (1668-1750)
Noted figure in the Austrian & Venetian Enlightenment — a famous librettist, important in the history of opera (one libretto was about the Antonine period: Lucio Vero, Imperatore di Roma). Authored/edited important literature, much of it about classical antiquity, helped found scholarly associations & publications. Court poet to Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor, and also court historian and numismatist, curating the Imperial collection (now in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna).
Zeno’s private collection of ancient coins was largely formed while at the Imperial court in Vienna, c. 1722-1731, but perhaps as late as 1748, when it was acquired en bloc by St. Florian Monastery (near Linz, Austria) under Johann Georg Wiesmayr (1695-1755, Provost 1732-1755), the sale brokered by Erasmus Frölich (1700-1758, noted Jesuit scholar). The collection remained there until 1941. During WWII, the monastery was occupied by the German army. The coin collection was among the possessions taken for eventual deposit in the planned Führermuseum (AKA Kunstmuseum Linz [ext.]).
Fortunately, in 1945, upon Germany’s defeat, the collection was found stashed in a salt mine (Salzbergwerk Altaussee [ext.]) with many other artworks “requisitioned” by the Nazis (minus a few pieces). However, following the war, St. Florian arranged the sale of the collection to Robert Göbl, who cataloged its series of three auction catalogs for Dortheum (Vienna), 1955-7.
Today, it is among the oldest private collections to which coins may still be traced, thanks to its having been held intact for >200 years, with much of it photographed for the sale catalogs. Many of the Greek & Roman Provincial coins were also described in Friedrich Kenner’s 1871 tome, Die Münzsammlung des Stiftes St. Florian in Ober-Oesterreich. (A few others cited by FINA.)
[Roberto Tomassoni (2021) Dissertation: La collezione numismatica di Apostolo Zeno ; Wikipedia Page ; BMC Bio ; F. Buchmayr w/ B. Prokisch (5 Jun 2023), “Die Münzsammlung von Stift St. Florian,” Ordensgemeinschaften Österreich Kultur ; FINA (Fontes Inediti Numismaticae Antiquae): A. Zeno record ; FINA: Wiesmayr-Fröhlich ; Dorotheum (13 Jun 1955, 8 Jun 1956, 26 Mar 1957), Sammlunng Apostolo Zeno, Teil I, II, III (cataloged by R. Göbl; Spring 2009: pp. 53-4, Nos. 127-9)]
Coins: Antoninus Pius Sestertius (952, Curtis Clay Coll.)
Zumbly Collection
Coins: Antoninus Sarapis Tetradrachm ; Elagabalus AE Nikopolis (HHJ, WW, RPC, ex Lindgren, Howard, Spradling, Winnett)
American Numismatic Association, ANA (see also Hoge [ANA Museum curator & director], Hatie & Bressett [past presidents]) |
American Numismatic Society, ANS (see also van Alfen, Peter [chief curator]) Coins: Skione Hemiobol [exhibition?] ; Brettii AE Didrachm [Bartlett Bequest, Muñoz] ; Div. Augustus AE Dupondius, Augustus AE Quadrans, Vespasian Denarius [all ex A.M. Huntington, et al.] ; Literature: Numerous, see, e.g., Catalog Favorites & Library [ANS Lib. Duplicates] |
Art Institute of Chicago, AIC Coins: Trajan Canopus Tetradrachm [ex Grover] ; Antoninus Sarapis Tetradrachm [ex Grover, Dattari] |
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford University Coins: John Ducas Vatatzes Tetarteron [Goodacre Loan, et al.] ; Aegina AR Obols [30-year loan, ex Kagan, CH VIII.20] ; Vespasian Dupondius [Clay, cast after H. Platt Hall] |
Associação Comercial da Bahia (BR) Coins: Cavares AE Sextans (exhibited) |
Berliner Bank Coins: Baumreiter Drachm (exhibited) [Lanz] |
BM&FBOVESPA, “B3,” Sao Paulo (BR) Stock Exchange Coins: Cavares AE Sextans (exhibited) |
Boston Museum of Fine Arts, BMFA, MFA Coins: Q. METEL Denarius (Cr. 256/1) & L. FLAM CHILO Denarius (Cr. 302/1) [both Rindge Loan] ; see also Cornelius Vermeule, III, above [Curator] |
British Museum, BMC Duplicates Coins: Numidia AE (deaccessioned) ; See also: RIC (many British hoard coins cataloged) |
Chase Bank Money Museum Literature: Mosser Byzantine Hoard [ex Library] ; See also: Antoninus Nemesis Drachm & Apollonia-Mordiaeum AE [Peck, Curator, et al.] ; Related: Chase exhibit ephemera |
Danish National Museum, SNG Copenhagen Duplicates Coins: Lokris Chalkous [BCD] |
Führermuseum (Kunstmuseum Linz) [planned, objects recovered after WWII] Coins: Antoninus Pius Sestertius (Apostolo Zeno 952, C. Clay) |
Getty (J.P. Getty Museum) Coins: Lesbos 1/48 Stater [Rosen loan] |
Hispanic Society of America Coins: Div. Augustus AE Dupondius ; Augustus AE Quadrans ; Vespasian Denarius [all ex A.M. Huntington, et al.] |
Israel Museum Jerusalem, Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) (see also Meshorer, Yaakhov [curator], above) Coins: Samaria Ma’eh/Obol [cataloged, later Athena Fund, Galst] ; Hyrcanus Prutah [Samel exhibit] |
James Madison University Foundation Coins: Messenia Hemidrachm [ex Sawhill, also BCD, Otto] |
Johns Hopkins University Foundation Coins: Trajan “BALANHOY” Drachm [ex Wetterstrom]; Related: NFA-Leu Catalogs, Part I & Part II (Catalog Library) |
Luitpoldblock Palmengarten, Munich Coins: Baumreiter Drachm (exhibited) |
Massachusetts Historical Society Coins: Rubria Quinarius = RBW 1325 [ex JQA (Charles Francis Adams)] ; Diocletian BI Radiate (reportedly) |
Museum of Arts & Sciences (Daytona, FL) (see also Davidson, Marc [Trustee], above) Literature: Curtis 1969 (ex lib Marc L. Davidson) |
OECD / CVM (Comissão de Valores Mobiliários), Center for Financial Literacy in Latin America and the Caribbean Coins: Cavares AE Sextans (exhibited) |
Saint Florian Abbey [ALT: St. Florian Monastery] (see also Zeno, Apostolo) Coins: Antoninus Pius Sestertius (A. Zeno 952, C. Clay) |
Seattle Art Museum Literature: (see Norman Davis [Board Member, Exhibitor, Donor]) |
Smithsonian Institution Coins & Literature: (see Elvira & Vladimir Clain-Stefanelli [Curators], above) |
Staatliche Münzsammlung München, SMM Coins: Baumreiter Drachm (exhibited) ; Hyrcanus Prutah (exhibited) |
Winterthur, Kunstmuseum (Kunstverein Winterthur) Literature: Imhoof-Blumer 1867 (ex libris & inscr. to, also ex Lanz & Koppersmith libs.) [external description] |
Worcester Art Museum (Worcester, MA) Coins: Ptolemy I Tetradrachm & Cleopatra AE 80-Drachmae (Loan, 1915-2015, Gorringe Coll.) |
Yale University (New Haven, CT) Coins: Cn. Lentulus Clodianus Quinarius (Hoge, ex Knobloch FPL 24 [W 1963/1964], poss. Jul 1963 Edward Ingraham [1887-1972] donation?) ; (see also Franke, donation) |
1823 Calymna Hoard [IGCH 1216] Coins: [possibly] Hidrieus Tetradrachm (Whittall, Weber, Bement, Lockett, von Aulock) [curiously, none recorded; I suspect report was incomplete] |
1906 Caesarea Hoard [Noe 179] Coins: [likely] Nero/Agrippina Drachm |
1967 “Lincoln Higgie” Hoard [CNG Keystone Auction 6] Coins: Eleven AE3s of Constantine & sons (Bressett, Higgie) |
1968 Sitochoro – “Larissa” Hoard [CH VIII, 85] Coins: ERMIAS Pseudo-Rhodian Drachm (Sporty, Lampasas) |
1972 Kirikhan Hoard [CH I, 87A-B; CH II, 90; CH VIII, 460; Oakley 1982; Callataÿ 1990] Coins: [likely, Kyme Tetradrachm] |
1979/1980 Epidauros Hoard [Coin Hoards VII, 69; CH VIII, 298; Requier, Monnayage] Coins: Hemidrachm (Requier 105) |
1986/7 Hoard of Archaic Obols of Aegina [CH VIII, 20; Wartenberg 2021] Coins: Two AR Turtle Obols (ex Kagan, Ashmolean Loan) |
1992 Thessalonike Area Hoard [CH VIII, 426; Ashton 2002, see also Ashton 2013] Coins: Aristokrates Drachm [possibly also ΣΤΑΣΙΩΝ Drachm (Ashton 59b, Crescent)] |
2000 Langtoft II Hoard (Langtoft B) Coins: [likely one of three Crispus RIC 188 (DiMarzio, Toone, CT 9.02.016)] |
Braithwell Hoard, 2002 [CHRB XII] Coins: Gallienus Ant, No. 53 (this coin) ; Victorinus Ant., No. 163 (1 of 27 exs.) |
Chalfont St. Peter, Buckinghamshire, Hoard (1989) [IRBCH 740A; CHRB IX] Coins: Gallienus Ant, No. 345 (N. Holmes 128b) |
Dorchester 1939 Coins: Gordian III & Philip AR Antoniniani (ex Bressett, Powers) |
Epidauros, Argolis (1933) [IGCH 149; Newell, NNM 68 (1935), pp. 24-33] Coins: [likely but not from Newell’s parcel: Epidauros AE (Maleatas Collection 137.1, ex GMRH & BCD)] |
Greece, 1986 or Earlier [CH VIII, 338; “Peloponnesos Hoard,” Spring 1985 (BCD)] Coins: Megalopolis Hemidrachm [1561] |
IGCH 149 — see Epidauros, Argolis (1933) |
IGCH 216 (unknown late 19th century hoard) [BCD Olympia, Nicolet p. 44: prob. 1887-1894] Coins: Elis Diassarion (then collections Philipsen, EP Warren, RK Morcom, Christopher Morcom, Franke) |
IGCH 230 (Euboea c. 1940) [Wallace 1956: p. 121 (hoard of 22 AE)] Coins: Euboean League AE (Wallace, BCD, Aiello) ; Literature: Wallace NNM 1956 (signed/inscr., w/ correspondence from newspaper published Basil Brewer) |
IGCH 1216 — see “1823 Calymna Hoard” |
Mid-2005 Aegeae Hoard [Lorber & Michaels 2007] Coins: Hadrian AR Tetradrachm (Crescent, RPC III 3343 example 8) |
Normanby, Linconlshire Hoard (1985) [CHRB VIII, IRBCH 854] Coins: nine Tetricus I & II AE radiates (reportedly) ; Gallienus Ant, No. 59 (N. Holmes 128a) |
Phalanna (?), Greece, 1991 Hoard [CH VIII,132] Coins: multiple Phalanna AE (BCD Collection) |
Samaria Hoard, before 1990 [CH VIII, 587; CH IX, 413; Elayi & Elayi, pp. 218-230] Coins: Samaria Ma’eh/Obol (Galst, Athena Fund) |
Shiraz, Fars Hoard (1981) Coins: Vologases I (?) Diobol (Sellwood, Langnas 21) |
Tarsus Hoard (late 1970s, unknown findspot) [Bing 1998] Coins: Mazaios Tarsos Stater (JB Collection, Athena Fund, Seventko) |
Thessaly, 1993 Hoard [CH IX, 64] Coins: Larissa Drachm (BCD Thess II 218) |
Unknown Findspot [Turkey], before 1992 [CH IX, 359; Hurter 1998] Coins: Caria Lion Obol (Otrera Collection, Mihailuk) |
Wareham, Dorset, Hoard (1994, Part I) [CHRB X, 36; IARCH-3DB3D1] Coins: seven Philip I AR Antoniniani (nos. No. 157, 160, 163, 165 [1/2], 170, 172, 173, 176, 179, all ex Rudi Smits) |
Terminology [return to Contents, Provenance Glossary]: The phrase “provenance glossary” is drawn from Hadrien Rambach’s work. He used the term to index and catalog the prior collections represented in George W. la Borde’s Collection of Roman Aureii (Part I, II & III combined; or, the full Auction 91, 99, and 105 catalogs from NAC). By assembling background information on many important collectors and collections, such a catalog serves provenance research more generally.
Change Log [return to top]: 3 Sep 2022 (page created w/ 49 Greek coins added); 6 Feb 2023 (additional coins added); 11 Jun 2023 (“Provenance Glossary” added; more Greek coins added & divided into two additional pages; much supplemental provenance information added); thru 27 Jun 2023 (continuing to add to bios) thru 4 Sep 2023 (more bios thru Hill…); 25 Dec 2023 (Christensen bios); thru 9 Mar 2024 (coins added, a few new rows, Shubin bio, Rindge, RL, many more yet to add…); 11 Mar 2024 (CsP); 8 Apr 2024 (Karl, E & several other bios updated, format change for “Private Collections“); 3 May 2024 (more bios added/updated, including Lambros, Kolbe & Phil Peck); 14-16 Jun 2024 (K.G. Elberling; Gordon Dickie; A. Milavic; Mazzini added, no bio; a few more); 26 Jun 2024 (Lindgren bio added); 11 Jul 2024 (R. Plant, Martinez, Maleatas bios); 12 Jul 2024 (a few more short bios); 14 Jul 2024 (several more, T. Cheesman et al.); 19 Jul 2024 (M. Molnar & Traverso); 23 Jul 2024 (Fontaine, et al.); 26 Aug 2024 (Este and Gonzaga placeholder bios); 1 Jan 2025 (C. Clay); 19 Jan 2025 (Helbig, Hoge, Wüthrich); 27 Jan 2025 (Boyd, Lyne); 15 Feb 2025 (Hatie); 6 Mar 2025 (Gorringe, King, et al.).